my favorite Oksus memory is "pls consider the mod free week." u say some funny stuff dude lol.
It was a solid 7/10 idea.
deletedalmost 9 years
man im never gonna catch up to this am i?
mist is cool
hiya trickstererererer. my memories of u kinda revolve around that period when Anna was being a hellion in sandbox and bugging the out of you and i told her to cool it and she didn't so i chat banned her and she posted a suicide letter on his profile to get out of it :T
....good times? kinda? not rly? lol. hope sbox is treatin u better these days ;3
signing up for opinion, will check back in a month or two
5 years later...
deletedalmost 9 years
remember that time when i you're mom? lol
remember that one time we used to be at each other's throat all the time? in particular i remember 1 time where u implied i cheated with annajane in some B2NS round and i was like "the did u just say about me". but then randomly we decided to just bury the hatchet while shitposting in some round thread way back and i sent u an EPICMAFIA FRIEND REQUEST which is the truest form of friendship and u accepted and we lived happily ever after [=
that was a good time
tbf i didn't know there was a diff between annajane and queenanna for the longest time
deletedalmost 9 years
Looking forward to the first thing out of the mist Tatami File
remember that amazing "normies" thread u made about normies stealing anime girls or w/e? and then i left u that cringey anon ask cuz im cool like that? ahhhh to be a noob on epicmafiadotcom.
to this day, my fav thread.
that thread was amazing and i curse anyone who didnt like it
deletedalmost 9 years
okie do
two things stick out in my mind when i think of sicknasty moon memories.
the first is the night i told u eris was alive. the height of epicmafia political dramazzz. back when my internet espionage game was hella strong. it all seems so trivial and stupid now but dang at the time that was srs business. i mean i guess i can see why. we legit thought some guy was dead. that is some Big Deal kinda crap. but then he wasn't dead and so it was all fine :D
second thing is that time i got hella drunk and posted that super embarrassing, gushy opinion post on u in my opinion thread. and now that thread is lost to the ages as a result of multiple mod hackings causing form wipes. thank god jesus christ drunk mist is so cringey and gay.
i remember you kept teasing me and made me wait like a month before you did mine...
hahhhahah yeah. i think pereking is still waiting on his!