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Cheater Database

over 8 years

gold hearts or pre-gold heart implementation only

hi. this is a thread. it's hard to keep up with who's cheated so i'm making a list. i'll add a few names that come to mind but if you've cheated please post in this thread and i'll add you. you can also post the name of someone else who has cheated. i want to make this comprehensive so please don't hold anything back

current list: Satan, Slow, Gerry, abc, Calvin, Edark, Shamzy, Devante, Togepi, JimSpermWorm, leo, Blister, Zhuorb, sineadiio, prevail, Anthony, poser, Delicate, Jill, AlSharpton, Rednose, Weareking, DrJackShephard, Kerry, LaurieRose, RoughNightBro, Acintris, xJade, Antidote, caroline, CoryInDaHouse, battletechies, mtvesuvius, Kelly, WhiteWind, kassavetova, grandukeofowls, arlian, kawarimi, Rawrwarrior, Zwink, D3xTr0m3th0rph4n, Private, vedarshi, Wonderland, Betrayal, Arcbell, Heisenberg, lumice, expose, bluefish, ScubaSteve, b0oty, pranay7744, Mori, Nessamaria, happyowns, riotkiller, matt12, betmen, erica, kassa, BearGuru, cirno, Fruitoftheloom, arianna, charley, Slow, PetermhShini, JepoJ, Tigerawr, Misslongstockings, Madhatter48, Konata, Female, Shrub, Minecraftfangirlftw, BigBadBoy, Jono69, NeverMaf, Body/AdBlock, Warbird1500, Ookkies/Euniit group, ruse group, LaxBro69, Monkanej, LeeSin, GoldenPony, Ohaialex, Templar1990, Discordia, Terra, ling, futureblargg, Ethereal, RAWR, seanman, johnreid, anteup, Kradar, Kyledemort64, thEye, drysc, shivv, endorphins, rawrr, mau, fading, ordelman, inspector, TimTebow, data, noshirtman, SarahTwilight

future cheaters: totori, ThirdAug, Himiki, Gerry

over 8 years
Give opinion PLS
over 8 years
over 8 years
Harry you chicken head mother f*cker
over 8 years
over 8 years

Togepi says

Also Harry I'm having furniture delivered tomorrow. I bought a model that was actually in stock so you can't call me cheap anymore.

Can I call you something else?

over 8 years
Bye togs :( It was nice having you around as always.
over 8 years

Togepi says

Okay and so I am going to say this one last thing and then I'm done with it because in going to dip from this site again and go back to logging in when I'm drunk to bump a thread:

lol @ bullying people for being pedophiles. Lol @ people viewing it as bullying. The way most of you have truly showed your a** in this thread about this is quite telling. Noted.

Please give me an opinon before you go
over 8 years
Also Harry I'm having furniture delivered tomorrow. I bought a model that was actually in stock so you can't call me cheap anymore.
over 8 years
wtf its condensation
over 8 years
Okay and so I am going to say this one last thing and then I'm done with it because in going to dip from this site again and go back to logging in when I'm drunk to bump a thread:

lol @ bullying people for being pedophiles. Lol @ people viewing it as bullying. The way most of you have truly showed your a** in this thread about this is quite telling. Noted.
over 8 years
yesuo more like no-suo
over 8 years
I dodged, I was getting trolled
deletedover 8 years
omg you nerds
over 8 years
Yeah the Caitlyn rework really messed me up. How dare you allow me to have more traps?
over 8 years
don't know what's worse, him having a season 1 bronze icon or him flaunting it proudly
over 8 years

As you can see, Emil is bronze.
over 8 years
[20:51:55] Edork: wait
[20:51:58] Edork: who is Nathan btw

Me in modchat right now lmao
over 8 years

Edark says

Sonrio says

whats the opposite of boiling


Thats wrong
over 8 years
there's no fun when there's no point and click stun, screw op or not.
over 8 years

Sonrio says

whats the opposite of boiling

over 8 years
demod arcbell
over 8 years
whats the opposite of boiling
over 8 years

Nathan says

Zhuorb says

I'm sad that they reworked vladimir because he was as brainless as it gets. press q and suck hp all lane, now I need to find a new brainless champ

I'm more sad they reworked taric.

taric rework made him more OP though
over 8 years

BearGuru says

This discussion is just a whole bunch of people pointing fingers at what somebody did 4-5 years ago. Being a mod is not a position of temptation at all, it is just busywork at the end of the day. People crying for Sammie to be demodded are just spewing white noise at this point and it's distasteful both to her and to yourselves. Please keep the discussion civil, it hurts to see bullying here.

About what I did earlier: I apologize to anybody I offended, it was simply a joke that went too far. It does not reflect poorly upon on mod team, it merely reflects poorly on me.

you realize 5 seconds after this mods are just going to derail again
over 8 years
This discussion is just a whole bunch of people pointing fingers at what somebody **allegedly** did 4-5 years ago. Being a mod is not a position of temptation at all, it is just busywork at the end of the day. People crying for Sammie to be demodded are just spewing white noise at this point and it's distasteful both to her and to yourselves. Please keep the discussion civil, it hurts to see bullying here.

About what I did earlier: I apologize to anybody I offended, it was simply a joke that went too far. It does not reflect poorly upon on mod team, it merely reflects poorly on me.