deletedalmost 9 years

post itt for memories

deletedalmost 9 years

Slowbro says

remember that time when i you're mom? lol

remember that one time we used to be at each other's throat all the time? in particular i remember 1 time where u implied i cheated with annajane in some B2NS round and i was like "the did u just say about me". but then randomly we decided to just bury the hatchet while shitposting in some round thread way back and i sent u an EPICMAFIA FRIEND REQUEST which is the truest form of friendship and u accepted and we lived happily ever after [=
almost 9 years

mist says

moon says

okie do

two things stick out in my mind when i think of sicknasty moon memories.

the first is the night i told u eris was alive. the height of epicmafia political dramazzz. back when my internet espionage game was hella strong. it all seems so trivial and stupid now but dang at the time that was srs business. i mean i guess i can see why. we legit thought some guy was dead. that is some Big Deal kinda crap. but then he wasn't dead and so it was all fine :D

second thing is that time i got hella drunk and posted that super embarrassing, gushy opinion post on u in my opinion thread. and now that thread is lost to the ages as a result of multiple mod hackings causing form wipes. thank god jesus christ drunk mist is so cringey and gay.

i remember you kept teasing me and made me wait like a month before you did mine...
deletedalmost 9 years

Sonrio says

my bdays coming up again so ill grs again

u will have to give urself the grs vio this year. proud of u bro.
deletedalmost 9 years
i remember the first time u seriously helped me out with a profile i think it was on Revoir (i have since mucked it up from ur original vision) and it was honestly a super cool experience cuz ur profile aesthetic is like, never level yo.

oh my god and then we were obnoxious e-lovers as Stragger and Revoir and acted as annoying as possible in a bunch of gallis hunter games but got so disgusted with ourselves we quit within a couple hours. LOL that was awesome.
deletedalmost 9 years

Stragger says

nice memories

a lot of the things that spring to mind are things i probs shouldn't share but i appreciate all the heart to hearts we've had, ret. we've had some solid conversations.

remember that EM dating thread u made where u hooked people up and u gave me justrec and it was silly and awesome but then everyone started talking about FRIENDSHIPPING which is always weird. blister was like, totally serious about shipping u and i. and he brought it up a lot. and it was one of those things where if i had never been brought up it woulda never crossed my mind but because he kept TALKING ABOUT IT it became a self-fulfilling thing where i had a dumb gay crush on you for a bit but then obviously nothing ever happened which is probs for the best because edating honestly.
almost 9 years
my bdays coming up again so ill grs again
deletedalmost 9 years

Germatron says


my only germatron memories are sonseray calling u a bad mod or whatever and then u posting about donald trump which i think was a troll but i didn't really pay attention tbh. i remember one time sonseray made this "anti-mod" family tho and declared himself the anti u and i thought it was silly.

that's kinda all that comes to mind when i think of u. i guess i also thought it was kinda weird that u became a noavi when u were a mod bc i dont rly get why people no avi cuz pretty pictures r important.
almost 9 years

mist says

hedger says

meow :3

i miss way back when, like a freakin' year ago or something now, when we'd blow away an entire day just spamming connect 4 and battleship and most of all jotto. those were the days, dude.

i remember bein super stoked when u PM'd me that u were gonna be my mentor. i dont think it was our first game together but i have a distinct memory of a Basic Logic game we played together where i ended up being clear in the 3way and u were scum and i hammered lisheon who had just lurked and then i was like "wtf how were u scum" i got so owned lol.

heh, I actually remember that game :3 I just knew you would mishammer ^_~
almost 9 years
My best friend.
almost 9 years
mist is cool
deletedalmost 9 years
i remember after my prime i had left epicmafia for a bit and kind of went AWOL on skype too and i guess the first person i talked to after my absence was calvin and i was like "so catch me up" and he's like "well ali won a trophy" and it was like "damn, what a bizzaro world EM has become. ali won a trophy."
deletedalmost 9 years

moon says

okie do

two things stick out in my mind when i think of sicknasty moon memories.

the first is the night i told u eris was alive. the height of epicmafia political dramazzz. back when my internet espionage game was hella strong. it all seems so trivial and stupid now but dang at the time that was srs business. i mean i guess i can see why. we legit thought some guy was dead. that is some Big Deal kinda crap. but then he wasn't dead and so it was all fine :D

second thing is that time i got hella drunk and posted that super embarrassing, gushy opinion post on u in my opinion thread. and now that thread is lost to the ages as a result of multiple mod hackings causing form wipes. thank god jesus christ drunk mist is so cringey and gay.
deletedalmost 9 years
Let's take a trip down the memory lane
deletedalmost 9 years
remember that time when i you're mom? lol
deletedalmost 9 years

Hibiki says

btw are you intoxicated


remember that amazing "normies" thread u made about normies stealing anime girls or w/e? and then i left u that cringey anon ask cuz im cool like that? ahhhh to be a noob on epicmafiadotcom.

to this day, my fav thread.
deletedalmost 9 years
nice memories
deletedalmost 9 years

Hibiki says


u know what i miss? and by miss i mean like i wouldn't want it to actually happen again but in a stupid sort of masochistic sort of way i kinda wish i could relive it as it happened? that amazing shitslinging fight u had with projectmatt waaaaaay back. i dont even remember what u guys were even arguing about or what the thread was lol but it was AMAZIN. each post u guys made was this IMMENSE wall of text which was obviously tl;dr but just the ENERGY. damn that was awesome lol. it's probably better that it not happen agian tho
almost 9 years
btw are you intoxicated
deletedalmost 9 years

Jimbei says

you know me mist right?


yeah yo i like, know who u are but have we ever really sat down and had a real conversation? forgive me if im forgetting something here but nothing sticks out. my memory is kind of crap these days tho, despite my apparent love of reminiscing.

tell u what yo let's make some memories (god that sounds weird LOL). im gonna PM u my skype. hmu if u feel like. or don't, idm. it's whatever. i get the feeling im not well liked in sbox rn lol.
deletedalmost 9 years
almost 9 years
okie do
deletedalmost 9 years
poor slow tho. i should treat my friends better. slow is a really cool guy and im really glad it seems like u and he ended up on solid terms.
deletedalmost 9 years
ahahah remember when i ragged on Slow for his "confirmation-bias manifesto" he wrote on u and Mori? tbh i just skimmed both his case and ur counter case so i didn't really know if u'd done it at the time but i was just feelin like "this guy seems aight" and i had some other bitterness with the mod squad at the time so i white knighted the heck out of ur case. that thread owned lol.
deletedalmost 9 years

Gerry says

ok do me

i dont think there was ever a time u and i were like, close really. but i do remember when i was in the duffs u were really down to earth among a semi-dramatic bunch and i just always thought u were a really solid dude. i remember when i kind of noped out of the duffs cause i felt uncomfortable there u sent me some message, i dont really remember the contents but it was kind and that was a brief tho notable ray of light in what was something of a dark time for me. what a guy, that gerry oat fellow.
deletedalmost 9 years
remember that time i made the shittiest mishammer of all time in a game of A&V and hammered caro and she got super pissed at me and screamed at me for throwing against her (in reality i was just really really really susceptible to AtE) and i was so upset i told u was i gonna self-delete?

maybe i shoulda self-deleted lol. but here we are instead. what a world. hope the cards are treatin' u well hedger my man.