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EMBB2 Trophy Game

about 8 years

                                                 EMBB2: WEEK 15


EMBB2 Written Episodes:

Jack's Finale Speech:

Dean’s Finale Speech:

ShadoNinjaX's Jury Speech:

Annajane’s Jury Speech:

Annabelle’s Jury Speech:

Asa’s Jury Speech:

Hotjacket’s Jury Speech:

Jessys’ Jury Speech:

Qrstuv’s Jury Speech:

                                   2nd Place: House Stark              


             Evicted: Happy0wns, Evolpz, Annabelle, Deandean


                              4th Place: House Baratheon


            Evicted: Chuchu0, Lelmoo, ShadoNinjaX, Hotjacket


                              1st Place: House Lannister


               Jack, Evicted: Bgeas15, AmericanScone, Qrstuv


                             3rd Place: House Targaryen  


             Evicted: Caroline, R0ronoaZoro, Annajane, Jessys



Fantasy Draft:


about 8 years
I only negged bgeas's post because I was number 50.
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
I am going to be on 4 weeks in a row of not being able to play HOH. Im gonna blow my brains out lol.
about 8 years
Also, Caroline and Deandean have both been injured searching for the Hidden Veto and will not be able to compete in the next HoH competition.
about 8 years

The entire house has announced that Annabelle's boyfriend, Calvin, owes them all ice cream, and if he doesn't deliver, he will be murdered, brutally.
about 8 years
Week 5 Veto Ceremony:
deletedabout 8 years
[7/14/16, 10:46:13 PM] Dean C: Hey f*ck you Sonia

Emmy it feels majestic.

I feel like this sums up my first day in EMBB for those of you who werent there.
about 8 years
Week 5 Veto Results:
about 8 years
Week 5 Noms & Veto Comp:
about 8 years
about 8 years
about 8 years
Week 5 HoH Competition:
about 8 years
For this week's twist, the High Council aka the leaders of each House, were given an offer. This offer allowed them to all be immune for the week, but in return they would not be able to compete in the HoH or PoV competitions, leaving their Houses high and dry.

The catch was that all four of the High Council members would have to agree in order for this to go through. If even one of them disagreed, then something different would be unleashed upon the game.

The High Council all agreed for immunity instead, leaving a mixed reaction from the common folk, once they found out about it.
about 8 years
Post-Week 4 Jokers Popularity Rankings:

1. Jack [+4]
2. Caroline [+4]
3. Jessys [0]
4. R0ronoaZoro [0]
5. Annabelle [+5]
6. Annajane [+3]
7. Qrstuv [+1]
8. Bgeas15 [-6]
9. Chuchu0 [-2]
10. Evolpz [+5]
11. Lelmoo [+2]
12. ShadoNinjaX [+2]
13. AmericanScone [-2]
14. Deandean [+2]
15. Hotjacket [-3]
16. Happy0wns [+1]
about 8 years
[7/14/16, 11:00:57 PM] Caleb/Shado: what wouldve happened if one person rejected
[7/14/16, 11:01:18 PM] wryan: ^
[7/14/16, 11:01:28 PM] Emmy: then something else would have happened
[7/14/16, 11:01:32 PM] Emmy: that, you will never find out!
[7/14/16, 11:01:33 PM] Caleb/Shado: godd*mnit
[7/14/16, 11:01:41 PM] AJ ♛: Cause we some greedy h*es
[7/14/16, 11:01:46 PM] Jack: imagine if it was a buyback
[7/14/16, 11:01:53 PM] wryan: omg
[7/14/16, 11:02:03 PM] Caroline: F*ck all y'all I'm abandoning any alliance
[7/14/16, 11:02:09 PM] AJ ♛: LOL
[7/14/16, 11:02:11 PM] Lelmo: Buyback was week 5 on embb1
[7/14/16, 11:02:18 PM] Caleb/Shado: imagine if it's instant auto eviction of the 4 hosts
[7/14/16, 11:02:51 PM] AJ ♛: Caro are u joking
[7/14/16, 11:02:54 PM] Caroline: No
[7/14/16, 11:03:09 PM] AJ ♛: Lmao
[7/14/16, 11:03:14 PM] AJ ♛: Not surprised tbh
about 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 11:

[7/14/16, 10:57:02 PM] Emmy: this offer was called
[7/14/16, 10:57:08 PM] Emmy: “The Queen and King’s Treaty”
[7/14/16, 10:57:14 PM] Emmy: the catch was
[7/14/16, 10:57:22 PM] AJ ♛: I'm the queen
[7/14/16, 10:57:40 PM] Emmy: if all four of them agreed to it, the treaty would go through, however if even ONE of them disagreed, it would fall, and something else would happen to you all this week.
[7/14/16, 10:57:51 PM] Emmy: Here is what the offer was
[7/14/16, 10:58:54 PM] Emmy: If the four royalty agree upon it, they will give themselves immunity for the week, and be unable to protect/participate/help their fellow housemates, because they are self-banning themselves from the HoH and PoV competitions.
[7/14/16, 10:59:01 PM] Emmy: and the decision was….
[7/14/16, 10:59:06 PM] Emmy: UNANIMOUS
[7/14/16, 10:59:11 PM] Emmy: The royalty have agreed to immune themselves for the week
[7/14/16, 10:59:16 PM] Emmy: and abandon the commonfolk
[7/14/16, 10:59:21 PM] AJ ♛: My house is strong so they got dis
[7/14/16, 10:59:23 PM] Caleb/Shado: GODD*MNIT DEAN
[7/14/16, 10:59:27 PM] Jack: (party)
[7/14/16, 10:59:29 PM] wryan: lmao ya b*stards
[7/14/16, 10:59:30 PM] AJ ♛: (gran)
[7/14/16, 10:59:34 PM] Lelmo: I feel like a d*uche sry
[7/14/16, 10:59:36 PM] Lelmo: :|
[7/14/16, 11:00:01 PM] Dean C: Yo immunity is immunity
deletedabout 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 10:

[7/14/16, 10:46:46 PM] Jack: dean has been singing “oh i just can’t wait to be king” for weeks now
[7/14/16, 10:48:48 PM] wryan: can we have a luck comp for hoh so i have a chance? thx :)
[7/14/16, 10:49:12 PM] Emmy: Congratulations everyone on making it to week 5
[7/14/16, 10:50:15 PM] wryan: you too Emmy
[7/14/16, 10:50:23 PM] Jack: lmao
[7/14/16, 10:55:33 PM] Emmy: attention houseguests
[7/14/16, 10:55:42 PM] Emmy: i will be revealing the twist of week 5 with you shortly
[7/14/16, 10:55:50 PM] Jessy: huh
[7/14/16, 10:56:30 PM] Emmy: Since you are all common folk peasants, none of you know this, however the four royalty have a divine chat with the hosts, called the High Council
[7/14/16, 10:56:46 PM] Dean C: it's pretty chill
[7/14/16, 10:56:47 PM] Dean C: not gonna lie
[7/14/16, 10:56:55 PM] Emmy: Annajane, Lelmoo, Jack, and Deandean
[7/14/16, 10:56:56 PM] wryan: wow im jelly
[7/14/16, 10:56:59 PM] Emmy: were given an offer
about 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 9:

[7/14/16, 10:37:25 PM] evolpz: I'm saying u guys r in control lol
[7/14/16, 10:37:26 PM] AJ ♛: I was right
[7/14/16, 10:37:28 PM] AJ ♛: Bye
[7/14/16, 10:37:34 PM] evolpz: Pretty obvious I want some moves to be made
[7/14/16, 10:37:36 PM] Caroline: I'm not in control I enjoyed being ur ally
[7/14/16, 10:37:43 PM] Caroline: I wanna say roro will win this game
[7/14/16, 10:37:44 PM] evolpz: Instead of everyone sticking to majority
[7/14/16, 10:37:48 PM] Caroline: Just fyi everyone
[7/14/16, 10:37:56 PM] AJ ♛: Roro will
[7/14/16, 10:38:19 PM] evolpz: Yeah (take out Annas house she has all her members left)
[7/14/16, 10:38:24 PM] evolpz: Bye!
[7/14/16, 10:38:29 PM] Emmy: Emmy has ejected Evolpz EMBB2 from this conversation
[7/14/16, 10:40:43 PM] Caleb/Shado: has this been the earliest eviction ceremony
[7/14/16, 10:40:59 PM] Lelmo: I think so
[7/14/16, 10:41:42 PM] AJ ♛: Loser
[7/14/16, 10:45:13 PM] Emmy: Alright everyone
[7/14/16, 10:45:20 PM] Emmy: now that the THIRD original leader has been evicted
[7/14/16, 10:45:24 PM] Emmy: within the first FOUR weeks
[7/14/16, 10:45:30 PM] Emmy: Deandean, of house Stark
[7/14/16, 10:45:38 PM] Emmy: is the new King
[7/14/16, 10:45:46 PM] Dean C: Wow
[7/14/16, 10:45:50 PM] Dean C: I did not sign up for this
[7/14/16, 10:45:55 PM] Emmy: how does it feel to be king deandean?
[7/14/16, 10:45:57 PM] Sonia: didn't think i'd ever see dean and king used in the same paragraph
[7/14/16, 10:46:13 PM] Dean C: Hey f*ck you Sonia

Emmy it feels majestic.
deletedabout 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 8:

[7/14/16, 10:35:53 PM] Caleb/Shado: [2016-06-28 4:14:02 PM] evolpz: if i win hoh or anyone from my house wins hoh
[2016-06-28 4:14:16 PM] evolpz: for this week and next week i will keep you off the block
[2016-06-28 4:14:32 PM] Caleb/Shado/Lite/Eklipz/Ninja/Samurai/X/Y/Z: and vice versa
[2016-06-28 4:14:34 PM] Caleb/Shado/Lite/Eklipz/Ninja/Samurai/X/Y/Z: am I correct?
[7/14/16, 10:36:03 PM] evolpz: Shado I know that
[7/14/16, 10:36:09 PM] evolpz: I'm not mad about that
[7/14/16, 10:36:13 PM] Caleb/Shado: o
[7/14/16, 10:36:22 PM] evolpz: It's just people are following whatever Annas house does
[7/14/16, 10:36:28 PM] evolpz: Caro and Anna are a tight duo
[7/14/16, 10:36:31 PM] evolpz: Do something about it
[7/14/16, 10:36:34 PM] evolpz: That's all
[7/14/16, 10:36:38 PM] AJ ♛: Lmao ok
[7/14/16, 10:36:39 PM] evolpz: Bye :)
[7/14/16, 10:36:39 PM] Caleb/Shado: lets be real the house split's coming up soon anyways
[7/14/16, 10:36:42 PM] Caleb/Shado: cya round
[7/14/16, 10:36:44 PM] AJ ♛: I didn't tell anyone to vote you
[7/14/16, 10:36:46 PM] AJ ♛: So bye
[7/14/16, 10:36:51 PM] evolpz: I know
[7/14/16, 10:36:53 PM] AJ ♛: Blame it on me
[7/14/16, 10:36:56 PM] AJ ♛: When everyone wanted you out
[7/14/16, 10:36:57 PM] wryan: pce out evo
[7/14/16, 10:36:58 PM] Caleb/Shado: evolpz knows everything
[7/14/16, 10:36:59 PM] AJ ♛: But whatever
[7/14/16, 10:37:03 PM] Caleb/Shado: evolpziswatching
[7/14/16, 10:37:07 PM] evolpz: I'm blaming the floaters lol
[7/14/16, 10:37:11 PM] evolpz: Not u Anna
[7/14/16, 10:37:14 PM] Jack: bye eric
[7/14/16, 10:37:16 PM] AJ ♛: How? When ur syaing Caro and I
[7/14/16, 10:37:18 PM] Caroline: Bye evolpz
[7/14/16, 10:37:19 PM] AJ ♛: And my house?
[7/14/16, 10:37:21 PM] Jack: sorry bro
[7/14/16, 10:37:22 PM] AJ ♛: Whatever bye
[7/14/16, 10:37:25 PM] AJ ♛: I'm not sorry
about 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 7:

[7/14/16, 10:33:34 PM] evolpz: At least I know the two please just don't let Annas house control this game
[7/14/16, 10:33:44 PM] evolpz: Also shado you're not winning this game
[7/14/16, 10:33:45 PM] AJ ♛: You say that
[7/14/16, 10:33:49 PM] evolpz: Also don't let roro float to the end
[7/14/16, 10:33:52 PM] AJ ♛: Because your house started to crumble
[7/14/16, 10:33:54 PM] evolpz: Floaters do something
[7/14/16, 10:34:02 PM] AJ ♛: So bye!!
[7/14/16, 10:34:03 PM] Jack: like grab a lifevest
[7/14/16, 10:34:06 PM] evolpz: We had a house alliance and u betrayed it
[7/14/16, 10:34:09 PM] Jason: out everything!!!
[7/14/16, 10:34:10 PM] AJ ♛: You obv were gunning for my house
[7/14/16, 10:34:15 PM] Caleb/Shado: actually
[7/14/16, 10:34:16 PM] Jason: GO GO GO
[7/14/16, 10:34:17 PM] Caleb/Shado: what you said
[7/14/16, 10:34:18 PM] wryan: eric spill the tea
[7/14/16, 10:34:19 PM] evolpz: What happened to tark?
[7/14/16, 10:34:20 PM] wryan: (d)
[7/14/16, 10:34:27 PM] Caleb/Shado: the day when i was going to win hoh
[7/14/16, 10:34:28 PM] AJ ♛: You had happy on ur team
[7/14/16, 10:34:32 PM] AJ ♛: Obv that wasn't gonna happen
[7/14/16, 10:34:34 PM] Jack: (d)
[7/14/16, 10:34:36 PM] evolpz: I wasn't gunning for your house I suggested roro
[7/14/16, 10:34:38 PM] AJ ♛: Tark died
[7/14/16, 10:34:53 PM] AJ ♛: RIP
[7/14/16, 10:34:55 PM] wryan: this tea
[7/14/16, 10:34:58 PM] evolpz: Not obv not my fault you hold grudges over something personal
[7/14/16, 10:35:04 PM] AJ ♛: ??
[7/14/16, 10:35:06 PM] AJ ♛: Like what?
[7/14/16, 10:35:14 PM] evolpz: You and happy
[7/14/16, 10:35:17 PM] evolpz: He wasn't after you
[7/14/16, 10:35:28 PM] AJ ♛: I was after him the minute I stepped into this house
[7/14/16, 10:35:41 PM] Caleb/Shado: i didn't "betray" the alliance (technically)
[7/14/16, 10:35:49 PM] Caleb/Shado: ugh lag
[7/14/16, 10:35:51 PM] evolpz: I know u didn't shado
deletedabout 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 6:

[7/14/16, 10:32:30 PM] Emmy: Evolpz requested a Trial by Combat
[7/14/16, 10:32:37 PM] Emmy: however AmericanScone declined
[7/14/16, 10:32:46 PM] Emmy: it is now time to reveal the votes
[7/14/16, 10:32:54 PM] Jack: mutters under breath coward
[7/14/16, 10:32:54 PM] Jack: HUH
[7/14/16, 10:32:58 PM] Emmy: by a vote
[7/14/16, 10:33:00 PM] evolpz: The truth tho
[7/14/16, 10:33:01 PM] AJ ♛: Jack shut ur sl*t mouth
[7/14/16, 10:33:02 PM] Emmy: of
[7/14/16, 10:33:05 PM] Jack: i jest
[7/14/16, 10:33:07 PM] Emmy: 8-2…
[7/14/16, 10:33:10 PM] Emmy: Evolpz,
[7/14/16, 10:33:10 PM] evolpz: Lol
[7/14/16, 10:33:14 PM] Dean C: JESUS
[7/14/16, 10:33:17 PM] Emmy: you have been evicted from the EMBB2 house
[7/14/16, 10:33:22 PM] AJ ♛: Sorry evo
[7/14/16, 10:33:25 PM] Emmy: please pack up your things and say your goodbyes
about 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 5:

[7/14/16, 10:29:03 PM] wryan: fine you want me to be honest?
[7/14/16, 10:29:07 PM] Emmy: yes
[7/14/16, 10:29:11 PM] AJ ♛: Admits to LYING
[7/14/16, 10:29:13 PM] Emmy: give us the tea
[7/14/16, 10:29:14 PM] wryan: there is one person and they better figure it out quick js
[7/14/16, 10:29:19 PM] Caroline: o
[7/14/16, 10:29:19 PM] wryan: :-)
[7/14/16, 10:29:21 PM] Caroline: who
[7/14/16, 10:29:23 PM] Sonia: OPE
[7/14/16, 10:29:25 PM] Caroline: spill (tea)
[7/14/16, 10:29:26 PM] Lelmo: Omg
[7/14/16, 10:29:27 PM] AJ ♛: OUT IT
[7/14/16, 10:29:31 PM] AJ ♛: P*SS P*SS SAY IT
[7/14/16, 10:29:48 PM] wryan: (d) anyway
[7/14/16, 10:29:50 PM] Jack: p*ss p*ss
[7/14/16, 10:29:57 PM] Caleb/Shado: while i'm just sitting here
[7/14/16, 10:30:00 PM] Caleb/Shado: eatin my fruit
[7/14/16, 10:30:00 PM] Emmy: ShadoNinjaX, do you wish you were in a different house?
[7/14/16, 10:30:14 PM] Caleb/Shado: yea
[7/14/16, 10:31:17 PM] Emmy: Evolpz, do you feel betrayed by anyone or group of people after this week?
[7/14/16, 10:31:34 PM] evolpz: Nah everyone will be back stabbed eventually
[7/14/16, 10:31:49 PM] evolpz: Shado is just oblivious and allowing people to control him
[7/14/16, 10:31:56 PM] evolpz: He'll be out eventually
[7/14/16, 10:32:18 PM] evolpz: I'll be happy with one save
deletedabout 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 4:

[7/14/16, 10:24:13 PM] Emmy: Lelmoo, if you had to eliminate someone on the spot right now, who would it be and why?
[7/14/16, 10:24:20 PM] Lelmo: Omg
[7/14/16, 10:24:22 PM] Caroline: well d*mn lmao
[7/14/16, 10:24:24 PM] Emmy: lol jk
[7/14/16, 10:24:29 PM] AJ ♛: Hot d*mn
[7/14/16, 10:24:55 PM] Emmy: Lelmoo, do you feel you are doing well adjusting to the American lifestyle of the EMBB2 house?
[7/14/16, 10:25:59 PM] Jack: too many guns, 3/10
[7/14/16, 10:26:25 PM] Lelmo: Yes my sleep schedule is completely american now. I stay up to like 6 am and waking up at 1 pm so I'm doing much better than I thought!!! (Even tho i dont sleep enough)
[7/14/16, 10:27:42 PM] Emmy: Qrstuv, without saying names, are there people in this house you hate?
[7/14/16, 10:27:48 PM] Caroline: lol
[7/14/16, 10:27:55 PM] AJ ♛: I hate Caro
[7/14/16, 10:27:58 PM] Caroline: why
[7/14/16, 10:28:20 PM] AJ ♛: Too pretty
[7/14/16, 10:28:25 PM] wryan: hate? nah not at all lmao. i can tell that everyone in here is good ppls (^) lol
[7/14/16, 10:28:34 PM] Emmy: wow.. fake
[7/14/16, 10:28:35 PM] Caroline: im ugly
[7/14/16, 10:28:38 PM] wryan: lkjafkl;sjd
[7/14/16, 10:28:39 PM] Caroline: have u seen me
[7/14/16, 10:28:39 PM] Jack: (hug)
[7/14/16, 10:28:42 PM] AJ ♛: FAKE
[7/14/16, 10:28:49 PM] Sonia: that's not the answer we were looking for
about 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 3:

[7/14/16, 10:17:56 PM] Emmy: Deandean, you’ve been pretty vocal about being the most hated houseguest for the last few weeks. Do you think you are viewed as a threat at this point? Or are the houseguests just waiting for someone to waste their HoH on you?
[7/14/16, 10:18:09 PM] Caroline: lol'd
[7/14/16, 10:18:14 PM] Sonia: jessys is gay?
[7/14/16, 10:18:17 PM] AJ ♛: Haha rekkkkt
[7/14/16, 10:18:20 PM] Jack: incoming rant about being a villain
[7/14/16, 10:19:30 PM] Dean C: Oh I'm not a threat. Are you kidding me? I'm just a dumb*ss. Like, cmon. I'm not some f*cking villain or I'm not some just generally bad person. I know someone will waste their HOH on me, because I'm the easy one. Ever since i spent a week locked in a room on vacation ive lost all knowledge on what the is going on.
[7/14/16, 10:19:45 PM] AJ ♛: Excuses
[7/14/16, 10:19:45 PM] Caroline: dean watch the f bomb there are kids
[7/14/16, 10:19:49 PM] AJ ♛: I was on vacay
[7/14/16, 10:19:54 PM] AJ ♛: And I came back and was fine
[7/14/16, 10:20:10 PM] Caroline: I would waste my hoh on dean
[7/14/16, 10:21:22 PM] Emmy: Annajane, once again your house remains untouched moving on to Week 5. Do you feel it’s safe to say at this point in the game that you have picked the most superior house in the game? And would you proclaim yourself as the only rightful monarch in the game overall, considering the first two original Kings of Lannister/Baratheon have already been booted, and the King of Stark is on the block this week?
[7/14/16, 10:21:39 PM] Caroline: anna jane my khaleesi
[7/14/16, 10:22:18 PM] AJ ♛: Hot d*mn, well yes I am obviously khaleesi, I wouldn't say I picked the most superior, I'd say I got who I wanted and they just so happen to be well liked compared to others
[7/14/16, 10:22:25 PM] AJ ♛: Even though someone wanted to go after my house
[7/14/16, 10:22:27 PM] AJ ♛: Cough cough
deletedabout 8 years
Week 4 Eviction Night Part 2:

[7/14/16, 10:14:04 PM] Caroline: wheres my friend im supposed to be catching pokemon
[7/14/16, 10:14:14 PM] Dean C: see she's playing hard to get /s
[7/14/16, 10:14:16 PM] Caroline: dean wanna start a public showmance
[7/14/16, 10:14:16 PM] AJ ♛: There was a pikachu near me
[7/14/16, 10:14:18 PM] Caroline: ??
[7/14/16, 10:14:19 PM] AJ ♛: But I couldn't find it
[7/14/16, 10:14:21 PM] Dean C: Yeah
[7/14/16, 10:14:28 PM] Caroline: gross (puke)
[7/14/16, 10:14:30 PM] Jack: dean you fool
[7/14/16, 10:14:35 PM] Dean C: WOW
[7/14/16, 10:14:37 PM] Jack: you gotta let her chase you
[7/14/16, 10:14:45 PM] Dean C: So much for reading between the lines
[7/14/16, 10:14:49 PM] Caroline: isn't there like a bro code
[7/14/16, 10:14:54 PM] Caroline: u don't date ur friends exes ??????
[7/14/16, 10:14:58 PM] Dean C: But it's jack who cares
[7/14/16, 10:15:02 PM] Caroline: true
[7/14/16, 10:15:06 PM] Caroline: but ur icky bye dean
[7/14/16, 10:15:06 PM] AJ ♛: Darn it sorry jack we can't date
[7/14/16, 10:15:07 PM] Emmy: Jessys, this question comes from our live twitter feed
[7/14/16, 10:15:11 PM] Jessy: god
[7/14/16, 10:15:46 PM] Emmy: @OnlyFanofLGBT asks: “Jessys, who is ur love interest”
[7/14/16, 10:16:05 PM] Jessy: I am not a Lesbian America!
[7/14/16, 10:16:09 PM] Jack: LOL
[7/14/16, 10:16:17 PM] Jack: jessy if you need a bear
[7/14/16, 10:16:43 PM] Jessy: Just kidding ;)
[7/14/16, 10:17:33 PM] Caroline: can we skip dean lol
[7/14/16, 10:17:39 PM] AJ ♛: Skip dean!!
[7/14/16, 10:17:41 PM] AJ ♛: My turn
[7/14/16, 10:17:46 PM] AJ ♛: Queens turn