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Cody's records

over 8 years

This page now contains all of my records, as they are too long to fit on to a single OP on EM forums.

almost 8 years
Congratulations to april for a 5 - 2 jury victory over Amazing in BB: Token Time 4! She played an incredible social game and made it to the final 2 without being an initial or final nomination even once! She also won a clutch PoV in final 5 to save her final 3 group from elimination and secure their placement in the final 4. She will be receiving a 20 token prize on an account of her choice. The jurors were:

3rd: cjn104 (Amazing)
4th: VWXYZ (april)
5th: Sansruse (april)
6th: Dameme12 (april)
7th: karthikbk (april)
8th: JellofishXD (Amazing)
9th: FireDragonPrince (april)

A big thank you for everyone who came out to play in this game, especially all of the jurors that stayed to the end and attended live jury. You were the real stars of this game. The game doc:
almost 8 years
Congratulations to Voice for a nail-biting 5-4 challenge medley victory over Sonata in TWL: Elise! Fun fact: elise suicided from the game on the first day of the first make and was replaced by mars, who placed 6th. The final 5 were:

3rd: ryman
4th: VWXYZ
5th: mindful

Thanks to everyone for showing up and playing! Let's hope elise can make it to TWL: Elise 2... A detailed game log with challenges played and daily placings can be found here:
almost 8 years
Congratulations to Nathan for winning TWL: Pikapower in a 5-3 challenge medley over nattless! The contestants participated in a variety of popular survivor lobby challenges as well as a few that were brought back from obscurity and a new one that was introduced in this game. Our final five contestants were:

3rd: juke
4th: Shamu
5th: Ideal

Thanks to everyone who came out to play this slightly Pokemon themed game and who was patient and understanding with me when I was explaining the challenges and hosting the game! A day to day ranking of the players in the order that they completed the challenges as well as the challenge names can be found here:
almost 8 years
Congratulations to ChromaticWasp for winning TWL: Dragon Age in a 5-2 challenge medley finale against Jeff! He got off to a 4-0 start, but Jeff showed a renewed vigor in the final 3 challenges of the F2 medley and mounted a comeback. Unfortunately, the turnaround reverse sweep was not in the books. The final 5 of this game were:

3rd: xJuicy
4th: calem
5th: prayag

Thanks to everyone who came out to play! I enjoyed hosting for everyone in this game and I hope to see you again soon! The game doc that contains the challenges played and the daily placings of each player can be found here:
almost 8 years
Congratulations to Stunt for winning TWL: Profiling in an intense 5-4 challenge medley victory over Laxuy! They faced off in a heart pounding Red Light Green Light final showdown to determine the winner during the final 2 challenge medley! The top 5 were:

3rd: jack
4th: HardCarry (veg)
5th: krystal

The challenges and day to day placements can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to ryman for a dominating 6-1 jury victory over hedger in BB: Properly Done! The duo swept through the house like a storm and kept each other safe all the way to the very end. The jury was:

3rd: Uglyduckling2929 (ryman)
4th: hotjacket (ryman*)
5th: Townread (ryman)
6th: JellofishXD (ryman)
7th: karthikbk (ryman)
8th: Ideal (ryman)
9th: HalseyMartinez (hedger)

*VWXYZ (10th) replaced hotjacket in the jury.

Thank you to everyone who showed up and played! You can find the game doc and vote log here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Nami for a 7-2 challenge medley victory over ChromaticWasp in TWL: 8 AM Lab, hosted for all of those fellow scientists who have had to wake up for an 8 AM lab session. The final 5 in this sixteen player game were:

3rd: Stunt
4th: Deandean
5th: VoiceIsThreat (VWXYZ)

Thanks to everyone who showed up to play! Game doc:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Jeff for a close 3-2 jury win over Stunt in BB: Summer Nights, which was hosted to conclude the last day of summer for a few of our players here in the survivor lobby. This was a relatively short 10 player game that featured some tense early votes and a late-game that the F2 of Jeff and Stunt dominated physically and socially. The jurors were:

3rd: Minecraftfangirlftw (Jeff)
4th: prayag (Jeff)
5th: Kookie (Stunt*)
6th: Orchid (Jeff)
7th: Volley (Stunt)

*hedger replaced Kookie on the jury as she was unable to make it.

Thanks to everyone who played and made this a fun game to host! A detailed vote log and game history can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Voice for a close 5-4 challenge medley victory over VoiceIsThreat (VWXYZ) in a Shiritori showdown in TWL: Requiem! Despite the fact that only 10 of the original 12 players in the game ended up being able to play the game, each player put his heart into the game and did his best to get as far as possible. Everyone was a winner in that sense! Our final five were:

1st: Voice
2nd: VoiceIsThreat (VWXYZ)
3rd: calem
4th: Townread
5th: Stunt

Thanks for playing! Game doc with detailed placings and challenges:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Sports123492 for winning TWL: Social Experiment 3 in a 5-2 challenge medley finale against JeffreyAaron! This was the biggest social experiment yet with over 18 unique players participating overall. Many players demonstrated their challenge and social skills throughout the game and these two made it to the top! In the final 7, we had:

3rd: Logan
4th: prcsmath
5th: Stunt
6th: annajane
7th: Lelmoo

A BIG thank you for everyone who stayed and made the game enjoyable for me to host and for the other players to play. As always, I've posted the final game doc with challenge names and detailed placings here: -- If you have any questions about how any of it was hosted or in general, please feel free to send me a message!
about 8 years
Congratulations to annajane for a 5-3* jury victory over calem in BB: Labor Day! They survived through 12 evictions and made it to the end in a fast paced game filled with surprising evictions, strategic play, and tense emotions. The jury comprises:

3rd: krystal (calem)
4th: Ideal (annajane)
5th: smoke (annajane)
6th: belle (annajane)
7th: nihoyesminoy (calem)
8th: Uglyduckling2929 (annajane)
9th: TennisBallBFDI2 (calem)
10th: VWXYZ (annajane)*

*honorary jury member.

Thanks to everyone who played! Game doc:
about 8 years
Congratulations to hedger for winning TWL: Social Experiment 2 in a strong 5-2 mixed medley finish against Minecraftfangirlftw! This was the second edition of my Social Experiment TWL series and was hosted for 10 players. The final five were:

3rd: hotjacket
4th: Nathan
5th: imsohappy

Thanks to everyone who showed up and played, and especially those who stuck with the game through the remake! Game doc is here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Ideal for a 2-1 jury victory over Minecraftfangirlftw in BB: Token Time 3! Special thanks to the F5 for sticking it out all the way through to the end in a 12 player game that featured 4 suicides! This was the third iteration of my Token Time series, in which HoH winners receive a token that grants them in-game powers upon use. The jurors were:

3rd: Asui (Ideal)
4th: hedger (Minecraftfangirlftw)
5th: Shamu (Ideal)

Thanks to everyone for playing. It was a pleasure hosting for you all and I hope to see you again. The game doc can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Jeff for winning BB: Fantasy Draft in a 3-2 jury vote over Ideal! Ten players battled it in a classic Big Brother game for a special prize that is yet to be announced. The jurors were:

3rd: Wish (Jeff)
4th: prayag (Jeff)
5th: krystal (Ideal)
6th: Minecraftfangirlftw (Jeff)
7th: VicariousShaner (Ideal*)

*voted in absentia

Thank you all for playing! I'm looking forward to revealing the special prize somewhat later on! The detailed game doc can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Future for winning BB: Operation Revival in a 5-0 jury sweep over baby! This was a late night short 11 player BB game that was hosted to revitalize the lobby. Our jurors were:

3rd: prayag
4th: Kai
5th: tangent
6th: bonk
7th: TennisBallBFDI2

Thanks to everyone who came out to play and made this a fun and memorable game! Vote log and game details can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to powerofdeath for winning TWL: VWXYZ Homewrecker over Jupiterskyking in a 5-2 challenge medley! This was a special game in which each challenge pre-VWXYZ eviction was selected to evict him and each challenge post-eviction was something that he likely would have scored an early point in.

3rd: Ideal
4th: JellofishXD
5th: LHarney

Thanks to everyone for playing! More detailed placements and challenge information can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Nathan for a 4-1 jury victory over JeffreyAaron in BB: Classic! This was a 12 player BB game where PoV selection was done using classic BB rules, where the HoH and each nomination picked a player each to participate in PoV competitions. The jury was made up of:

3rd: nattless (Nathan)
4th: N1ed (Nathan)
5th: yodude19 (Nathan)
6th: Ideal (JeffreyAaron)
7th: JellofishXD (Nathan)

Thank you to everyone who showed up to play this game and sat through descriptions of the three (3!) new challenges that I introduced this game. The game and vote logs can be found in the following link, and if you're curious about any of the new challenges, feel free to ask me in a chat or over a PM!
about 8 years
Congratulations to Voice for a 4-1 jury victory over rare in BB: Uberblitz, a 12 player BB that was executed in just under two hours! This was a game filled with a lot of tension, drama, and deceptiveness. The juror comprised:

3rd: hedger (rare)
4th: Minecraftfangirlftw (Voice)
5th: Scorpion4 (Voice)
6th: VWXYZ (Voice)
7th: JeffreyAaron (Voice).

Special shoutout to oddish (9th) who stayed the entire time after she was evicted and watched the game and offered comments in the jury! Game doc and vote log can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Voice for a 4-1 challenge medley F2 victory over cinnanie in TWL: Pregaming. Hosted before tonight's big tribevivor game :)

3rd: Shamu
4th: VWXYZ
5th: JohnBatman
about 8 years
Congratulations to daddysquid (cinnanie) for winning BB: Uberblitz in a 4-1 jury vote over JohnBatman! This was a 10 player game hosted on the fly for some players who were itching for some late night survivor (Australia) or bored at work in the afternoon (USA). The jury was:

3rd: PotatoPlayer
4th: CCZero (replaced by HalseyMartinez, 8th)
5th: Lelouch
6th: pingu
7th: Asui

Thanks for playing! The complete game doc with the vote log and minigame tables can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Sports123492 for a close 5-4 challenge medley win over matt in a Shiritori showdown in TWL: Social Experiment. This was a TWL game where a mixed physical/social game was played at the end of each day up until F4; three, five, or seven players would cast votes between the final two each day, with the player receiving the majority of votes to evict being evicted.

The final five in this game were:

3rd: hedger
4th: Minecraftfangirlftw
5th: Ideal (evicted over Minecraftfangirlftw 2-1)

Thanks to everyone for playing! The game doc with a description of the game mode and a detailed rundown of the game results and challenges played can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to king Laxuy for winning TWL: Friends in a 5-0 challenge medley sweep over cjn104! Shoutout to cjn104 who made it to F2 on mobile! The rest of the final 5 were:

3rd: hedger
4th: JohnBatman
5th: KaceyTron

Thanks to everyone for playing! Detailed placings and challenges hosted can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to matt for a 6-1 jury victory over Shrub in BB: Pure Life! This was an exciting game with a fun cast filled with new faces to the lobby. In the jury we had:

3rd: cinnanie
4th: prayag
5th: N1ed
6th: belle
7th: Minecraftfangirlftw (represented by VicariousShaner)
8th: aladdin
9th: Winter

The game doc, along with the voting log, can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to ryman for a 4-1 jury victory over TennisBallBFDI2 in BB: Olympic Finale, which was hosted to commemorate the finishing of the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics! Thanks to all of the athletes for playing. The jury was composed of:

3rd: Kookie (ryman)
4th: cinnanie (ryman)
5th: Soluciones (TennisBallBFDI2)
6th: HeyImToe (ryman)
7th: HalseyMartinez (ryman)

The game doc and final vote log can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Laxuy for a 5-4 challenge medley win over ryman in TWL: Sleep! We had two people exit the game immediately in what looked like was going to be a rough game, but we stepped it up and powered through the game to come to a thrilling conclusion. Laxuy was losing 1-4 in the challenge medley at one point but stepped up his game and scored 5 points in a row to snatch the first place away from ryman. The final five were:

3rd: ChromaticWasp
4th: powerofdeath
5th: Lelmoo

Thanks everyone for playing and putting up with both the new challenges and the twists on challenges that I introduced on the spot! Doc: