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EMBB Trophy Game

over 8 years

^~^~^~^~^~^~Week 15: Finale Week~^~^~^~^~^~




Congratulations to HoH Queen Cammy and The Eagle Cosmoiswatching for outlasting all the rest, and making it to FINALE WEEK!

Cammy’s Speech:

Cosmoiswatching’s Speech:

Voice's Jury Speech:

Powerofdeath’s Jury Speech:

xSoniaNeverMindx’s Jury Speech:

Surfman’s Jury Speech:

Giovanni’s Jury Speech:

Cjn104’s Jury Speech:

BobbySmith’s Jury Speech:

                                                    Final 8 Photo:


The Jury:

9th Place: xSoniaNeverMindx

8th Place: Voice

7th Place: Powerofdeath

6th Place: Surfman

5th Place: Giovanni

4th Place: BobbySmith

3rd Place: Cjn104


EMBB Fantasy Draft:

EMBB Rules:

Green represents: Alive

Blue represents: The Head of Household

Red represents: Nominated

Purple represents: Power of Veto Holder

Orange represents: Hidden Veto Holder

Black represents: Evicted

deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
Surfman has been nominated for five weeks in a row now.

They are calling him #5NomsSurf

...but not the good kind of 5 noms.
over 8 years
Week 10 HoH results are in!

Cammy has just won her THIRD CONSECUTIVE HoH of the season!

over 8 years
started from the bottom

now we here

over 8 years

cosmoiswatching says

emmy says

RIP Voice

Did he pee himself?

yes lol
over 8 years

emmy says

RIP Voice

Did he pee himself?
deletedover 8 years
Voice, please pack your bags and g- wait nevermind the reaper got him.

Hey, less paperwork for us!
over 8 years
RIP Voice

over 8 years
Joker’s Popularity Rankings Update Post-Week 9:

1. Voice [+3]

2. Cosmoiswatching [+1]

3. Cammy [-1]

4. xSoniaNeverMindx [-3]

5. Surfman [0]

6. Cjn104 [+4]

7. HighSpace [+1]

8. Powerofdeath [+4]

9. Gerry [-2]

10. Giovanni [-1]

11. BobbySmith [-5]

12. UltraAug [-1]

13. Bebop [0]

14. Jmc31 [0]

15. Dariukas47 [0]

16. Karthikbk [0]
over 8 years

rip voice

they were a really cool dude

over 8 years
Eviction Night Part 5:

[5/19/16, 10:10:56 PM] Voice EMBB: The two people I trusted the most were surfman and cammy
[5/19/16, 10:11:03 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: But tucker
[5/19/16, 10:11:04 PM] Voice EMBB: I can't say I was satisfied
[5/19/16, 10:11:06 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: call me eagle
[5/19/16, 10:11:07 PM] Voice EMBB: my early game really screwed me over
[5/19/16, 10:11:12 PM] Voice EMBB: you're not much of an eagle
[5/19/16, 10:11:18 PM] Voice EMBB: you're more of a Chinese vulture
[5/19/16, 10:11:26 PM] Voice EMBB: preying on these dead boring players
[5/19/16, 10:11:26 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: Im not chinese tho
[5/19/16, 10:11:27 PM] Voice EMBB: :0
[5/19/16, 10:11:33 PM] Voice EMBB: korean vulture
[5/19/16, 10:11:36 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: SQUAWWW
[5/19/16, 10:11:49 PM] Voice EMBB: But I really
[5/19/16, 10:11:52 PM] Voice EMBB: tried to overcome my reputation
[5/19/16, 10:11:55 PM] Voice EMBB: and I don't think I did it
[5/19/16, 10:11:57 PM] Voice EMBB: at any point in the game
[5/19/16, 10:12:01 PM] Voice EMBB: people still thought I was like
[5/19/16, 10:12:06 PM] Voice EMBB: literally going to win the game if I survived this vote
[5/19/16, 10:12:12 PM] Voice EMBB: Logically that's
[5/19/16, 10:12:15 PM] Voice EMBB: very improbable
[5/19/16, 10:12:20 PM] Voice EMBB: but BECAUSE IM VOICE I CAN DO ANYTHING RITE !!!!!
[5/19/16, 10:12:34 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: Well
[5/19/16, 10:12:43 PM] Voice EMBB: So I'm not really satisfied with my game
[5/19/16, 10:12:48 PM] Voice EMBB: I didn't remove the person I really wanted to leave
[5/19/16, 10:12:51 PM] Voice EMBB: and I was a constant target the whole time
[5/19/16, 10:12:59 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: I am sorry hearing that
[5/19/16, 10:13:15 PM] Voice EMBB: It's nothing you individually could have done.
[5/19/16, 10:13:35 PM] Voice EMBB: But!
[5/19/16, 10:13:46 PM] Voice EMBB: That's all I have to say I guess
[5/19/16, 10:13:52 PM] Voice EMBB: Gl every1
over 8 years
Eviction Night Part 4:

[5/19/16, 10:09:09 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: Valiant effort sir
[5/19/16, 10:09:11 PM] Voice EMBB: Ciao everyone
[5/19/16, 10:09:19 PM] Voice EMBB: I have a couple of people I'm rooting for, but anyone of y'all could win
[5/19/16, 10:09:33 PM] Voice EMBB: and I don't mean surfman
[5/19/16, 10:09:37 PM] Voice EMBB: I don't vote based on loyalty
[5/19/16, 10:09:41 PM] Voice EMBB: whoever plays the best game wins my vote
[5/19/16, 10:09:51 PM] Voice EMBB: and there's a couple of forerunners in here :0
[5/19/16, 10:09:59 PM] Voice EMBB: and it's not who you think
[5/19/16, 10:10:19 PM] Voice EMBB: mmmm
[5/19/16, 10:10:20 PM] Voice EMBB: before I go
[5/19/16, 10:10:23 PM] Voice EMBB: does anyone have any questions
[5/19/16, 10:10:42 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: Are you satisfied with your game
[5/19/16, 10:10:45 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: any secrets?
[5/19/16, 10:10:51 PM] Voice EMBB: No secrets.
over 8 years
Eviction Night Part 3:

[5/19/16, 10:07:22 PM] Voice EMBB: OH
[5/19/16, 10:07:25 PM] Voice EMBB: me and surfman were f2 again
[5/19/16, 10:07:29 PM] Voice EMBB: he is a free agent
[5/19/16, 10:07:30 PM] Giovanni EMBB: we knew
[5/19/16, 10:07:32 PM] Voice EMBB: use him wisely
[5/19/16, 10:07:43 PM] Voice EMBB: I mean you speculated
[5/19/16, 10:07:51 PM] Voice EMBB: That's probably why I was evicted
[5/19/16, 10:07:58 PM] Giovanni EMBB: I mean it's not like
[5/19/16, 10:08:00 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: Call me the best
[5/19/16, 10:08:05 PM] Voice EMBB: but evicting people that were going to be continual targets Austin
[5/19/16, 10:08:06 PM] Giovanni EMBB: you guys took each other out of the voting block
[5/19/16, 10:08:07 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: Interesting
[5/19/16, 10:08:11 PM] Voice EMBB: and going to keep you off the block
[5/19/16, 10:08:13 PM] Voice EMBB: didn't help you
[5/19/16, 10:08:22 PM] Voice EMBB: there's only so long that you can hide under cosmo
[5/19/16, 10:08:36 PM] Voice EMBB: before people realize the game you're playing
[5/19/16, 10:08:38 PM] Voice EMBB: BUT UH
[5/19/16, 10:08:40 PM] Voice EMBB: my time is up
[5/19/16, 10:08:53 PM] Voice EMBB: It was a nice 4 weeks I guess
[5/19/16, 10:08:57 PM] Voice EMBB: I was nominated for half of it
[5/19/16, 10:09:04 PM] Voice EMBB: 3rd time's the charm I guess
over 8 years
Eviction Night Part 2:

[5/19/16, 10:05:04 PM] Voice EMBB: Ok um
[5/19/16, 10:05:06 PM] Voice EMBB: Good move jason
[5/19/16, 10:05:11 PM] Voice EMBB: I really don't think I was a threat though
[5/19/16, 10:05:13 PM] Voice EMBB: UM
[5/19/16, 10:05:18 PM] Voice EMBB: who else is in
[5/19/16, 10:05:22 PM] Voice EMBB: Cjn is a snake
[5/19/16, 10:05:24 PM] Voice EMBB: Bobby is a snake
[5/19/16, 10:05:24 PM] Giovanni EMBB: snekky
[5/19/16, 10:05:26 PM] Voice EMBB: Cammy is a snake
[5/19/16, 10:05:28 PM] Voice EMBB: Gio is a snake
[5/19/16, 10:05:36 PM] Voice EMBB: Y'all are all searching so far for loyalty
[5/19/16, 10:05:41 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: Call me an eagle bby
[5/19/16, 10:05:43 PM] Voice EMBB: but the reality is that I wasn't the problem
[5/19/16, 10:05:50 PM] Voice EMBB: all of you are really rotten to the core and selfish
[5/19/16, 10:05:51 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: SQUAWWW
[5/19/16, 10:05:53 PM] Giovanni EMBB: oh
[5/19/16, 10:05:57 PM] Voice EMBB: Playing individual games
[5/19/16, 10:06:05 PM] Voice EMBB: so this game is going to continue to be quiet in here
[5/19/16, 10:06:10 PM] Voice EMBB: because all of you are afraid to say anything to each other
[5/19/16, 10:06:14 PM] Voice EMBB: that will be used against you :0
[5/19/16, 10:06:22 PM] Voice EMBB: The final 3 will be very interesting
[5/19/16, 10:06:25 PM] Voice EMBB: Good luck to you all
[5/19/16, 10:06:32 PM] Voice EMBB: Don't play cowardly, these last few weeks are really important
[5/19/16, 10:06:39 PM] Voice EMBB: and don't take out the easy target with your only hoh
[5/19/16, 10:06:46 PM] Voice EMBB: take out the person that will beat you in the end
[5/19/16, 10:06:58 PM] Voice EMBB: And that's all I can ask for!
over 8 years
Eviction Night:

[5/19/16, 10:03:07 PM] Voice EMBB: I have something to say
[5/19/16, 10:03:16 PM] Voice EMBB: So I knew this was coming
[5/19/16, 10:03:22 PM] Voice EMBB: I told emmy the whole time that I was going to stay
[5/19/16, 10:03:36 PM] Voice EMBB: I'm not going to be bitter but all 6 of you are playing the same type of under the radar kind of game
[5/19/16, 10:03:47 PM] Voice EMBB: Y'all are all just trying to get a trophy, winning kind doesn't matter
[5/19/16, 10:03:52 PM] Voice EMBB: as long as you can get a sh*t trophy thats' ok!
[5/19/16, 10:03:58 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: 6?
[5/19/16, 10:04:03 PM] Voice EMBB: yeah surfman doesn't count
[5/19/16, 10:04:10 PM] Voice EMBB: he's out next probably
[5/19/16, 10:04:20 PM] Voice EMBB: But if you strive for lesser
[5/19/16, 10:04:25 PM] Voice EMBB: you'll end up with lesser
[5/19/16, 10:04:28 PM] Voice EMBB: BUT ALSO
[5/19/16, 10:04:34 PM] Voice EMBB: I'm voting for the person that isn't a coward
[5/19/16, 10:04:43 PM] Voice EMBB: Someone that isn't like
[5/19/16, 10:04:48 PM] Voice EMBB: terrified to back up the moves they make
[5/19/16, 10:04:58 PM] Voice EMBB: Or terrified to play the game at all
deletedover 8 years
Ohmigod why do you keep nomming my draft picks
over 8 years
Cosmoiswatching is now the only player in the game who has not been nominated.

Meanwhile, Surfman continues to be nominated for four weeks in a row now.
over 8 years
PoV ceremony is up!
over 8 years
sorry for the delay, the PoV results are up now and this game is going full throttle again!
over 8 years
over 8 years

[5/14/16, 4:22:57 AM] PowerOfDeath EMBB: omg
[5/14/16, 4:27:08 AM] Voice EMBB: I figured it would happen anyway
[5/14/16, 4:32:57 AM] PowerOfDeath EMBB: you did?
[5/14/16, 4:33:25 AM] PowerOfDeath EMBB: look like u were targeting the wrong people
[5/14/16, 4:35:13 AM] Voice EMBB: LOL
[5/14/16, 4:35:18 AM] Voice EMBB: I couldn't disagree more
[5/14/16, 4:35:20 AM] Voice EMBB: You need to leave.
[5/14/16, 4:35:30 AM] Voice EMBB: Whether Jason nominated me or not
[5/14/16, 4:35:34 AM] Voice EMBB: my heart will not be fulfilled
[5/14/16, 4:35:35 AM] Voice EMBB: until you leave
[5/14/16, 4:35:39 AM] Voice EMBB: and don't get a trophy
[5/14/16, 4:35:45 AM] Voice EMBB: because I really don't want you to win anything
over 8 years
Nomination ceremony and PoV comp is up!
over 8 years
HoH results are up and the ATD answers are in!
over 8 years

[5/12/16, 4:41:12 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: pod has the sketchiest look in the house photo
[5/12/16, 4:41:17 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: like he's grabbing cammy's *ss
[5/12/16, 4:41:24 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: and cammy is looking away to hide her discomfort
[5/12/16, 4:41:31 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: Welps
[5/12/16, 4:41:40 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: dont worry chris
[5/12/16, 4:41:49 PM] CosmoIsWatching EMBB: surfman's hand is inching towards your *ss with a coy smile
[5/12/16, 4:42:31 PM] Cjn104 EMBB: That makes me feel a tad disturbed