THE ONLY THING THAT SCARES ME ABOUT RIPPLE. Is past games as town when she was frustrated, she basically would give up. And knowing her, as mafia she would never give up in that way. But, this game when scumread, she got even angrier and outed more reads.
deletedalmost 9 years
Vote Ripple i'm so done with you all I don't have time for this lynch me now
deletedalmost 9 years
ian: im gonna find more mafia than u ian: lets liability lynch sonrio even though he's null
i don't know whether he's mafia but if he isn't gonna do anything i'm fine with lynching him
i just wanted him to do something but he never did anything
So ultra why would I do this as mafia I just proved you wrong it's stupid for me to do what i'm doing as scum it goes against EVERYTHING
"Ripple wouldn't do this as town"
"Ripple should know this as town"
I would know all the facts you pointed out regardless and take it into play as scum no one has said yeah I AGREE Ripple would pocket gerry not push on him
yeah i take back what i said but i'd really like it if you could transform yourself into the nat we all know and love =)
deletedalmost 9 years
I mean, it's early game, and at the very least you look like you're trying to hunt for scum. Unlike Connor, who is just awkwardly positioning, and Ian, who is trying to garner as much early towncred as he can.
One thing I'll say about ian is last game he did try to get towncred as mafia, but he also was uber aggressive, this time he's more observant and less aggressive I think.
He literally made a new account and trolled early game. If that's not deliberate manipulation of one's own meta, I don't know what is.
deletedalmost 9 years
i think mist is town because i would expect her as town to be paying particular attention to my play. i was the only active mafia in the last game she modded. she was looking for ways to compare my play in the two games. i don't really care about the conclusions she made
ripple is leaning mafia for me because of her posting without reading the game earlier and because it looks like she's mad about the specific things she's being scumread for rather than that she's being scumread. i don't know how i was making her angry but she transitioned that into sheeping mist's read on me which was probably an excuse instead of a real read
i'm gonna be pretty surprised if there's a point in this game where you're alive and i'm not voting you
impoetic's weird light push on mist over something that isn't alignment indicative might lean towards bussing but i doubt if impoetic would buddy a vote with her partner right after the push so mist is more town than mafia
impoetic's probably town
... maybe
the only thing that's making me unsure on impoetic is that she was acting really concerned about playing well before the game and now she's throwing it out the window. i think that her second post on this page is really towny though
i'm talking to the guy who just called me town. i like the rest of his post but i don't get why he's acting confident in it after i just had a decent mafia game
connor isn't mafia even if he thinks he's good
this was a parody of my own read on him so i wouldn't count that as "inorganic"
deletedalmost 9 years
An attitude I probably picked up having observed the last two games from above and watching town implode.