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EMBB2 Trophy Game

about 8 years

                                                 EMBB2: WEEK 15


EMBB2 Written Episodes:

Jack's Finale Speech:

Dean’s Finale Speech:

ShadoNinjaX's Jury Speech:

Annajane’s Jury Speech:

Annabelle’s Jury Speech:

Asa’s Jury Speech:

Hotjacket’s Jury Speech:

Jessys’ Jury Speech:

Qrstuv’s Jury Speech:

                                   2nd Place: House Stark              


             Evicted: Happy0wns, Evolpz, Annabelle, Deandean


                              4th Place: House Baratheon


            Evicted: Chuchu0, Lelmoo, ShadoNinjaX, Hotjacket


                              1st Place: House Lannister


               Jack, Evicted: Bgeas15, AmericanScone, Qrstuv


                             3rd Place: House Targaryen  


             Evicted: Caroline, R0ronoaZoro, Annajane, Jessys



Fantasy Draft:


about 8 years
Week 8 HoH Results:
about 8 years Now I can say I beat deandean. :)
deletedabout 8 years
emmy you jokester you
about 8 years
about 8 years
Post-Week 7 Jokers Popularity Rankings:

1. ShadoNinjaX [+5]
2. Lelmoo [+2]
3. Deandean [+4]
4. Hotjacket [+4]
5. Jack [-3]
6. Jessys [-5]
7. Annabelle [-4]
8. Annajane [-3]
9. Qrstuv [+1]
10. R0ronoaZoro [-1]
11. Caroline [+1]
12. Bgeas15 [+1]
13. Chuchu0 [+1]
14. AmericanScone [-3]
15. Evolpz [0]
16. Happy0wns [0]
about 8 years
Week 7 Eviction Night Part 8:

[8/4/16, 10:27:03 PM] Emmy: Emmy added Chuchu0 EMBB2 to this conversation
[8/4/16, 10:27:09 PM] Emmy: Chuchu0 has re-entered the game!
[8/4/16, 10:27:22 PM] Puddles: Hi
[8/4/16, 10:27:29 PM] Jack:
[8/4/16, 10:27:31 PM] Puddles: Chuchu0 EMBB2 goes to the corner where no one wants me.
[8/4/16, 10:27:35 PM] Caleb/Shado: well
[8/4/16, 10:27:41 PM] Caleb/Shado: our house did get disbanded
[8/4/16, 10:27:43 PM] Hot: Wait
[8/4/16, 10:27:44 PM] Puddles: F*ck my life, Roro was a to deal with though ;-;
[8/4/16, 10:27:45 PM] Jack: is this like in bb12 where rachel entered the house for 24 hours
[8/4/16, 10:27:46 PM] Hot: Are you serious
[8/4/16, 10:27:47 PM] Hot: ABOUT IT
[8/4/16, 10:27:52 PM] Jack: are we getting ultraaug’d right now
[8/4/16, 10:27:52 PM] wryan: omg how did i not know Puddles was Chuchu
[8/4/16, 10:27:53 PM] Hot: ARE YOU SERIOUS
[8/4/16, 10:28:04 PM] Caleb/Shado: when hot gets mad at his former house member
[8/4/16, 10:28:05 PM] Puddles: Emmy, can I have HOH please
[8/4/16, 10:28:10 PM] Emmy: if you win sure
[8/4/16, 10:28:11 PM] Puddles: For beating the whole cast of evictees
[8/4/16, 10:28:16 PM] Puddles: Smeh
[8/4/16, 10:28:29 PM] Hot: Im in awe ..
[8/4/16, 10:28:45 PM] Emmy: nvm you aren’t needed right now chuchu
[8/4/16, 10:28:47 PM] Emmy: Emmy has ejected Chuchu0 EMBB2 from this conversation
[8/4/16, 10:28:55 PM] Emile C-I: LOL
[8/4/16, 10:28:58 PM] Hot: LOL
[8/4/16, 10:28:59 PM] Caleb/Shado: press f to pay respects
[8/4/16, 10:29:00 PM] Caleb/Shado: f
[8/4/16, 10:29:03 PM] Hot: SO THIS .. IS JURY!
[8/4/16, 10:29:10 PM] Emmy: Yes, congratulations
[8/4/16, 10:29:14 PM] Jessy: WE DID THAT!
[8/4/16, 10:29:14 PM] Emmy: you all have made the jury of EMBB2!!
[8/4/16, 10:29:36 PM] Emmy: WINTER IS COMING
about 8 years
Week 7 Eviction Night Part 7:

[8/4/16, 10:21:24 PM] Dean C: Imagine if he sweeps
[8/4/16, 10:21:25 PM] wryan: i dont think me and chu pm'd a single tiem lol
[8/4/16, 10:22:00 PM] Dean C: My last message to him
[8/4/16, 10:22:01 PM] Dean C: Was
[8/4/16, 10:22:06 PM] Dean C: (finger)
[8/4/16, 10:22:11 PM] Jack: welcome back dean
[8/4/16, 10:22:13 PM] Jack: nice of you to join us
[8/4/16, 10:22:16 PM] Dean C: Hello
[8/4/16, 10:22:19 PM] Dean C: What did I miss
[8/4/16, 10:22:27 PM] Jack: lelmoo got evicted 5-2
[8/4/16, 10:22:29 PM] Dean C: Well other than Jack you lived
[8/4/16, 10:22:41 PM] Dean C: And I take it that Chuchu can come back
[8/4/16, 10:22:46 PM] Jack: theoretically, yeah
[8/4/16, 10:24:54 PM] Emmy: Ok the results are in
[8/4/16, 10:26:10 PM] Jack: do tell
[8/4/16, 10:26:46 PM] Emmy: the person
[8/4/16, 10:26:48 PM] Emmy: to be joining you
[8/4/16, 10:26:51 PM] Emmy: is
[8/4/16, 10:26:52 PM] Emmy: ....
[8/4/16, 10:26:59 PM] Caleb/Shado: neither
[8/4/16, 10:27:02 PM] Jack: ^
about 8 years
Week 7 Eviction Night Part 6:

[8/4/16, 10:15:18 PM] wryan: damn that was sav
[8/4/16, 10:15:20 PM] Jack: lelmoo go f*cking win that comp bro
[8/4/16, 10:15:26 PM] wryan: can we watch the battleback im-
[8/4/16, 10:16:02 PM] Lelmo: thank you all for playing with me i wasn't nor will i spread any tea
[8/4/16, 10:16:23 PM] Lelmo: can we get that done with
[8/4/16, 10:16:26 PM] Emmy: lelmoo, i will send you your goodbyes in your DR and post further instructions
[8/4/16, 10:16:33 PM] Emmy: thanks for playing
[8/4/16, 10:16:35 PM] wryan: peace out lelmoo
[8/4/16, 10:16:36 PM] Emmy: Emmy has ejected Lelmoo EMBB2 from this conversation
[8/4/16, 10:17:21 PM] Emmy: Question for everyone
[8/4/16, 10:17:31 PM] Emmy: How does it feel to, once again, be stripped from making it to the final 9, jury phase?
[8/4/16, 10:17:40 PM] Caleb/Shado: so buyback was a lie
[8/4/16, 10:18:14 PM] Caleb/Shado: wait nvmnd I read that wrong
[8/4/16, 10:18:29 PM] wryan: it feels.. appropriate
[8/4/16, 10:18:36 PM] AJ ♛: it feels stupid
[8/4/16, 10:18:37 PM] Jack: eh it’s unfortunate but you know nothing comes easy in big brother
[8/4/16, 10:19:44 PM] Jessy: It's a Lie
[8/4/16, 10:19:47 PM] Jack: of course expect the unexpected, and tbh it seemed like buyback was expected
[8/4/16, 10:19:53 PM] Jack: so yeah i think it’s a lie
[8/4/16, 10:20:14 PM] Jack: again, mostly because i have no faith in chuchu sweeping all of the previously evicted HG's
[8/4/16, 10:20:30 PM] AJ ♛: i think its a rxn bc we all dislike chu
[8/4/16, 10:20:31 PM] AJ ♛: LOL
[8/4/16, 10:21:08 PM] Dean C: Chuchu is sh*t lmao
[8/4/16, 10:21:20 PM] Dean C: But I kinda am way too curious
[8/4/16, 10:21:21 PM] Emile C-I: we'll start the HoH once the final winner has been determined
about 8 years
Week 7 Eviction Night Part 5:

[8/4/16, 10:13:43 PM] Emmy: Oh
[8/4/16, 10:13:48 PM] Emmy: and Deandean received his second strike
[8/4/16, 10:13:53 PM] Emmy: for failing to submit on time
[8/4/16, 10:13:57 PM] Lelmo: oooooooh
[8/4/16, 10:14:00 PM] AJ ♛: what does dat mean
[8/4/16, 10:14:01 PM] Jessy: we wont even have to evict him KJFSDHS
[8/4/16, 10:14:02 PM] Jack: wait
[8/4/16, 10:14:06 PM] Hot: Damn dean
[8/4/16, 10:14:07 PM] Jack: he didn’t vote?
[8/4/16, 10:14:07 PM] Emmy: one more strike and he’s gone
[8/4/16, 10:14:11 PM] Emmy: he voted, just late
[8/4/16, 10:14:19 PM] Jack: what a moron
[8/4/16, 10:14:21 PM] AJ ♛: he voted u jack LOL
[8/4/16, 10:14:28 PM] Emmy: in a vote
[8/4/16, 10:14:29 PM] Emmy: of
[8/4/16, 10:14:30 PM] Emmy: .
[8/4/16, 10:14:31 PM] Emmy: .
[8/4/16, 10:14:32 PM] Emmy: 5-2
[8/4/16, 10:14:44 PM] Emmy: camera zooms in on Jack
[8/4/16, 10:14:47 PM] Emmy: Jack,
[8/4/16, 10:14:51 PM] Lelmo: r i p
[8/4/16, 10:14:52 PM] Emmy: you have been
[8/4/16, 10:14:57 PM] Emmy: evicted from the EMBB
[8/4/16, 10:15:03 PM] Emmy: nomination chair
[8/4/16, 10:15:07 PM] AJ ♛: good one emmy
[8/4/16, 10:15:08 PM] Emmy: Lelmoo, you are evicted
[8/4/16, 10:15:09 PM] Jack: holey fucc
[8/4/16, 10:15:13 PM] Hot: I knew that
[8/4/16, 10:15:13 PM] Lelmo: ya i figured
[8/4/16, 10:15:17 PM] Emmy: please grab your bags and say your goodbyes
about 8 years
Week 7 Eviction Night Part 4:

[8/4/16, 10:08:25 PM] Emmy: Hotjacket, do you feel used at all by your alliance members? It seems like you were the one of the only ones to go full force in this endurance HoH competition. Does that make you the worker bee, only doing the queen’s bidding?
[8/4/16, 10:08:29 PM] Jack: eh fuggit
[8/4/16, 10:08:39 PM] Jack: tryna adapt good will hunting to the situation
[8/4/16, 10:08:50 PM] wryan: kidney stones + diarrhea.... is this a sign @ god?
[8/4/16, 10:08:58 PM] Jack: ryan are you dying
[8/4/16, 10:09:13 PM] wryan: it's quite possible )8
[8/4/16, 10:09:22 PM] AJ ♛: ew
[8/4/16, 10:09:23 PM] Jack: try not to
[8/4/16, 10:09:48 PM] wryan: ew u analjane
[8/4/16, 10:10:34 PM] Hot: I do not feel used by my alliance members at all , in fact they've worked as hard as me during other Competitions. I was going full force this week because it was MY turn to shine :D .
[8/4/16, 10:10:43 PM] Emmy: Lelmoo and Jack, you both may make one last final statement to your houseguests, before I read the results.
[8/4/16, 10:11:02 PM] wryan: did lelmoo even get a question lol
[8/4/16, 10:11:14 PM] Lelmo: it was nice playing with ya'll i hope i wasn't too big of a snake as hot said but its been fun and i hope i will win vs chu!!
[8/4/16, 10:11:19 PM] Lelmo: i don't need a question
[8/4/16, 10:12:34 PM] Jack: this was a lot of fun, a lot different from what i’m used to that’s for sure. it’s been a test but i’ve enjoyed it quite a bit, hopefully this battle back is for real so lelmoo or i can get right back into the house
[8/4/16, 10:12:45 PM] Lelmo: jack
[8/4/16, 10:13:02 PM] Lelmo: its been a lot of fun playing with you too!:)
[8/4/16, 10:13:30 PM] Jack: you as well :)
about 8 years
Week 7 Eviction Night Part 3:

[8/4/16, 10:00:51 PM] Emmy: Jessys, your question comes from our live twitter fan feed
[8/4/16, 10:01:09 PM] Hot: Twitter
[8/4/16, 10:01:18 PM] wryan: im passing a kidney stone rn -_-
[8/4/16, 10:01:22 PM] Caleb/Shado: oh god
[8/4/16, 10:01:23 PM] Lelmo: OASDHIASISEI!"HI#!HI"EJSADJK!
[8/4/16, 10:01:24 PM] Caleb/Shado: rip
[8/4/16, 10:01:35 PM] Emmy: @iLive4theTea asks “lol jessys how does it feel that ur only HoH reign was a huge flop”
[8/4/16, 10:01:50 PM] Hot: Flop
[8/4/16, 10:01:51 PM] AJ ♛: LOL
[8/4/16, 10:02:15 PM] Jack: asjdhkfl
[8/4/16, 10:02:23 PM] Caleb/Shado: Tea
[8/4/16, 10:03:58 PM] Hot: Yess
[8/4/16, 10:07:30 PM] Jessy: hey it's me.
[8/4/16, 10:07:48 PM] Jessy: and @ilive4thetea you can KYS.
[8/4/16, 10:07:58 PM] Jack: how do you like that tea
[8/4/16, 10:08:12 PM] Jessy: it's not tea
[8/4/16, 10:08:16 PM] Jack: no cuz
[8/4/16, 10:08:17 PM] Jessy: there's ice in it.
[8/4/16, 10:05:55 PM] Emmy: Annajane, you’ve done well hiding behind the scenes, keeping your name out of the limelight, and remaining the only successful leader in this game. Do you believe you are in a good spot?
[8/4/16, 10:06:15 PM] Hot: She's the Khaleesi
[8/4/16, 10:06:31 PM] Hot: Of course she's gonna be the successful one
[8/4/16, 10:06:54 PM] AJ ♛: Uhhh no, I wouldn’t say I’m in a good spot. I focus on 1 week at a time and hope to be safe for that week!! I have a lot of people who don’t fully trust me when I fully trusted them so I’m in weird spot now with that.
about 8 years
Week 7 Eviction Night Part 2:

[8/4/16, 9:56:31 PM] wryan: slay????????
[8/4/16, 9:56:32 PM] Caleb/Shado: beat bgaes
[8/4/16, 9:56:33 PM] Caleb/Shado: evolpz
[8/4/16, 9:56:35 PM] Caleb/Shado: caroline
[8/4/16, 9:56:36 PM] AJ ♛: IM HERE
[8/4/16, 9:56:37 PM] Hot: CHUCHU
[8/4/16, 9:56:39 PM] Hot: LMFAO
[8/4/16, 9:56:39 PM] Jack: chuchu doesn’t have the mental capacity to win 5-6 straight challenges
[8/4/16, 9:56:40 PM] Hot: DYING
[8/4/16, 9:56:42 PM] wryan: i'm here for it tbh
[8/4/16, 9:56:52 PM] Emmy: So tonight we will see either Chuchu0 returning from the game after being evicted week 1
[8/4/16, 9:56:53 PM] AJ ♛: i hate chuchu
[8/4/16, 9:56:55 PM] AJ ♛: are u joking
[8/4/16, 9:56:56 PM] Jessy: um chuchu is SMART
[8/4/16, 9:56:55 PM] Emmy: or Lelmoo or Jack return
[8/4/16, 9:56:59 PM] Emmy: immeduately
[8/4/16, 9:57:01 PM] Jessy: let him LIVE
[8/4/16, 9:57:01 PM] Emmy: immediately*
[8/4/16, 9:57:11 PM] Emmy: So let’s get this show on the road
[8/4/16, 9:57:19 PM] Emmy: Time for questions
[8/4/16, 9:57:26 PM] AJ ♛: i don’t want a question i hate this game
[8/4/16, 9:57:52 PM] Emmy: Annabelle, how many people in this game do you trust fully now?
[8/4/16, 9:58:58 PM] a: no one
[8/4/16, 9:59:04 PM] a: that's my answer
[8/4/16, 9:58:46 PM] Emmy: ShadoNinjaX, how does it feel not being targeted this week?
[8/4/16, 9:59:45 PM] Caleb/Shado: I was happy because I thought I made jury. Then this happened. Then I died inside.
[8/4/16, 10:00:08 PM] Emmy: Qrstuv, do you think you are in the majority in the house?
[8/4/16, 10:00:32 PM] wryan: majority depends on who is in power, so it's impossible to say : ^)
about 8 years
Week 7 Eviction Night:

[8/4/16, 9:53:48 PM] Emmy: ok time for eviction
[8/4/16, 9:54:02 PM] a: let's do it
[8/4/16, 9:54:08 PM] a: i'm leaving in like 10 minutes so
[8/4/16, 9:54:12 PM] a: rip
[8/4/16, 9:54:28 PM] Caleb/Shado: les do dis
[8/4/16, 9:54:33 PM] Jack: ye
[8/4/16, 9:55:09 PM] Emmy: But first
[8/4/16, 9:55:23 PM] Emmy: For the last 6 weeks
[8/4/16, 9:55:24 PM] Caleb/Shado: i'm here
[8/4/16, 9:55:26 PM] Caleb/Shado: o
[8/4/16, 9:55:29 PM] Caleb/Shado: buyback
[8/4/16, 9:55:32 PM] Caleb/Shado: it's buyback
[8/4/16, 9:55:35 PM] Emmy: your evicted houseguests have been battling in one on one competitions
[8/4/16, 9:55:41 PM] Emmy: the loser, being eliminated, the winner moving on
[8/4/16, 9:55:43 PM] wryan: *death drops*
[8/4/16, 9:55:45 PM] Jack: bruh
[8/4/16, 9:55:54 PM] Emmy: well the final battle
[8/4/16, 9:55:56 PM] Emmy: will be tonight
[8/4/16, 9:55:59 PM] Emmy: as jack or lelmoo
[8/4/16, 9:56:03 PM] Emmy: will be the final competitor to take on
[8/4/16, 9:56:05 PM] Emmy: ....
[8/4/16, 9:56:06 PM] Jack: no
[8/4/16, 9:56:09 PM] Jack: way
[8/4/16, 9:56:12 PM] Caleb/Shado: r0ro?
[8/4/16, 9:56:14 PM] Emmy: Chuchu0!
[8/4/16, 9:56:17 PM] Caleb/Shado: WHAT
[8/4/16, 9:56:18 PM] a: OH
[8/4/16, 9:56:19 PM] wryan: LMAO
[8/4/16, 9:56:20 PM] Jack: i don’t believe that
[8/4/16, 9:56:22 PM] Jessy: omg?
[8/4/16, 9:56:26 PM] Jessy: ur lying
[8/4/16, 9:56:28 PM] Caleb/Shado: how tf
[8/4/16, 9:56:30 PM] Caleb/Shado: did chuchu
[8/4/16, 9:56:30 PM] Emmy: Chuchu0, has eliminated every single evicted houseguest
deletedabout 8 years

annajane says

emmy says

After Caroline's eviction, Annajane called out Deandean, which turned into a huge argument betweeen those two.

huge argument i hate deandean stupid tablecloth licker

How did I miss this. LOL
deletedabout 8 years
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
POV was the most infuriating thing in the world. Let it be known.
about 8 years
leave jack alone you pr*ck
about 8 years
Nomination Ceremony

1st Key goes to ..... AmericanScone
2nd key goes to ..... Annabelle
3rd Key goes to ..... Jessys
4th Key goes to ..... Annajane
5th key goes to ...... Qrstuv
6th key goes to .... Lelmoo
7th key goes to ... ShadoNinajaX.

That means I have nominated Jack and DeanDean.
Jack : With the houses being seemingly split into two parts right now , I figured I might as well follow the flow . Jack , I nominated you because whether you believe or not , you're a massive social threat in this game and you've voted with the majority every time , and I feel like that's going be disadvantageous towards my game .

DeanDean : With that bomb you dropped onto me during the Red Wedding , it is hard for me to not nominate you. DeanDean , you're being nominated because the fact that you're being here right now of this game shows your capability of floating under the radar each time , and you're honestly going to go far with the house being split as of now .

I bare no personal grudges against both nominees , and I wish both of you good luck in the following .
deletedabout 8 years

HighSpace says

2nd Place: Qrstuv - 13 hours
1st Place: Hotjacket - 36 hours

Congratulations Hotjacket, you are the next HoH of the season!

23 hours of pure overkill
about 8 years
HoH Competition Results:

8th Place: Jack - 4 hours
7th Place: Annajane - 6 hours
6th Place: Annabelle - 6 hours
5th Place: Deandean - 8 hours
4th Place: ShadoNinjaX - 9 hours
3rd Place: AmericanScone - 11 hours
2nd Place: Qrstuv - 13 hours
1st Place: Hotjacket - 36 hours

Congratulations Hotjacket, you are the next HoH of the season! You have until 9PM EST, Monday August 1st, to send in a key order, nominations and a speech.
deletedabout 8 years
Production: the ratings are awfully low, we really need to shake up this game
Lelmoo: ...
Production: ...
Lelmoo: ...
Production: ...
Lelmoo: i got dis
about 8 years

Cammy says

house targaryen:

house lannister:

house stark:

house baratheon:

i'm gagging this is so funny
about 8 years
Current standings:

Jack - 4 hours
Annajane - 6 hours
Annabelle - 6 hours
ShadoNinjaX - 9 hours
AmericanScone - 11 hours

Deandean, Hotjacket and Qrstuv still in the competition.
about 8 years
why would you ever revive someone back in the game, even if it was your f2