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EMBB2 Trophy Game

about 8 years

                                                 EMBB2: WEEK 15


EMBB2 Written Episodes:

Jack's Finale Speech:

Dean’s Finale Speech:

ShadoNinjaX's Jury Speech:

Annajane’s Jury Speech:

Annabelle’s Jury Speech:

Asa’s Jury Speech:

Hotjacket’s Jury Speech:

Jessys’ Jury Speech:

Qrstuv’s Jury Speech:

                                   2nd Place: House Stark              


             Evicted: Happy0wns, Evolpz, Annabelle, Deandean


                              4th Place: House Baratheon


            Evicted: Chuchu0, Lelmoo, ShadoNinjaX, Hotjacket


                              1st Place: House Lannister


               Jack, Evicted: Bgeas15, AmericanScone, Qrstuv


                             3rd Place: House Targaryen  


             Evicted: Caroline, R0ronoaZoro, Annajane, Jessys



Fantasy Draft:


about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
Let it be known all 8 people including myself said something about expecting or wanting me on the block.
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
he said he was pawn tho in the doc!!! this is fun
about 8 years

Most of the houseguests are speechless and flabbergasted, all being exposed down to their bare naked rears, and are now heavily amused and in full blown panic mode this late in the game with all of their games revealed.

However, Jack responded with a very emotional paragraph:

"Being mad at someone for lying in big brother is possibly the most naive thing one can do. I'm sorry Matthew but honestly if you're mad at me for lying to keep myself safe like idk what to tell you other than what the f*ck did you expect bruh. Idgaf I'm drinking rn. This literal week is just to promote bitter evictees which is stupid as sh*t, but I'm profoundly disappointed you chose to embrace that role. Like whatever dude I'm at the bottom of the totem pole as made obvious by my 4TH STRAIGHT NOM. If you wanted to impact the game you could've nommed literally anyone else. But no, you chose to be bitter. That's incredibly disappointing, I thought you were better than that. Whatever I'm gonna work my *ss off to stay safe and I if survive this week, for once and only once, I will personally gloat in your f*cking face about it. Petty *ss sh*t. Back to drinking f*ck all this bs"
about 8 years
about 8 years
Nomination Ceremony Pt. 3:

Dean - Maybe you thought I'd nom you? Honestly I considered it but not for now. Keep fighting Dean but try to stay composed you're always your own worst enemy so if you can overcome yourself you might have a shot.

Shado - Not really sure what to say for you. You're kinda like a mix between Asa and Dean in a weird bad way. I guess you could say you have Complex Motives. : ^)

Jack - Even in death you don't respect me that ain't cool yo. Dean told me you didn't campaign to him at all and after the lying you pulled on me when I was alive, even after I gave you multiple chances to come clean, I have no reason to believe your word over multiple others. The main merit is this is possibly the most untruthful game I've seen you play so it's interesting to watch. Unfortunately it's earned you a spot on the block for four consecutive weeks now. How much longer can you last?

Also to wrap up I lied to a bunch of you in the past two days simply because I can. This dead man has a few tales to tell.

‘Life is certainly unfair, don't you think? There are moments when a single snail can make a world go extinct.”
about 8 years
Nomination Ceremony Pt. 2:

“Speech: It's nice to be back even if only for a little while. I came here with the intent to do more than what I was able to do before leaving a few weeks ago. So I'll just start by saying a bit for all of you!

Jessys - You're a threat and we all know it. Smart, social and you've got the challenge skill. Keep slaying or else the hunters will get you.

Annajane - Nice position you're in. Props to you for getting there. Doubt it was easy. Will be interesting to see if you can keep the walls from crumbling in on you but if you do you've got a good shot.

Asa - You're cute and fun to talk to but complacently letting things happen around you likely won't win a jury unless you've got an impressive speech lined up or plan to pull some bigger plays soon.

HotJacket - I love ya I really do. You've got that underdog feel and you sure as hell have that fiesty attitude to get what you want. It works for you but be careful not to let it make you too many enemies.

Qrst - I don't hold a grudge against you. I understand your logic and I've done the same in some previous games. I don't think it was in your best interest this time around but it's worked out for you so don't sweat it. You've got some good intuition though so there's hope for you.
about 8 years
Nomination Ceremony:

R0ronoaZoro: "This is the nomination ceremony. It is my job as Head of Household to nominate two people for eviction. I will pick the first key and the person whose key I draw is safe. Then the person they draw is safe, and so on and so forth until there are two people left..."

“Since Jessys won immunity for her family this week, House Targaryen (Annajane and Jessys) are both immune this week and already receive their keys.”

First key… AmericanScone
Second key… Hotjacket
Third key… Qrstuv
Fourth and final key… Deandean

“That means I have nominated ShadoNinjaX and Jack for eviction.”
about 8 years
good noms
about 8 years

R0ronoaZoro just dropped the biggest atomic tea expose bomb of all time at his nomination ceremony!!!

Will post the full thing shortly!
about 8 years
Update: Jack has been nominated four weeks in a row now!
about 8 years
Nomination Ceremony Pt. 3:

Dean - Maybe you thought I'd nom you? Honestly I considered it but not for now. Keep fighting Dean but try to stay composed you're always your own worst enemy so if you can overcome yourself you might have a shot.

Shado - Not really sure what to say for you. You're kinda like a mix between Asa and Dean in a weird bad way. I guess you could say you have Complex Motives. : ^)

Jack - Even in death you don't respect me that ain't cool yo. Dean told me you didn't campaign to him at all and after the lying you pulled on me when I was alive, even after I gave you multiple chances to come clean, I have no reason to believe your word over multiple others. The main merit is this is possibly the most untruthful game I've seen you play so it's interesting to watch. Unfortunately it's earned you a spot on the block for four consecutive weeks now. How much longer can you last?

Also to wrap up I lied to a bunch of you in the past two days simply because I can. This dead man has a few tales to tell.

‘Life is certainly unfair, don't you think? There are moments when a single snail can make a world go extinct.”
about 8 years
Nomination Ceremony Pt. 2:

“Speech: It's nice to be back even if only for a little while. I came here with the intent to do more than what I was able to do before leaving a few weeks ago. So I'll just start by saying a bit for all of you!

Jessys - You're a threat and we all know it. Smart, social and you've got the challenge skill. Keep slaying or else the hunters will get you.

Annajane - Nice position you're in. Props to you for getting there. Doubt it was easy. Will be interesting to see if you can keep the walls from crumbling in on you but if you do you've got a good shot.

Asa - You're cute and fun to talk to but complacently letting things happen around you likely won't win a jury unless you've got an impressive speech lined up or plan to pull some bigger plays soon.

HotJacket - I love ya I really do. You've got that underdog feel and you sure as hell have that fiesty attitude to get what you want. It works for you but be careful not to let it make you too many enemies.

Qrst - I don't hold a grudge against you. I understand your logic and I've done the same in some previous games. I don't think it was in your best interest this time around but it's worked out for you so don't sweat it. You've got some good intuition though so there's hope for you.
about 8 years
Nomination Ceremony:

R0ronoaZoro: "This is the nomination ceremony. It is my job as Head of Household to nominate two people for eviction. I will pick the first key and the person whose key I draw is safe. Then the person they draw is safe, and so on and so forth until there are two people left..."

“Since Jessys won immunity for her family this week, House Targaryen (Annajane and Jessys) are both immune this week and already receive their keys.”

First key… AmericanScone
Second key… Hotjacket
Third key… Qrstuv
Fourth and final key… Deandean

“That means I have nominated ShadoNinjaX and Jack for eviction.”
about 8 years

R0ronoaZoro just dropped the biggest atomic tea expose bomb of all time at his nomination ceremony!!!

Will post the full thing shortly!
about 8 years
I cant figure out if Emmy is rigging it or trolling it
about 8 years
He's only back for one week to reign as HOH and take someone to the dead with him
about 8 years
Question: Is R0ronoaZoro back in the game, or is he there to instill fear within the houseguests by saying "Which one of you is going to join me in the dead?"
about 8 years
its buyback week all over again

wheres my bleach
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
I would have been so happy if chuchu had won the white walker twist. He would have gotten to skip like half the game XD
about 8 years

jack says

when you pass out 2 hours before the deadline trying to get a higher score

and then wake up at 11:30 like
about 8 years
when you pass out 2 hours before the deadline trying to get a higher score
about 8 years