my very possible prediction: connor rolled mafiaz connor iz smart cookie connor decides that, upon getting 4 votes, he can pull a sick play. right when midnight rolls around, he self votes. "it doesn't count." tomorrow, n1ed calls connor on his bs. town attacks n1ed because connor selfed town loss
Idk why people have been assuming the option that there wouldn't be but I am like 90% certain mafia has a night kill w the remaining 20% certainty that they don't overlapping, but the 10% overlap is leaning on the side of the former
deletedover 8 years
connor you should unvote in case retti decides that his not being here nullifies the dayend
You were helped by the fact that people were AFK and the majority of your wagon was just people who were trying to lynch something rather than nothing.
this is a group that you're in, btw LOL
deletedover 8 years
even if there is a nightkill we technically won't lose a mislynch so it's not that big a deal. but our investigative role already died so yeah.