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Cody's records

over 8 years

This page now contains all of my records, as they are too long to fit on to a single OP on EM forums.

about 8 years
Congratulations to matt for a 4-1 jury win over hedger in BB: McDonalds! The 5 man jury consisted of:

3rd: Ideal (hedger)
4th: LHarney (matt)
5th: N1ed (matt)
6th: vanRichten (matt)
7th: Minecraftfangirlftw (matt)

The McDonalds theme was suggested by JellofishXD, who unfortunately found himself swinging by the neck at the end of the first day. In his honor, McDonald's food items were placed at random places in the public game spreadsheet. I ordered these food items twice during the game and the player that delivered them to me the quickest received tokens of appreciation for their efforts.

Thanks for playing! Game doc:
about 8 years
Congratulations to snowieball for winning TWL: Rejuvenation in a 5-0 medley over Minecraftfangirlftw last night! This was a game where I tried to host fresher, quicker challenges towards the end-game. Thanks to everyone who came out to play.
about 8 years
Congratulations to saint for figuring out CLUE 1's murder case where Forrest went on a rampage with a gun at 6 flags! Thanks to Ideal, LHarney, dope, ivy, prayag, and lonerism for sticking it out all the way through and trying to figure out the murder mystery!
about 8 years
Congratulations to hedger for a dominating 5-0 medley sweep over Jupiterskyking in TWL: Lynch the Mafia! I asked each player to name a challenge at the beginning of the game that would be played the day after they were lynched provided that they flipped miller. Jupiterskyking was the second miller out of two and was never lynched, while GLaD0S was the first miller who was lynched in final 6 to provide Chutes as the final 5 challenge.

Thanks to everyone for playing! Game doc:
about 8 years
Congratulations to the dog pound of XXNicoleXX, HighSpace, matt, Shamu, emmy, hedger, Asui, BobbySmith, and deandean for a 5-4 victory over cheesybread, the top dog! Shamu faced off against cheesybread in a challenge medley as the last dog standing in the dog pound and managed to defeat him 5-3!

Thanks for playing! See you next time at the dog pits...
about 8 years
Congratulations to N1ed for an incredibly close jury win over D3xTr0m3th0rph4n (4-3) in BB: Lynch the Mafia 2! This was a continuation of the Lynch the Mafia themed twist from last night. Unfortunately, LHarney, the miller, wasn't lynched until F4, so we never got to see what the twist was going to be...

Our jury consisted of:

3rd: savage (N1ed)
4th: LHarney (D3xTr0m3th0rph4n)
5th: Minecraftfangirlftw (N1ed)
6th: matt (D3xTr0m3th0rph4n)
7th: Dameme12 (D3xTr0m3th0rph4n)
8th: ezra (N1ed)
9th: prayag (N1ed)

Thanks to everyone for playing tonight, it was a pleasure to host for all of you. You can find the final game doc with the vote log included here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Voice for winning as top dog in a 4-3 battle to the finish against the dog pound of: Sports123492, hedger, ponds, Dameme12, krista, calvin, and matt!

He faced off against calvin in a challenge medley to 5 points and won in a close 5-4 race to the finish!

Thanks to everyone for playing!
about 8 years
Congratulations to Nami for winning TWL: Santa over cinnanie in a 5-0 medley sweep! Thanks to LineLiar for giving me the idea for the theme and thanks to everyone who played for participating!

3rd: Dariukas47
4th: LineLiar
5th: sirenia

Special shoutout to sirenia who made it to F5 in TWL! Doc for the game:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Doyeon (snowieball) for winning TWL: Numbers in a 5-3 challenge medley against Jupiterskyking! This was a TWL where each game was related to numbers in some way. Thanks to everyone who showed up!

3rd: VWXYZ
4th: ChromaticWasp
5th: cinnanie

Game doc:
about 8 years
Congratulations to HardCarry for a close 3-2 jury win over Oblivion in BB: Lynch the Mafia! Twelve players participated in this game, with the final 7 making jury. The jurors were:

3rd: RagingFrostbite (HardCarry)
4th: annabelle (HardCarry)
5th: Tartosis (Oblivion)
6th: Jupiterskyking (HardCarry)
7th: december (Oblivion)

The "Lynch the Mafia" twist was a twist that would have occurred if the miller were ever lynched. As Oblivion was the miller, the twist was never introduced into the game. Until next time...
about 8 years
Congratulations to lol (evolpz) for winning BB: Celebrity Strikes in a dominating 6-1 jury vote over VWXYZ! This was a 16 player game that featured a strong cast and surprising twists and turns along the way. The 7 man jury consisted of:

3rd: nattless (lol)
4th: Jupiterskyking (lol)
5th: JellofishXD (lol)
6th: Jinho (VWXYZ)
7th: cutedog (lol)
8th: cinnanie (lol)
9th: TennisBallBFDI2 (vote subbed for Minecraftfangirlftw, who came in 10th; lol)

Fun fact: lol flipped celebrity on the very first iteration of the game that was made for just 12 players. His popularity attracted many other players, however, and the game quickly found 4 other players to fill a full Big Brother game!

Fun fact 2: The celebrity, while she was alive, could call for a one minute warning after the nominations were finalized on any day. At this time, every voter would have exactly one minute to vote lest their vote be discounted for the day. Tartosis was the celebrity in the final remake of the game.
about 8 years
Congratulations to the dog pound of: BobbySmith, Jellofishy, odin, nattless, and Cammy for beating Snareroll, the top dog, in a 3-2 finale! Special shoutout to nattless who defeated Snareroll in a 5-3 challenge medley alone for the final challenge!

Thanks to everyone for playing.
about 8 years
Congratulations to Spruance for winning TWL: Blitz in a 5-1 challenge medley against Shamu! Pretty quick, standard TWL game.

3rd: Tartosis
4th: VWXYZ
5th: hotjacket

Document with daily placings and challenges played:
about 8 years
Congratulations to cjn104 for a victory in TWL: YOLO over ryman in a 5-2 challenge medley! This was a purely physical TWL that featured many of our classic survivor challenges, as well as a challenge that came from a popular IQ test that members of the lobby have been toying around with.

The final 7 consisted of:

3rd: cinnanie
4th: Voice
5th: Dariukas47
6th: Jupiterskyking
7th: VWXYZ

Thanks also to lala, who came in 8th, for showing up and playing this game! I maintained a doc for the game as it was going, you can check it out here for the placings each day:
about 8 years
Thank you to the people who played the first Jody BB Game! Congrats to odin for coming in first. Our runner up was freyja and Mercy came in third. Hedger and Halsey Martinez gave odin the push he needed in jury. Thanks guys :D
about 8 years
about 8 years
about 8 years
Congratulations to matt for a 2-1 jury victory over Dawn in 15 minute survivor! The jury consisted of:

3rd: philip54 (matt)
4th: Gage (Dawn)
5th: Laxuy (matt)

Thanks to VWXYZ and hannahm510 for playing as well!
about 8 years
Congratulations to Logan for winning BB: Need for Speed in a 3-2 jury vote over JohnBatman! This was a BB game where a limited time for discussion was given each day after nominations were finalized and all players had to vote as soon as they were called upon to vote, with their first vote being final.

The jury consisted of:

3rd: JeffreyAaron (JohnBatman)
4th: Shingles55 (Logan)
5th: Pachino (Logan)
6th: cjn104 (JohnBatman)
7th: JacobV (Logan)

Thanks to everyone who came out to play. We had 2 suicides, but they didn't get in the way of the game too much. Final game doc:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Tartosis for winning TWL: Speed Night over HardCarry in a 5-2 final challenge medley! HighSpace placed 3rd and cinnanie placed 4th. Thanks for playing!
about 8 years
Congratulations to KyungRan [Laxuy] for winning BB: Token Time 2 over Jinho [hedger] in a 3-2* jury vote! The original jury only had 4 members, so the finalists competed in a final challenge to determine the winner. The jury panel consisted of:

3rd: AniMay
4th: cjn104
5th: guac4president
6th: PotatoPlayer

This was the second iteration of my token twist in BB and it went more smoothly than the first overall, despite multiple suicides/vegetables. We were able to play through all of the games on the schedule and it was a fun game to host! Final game doc:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Nami for winning BB: Token Time! in an incredibly close 4-3 jury vote over Gage! Nami donated his 20 token reward to Laxuy. Special thanks to hedger who co-designed and co-hosted this game with me. The jury members were:

3rd: xSoniaNeverMindx (Nami)
4th: Laxuy (Nami)
5th: lad (Nami)
6th: Gerry (Nami)
7th: AniMay (Gage)
8th: Minecraftfangirlftw (Gage)
9th: philip54 (Gage)

The twist on this game was that each day, the HoH winner received a special token that had one of seven powers. These tokens were used to gain advantages in challenges, enter PoV competitions, play in HoH as the previous HoH winner, and more!

Thanks to everyone who showed up and played this game! We had no suicides and no vegetables, which really helped make the game run as smoothly as possible. The final game doc can be found here:
about 8 years
Congratulations to HardCarry for winning Grand Prix Points TWL over Laxuy in a final showdown where it all came down to the last challenge in a 10 challenge showdown! He won with 340 points to Laxuy's 337.

Argentina finished in third with a respectable 245 points, Gage finished in 4th with 191, and AniMay finished in 5th with 149!

Thanks to all of the other participants as well - you made this a pleasure to host. I hope you enjoyed this TWL! Here's the doc where I kept track of everyone's points and explained the rules:
about 8 years
Congratulations to Voice for winning TWL: Precision and Grace in a 7plex/medley F2 challenge against cinnanie (5-1)! Melinna, Shamu, and Tartosis were the other 3 members of the final 5 in this 10 player game.

The players had to compete in multiple challenges that featured twists to test the grace with which they could handle problems they hadn't seen before, as well as classic challenges to test their speed and precision. It was a very fun TWL to host!
about 8 years
Congratulations to HardCarry for winning Pity TWL in a F4 Shiritori showdown!