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EMBB2 Trophy Game

about 8 years

                                                 EMBB2: WEEK 15


EMBB2 Written Episodes:

Jack's Finale Speech:

Dean’s Finale Speech:

ShadoNinjaX's Jury Speech:

Annajane’s Jury Speech:

Annabelle’s Jury Speech:

Asa’s Jury Speech:

Hotjacket’s Jury Speech:

Jessys’ Jury Speech:

Qrstuv’s Jury Speech:

                                   2nd Place: House Stark              


             Evicted: Happy0wns, Evolpz, Annabelle, Deandean


                              4th Place: House Baratheon


            Evicted: Chuchu0, Lelmoo, ShadoNinjaX, Hotjacket


                              1st Place: House Lannister


               Jack, Evicted: Bgeas15, AmericanScone, Qrstuv


                             3rd Place: House Targaryen  


             Evicted: Caroline, R0ronoaZoro, Annajane, Jessys



Fantasy Draft:


about 8 years
[7/1/2016 6:10:19 PM] Stephen: LOL
[7/1/2016 6:10:29 PM] Stephen: Just remember
[7/1/2016 6:10:41 PM] Stephen: if you guys evict me this will be known as the "Sh*tty Season"
[7/1/2016 6:10:48 PM] Stephen: because ur all boring
[7/1/2016 6:10:49 PM] Stephen: bye
[7/1/2016 6:10:51 PM] Stephen: LOL

about 8 years
[7/1/2016 6:00:38 PM] ShadoNinja: that doesn't make sense
[7/1/2016 6:00:49 PM] Stephen: How does it not make sense
[7/1/2016 6:00:51 PM] ShadoNinja: he would most likely stay with the alliance
[7/1/2016 6:00:55 PM] ShadoNinja: and dismantle it from the inside
[7/1/2016 6:00:59 PM] ShadoNinja: isntead of leaking it to a 3rd party
[7/1/2016 6:01:09 PM] Stephen: Do yourself a favor and actually read the chatlog where Dean leaks the alliance to me
[7/1/2016 6:01:47 PM] ShadoNinja: Do yourself a favor and instead of making other people do work to get you saved provide them with it yourself
[7/1/2016 6:02:10 PM] AJ ♛: So when everyone thought
[7/1/2016 6:02:10 PM] AJ ♛: Lelmoo leaked that
[7/1/2016 6:02:11 PM] AJ ♛: It was dean
[7/1/2016 6:02:13 PM] AJ ♛: ?
[7/1/2016 6:02:16 PM] Stephen: How am I "making other people do work"
[7/1/2016 6:02:30 PM] Stephen: Yeah
[7/1/2016 6:02:36 PM] Stephen: Idk why Lelmoo was blamed
[7/1/2016 6:02:37 PM] ShadoNinja: you're making us read through your long block of text
[7/1/2016 6:02:44 PM] ShadoNinja: to find little bits of evidence
[7/1/2016 6:02:51 PM] ShadoNinja: that you neglect to provide
[7/1/2016 6:03:02 PM] Stephen: It's almost as if making informed decisions requires context and actual information.
[7/1/2016 6:03:42 PM] Stephen: I can't just copy paste the 1 message where Dean says "I want Caro/Eric gone" without context
[7/1/2016 6:04:42 PM] Stephen: I feel like sh*t because so many people entered this conversation assuming they cant trust me
[7/1/2016 6:04:46 PM] Stephen: But IM TELLING THE TRUTH
about 8 years
[7/1/2016 5:58:33 PM] Stephen: It was a 7-person alliance formed before the last 6 people entered the house
[7/1/2016 5:58:59 PM] Jack: The alliance literally disbanded as soon as bgeas mouthed off about it
[7/1/2016 5:59:04 PM] Stephen: It died between Night 1-Day 2 when Dean leaked the alliance to me and I spread it around
[7/1/2016 5:59:06 PM] Jack: Apparently Dean leaked it to him
[7/1/2016 5:59:10 PM] Stephen: Dude I know the story
[7/1/2016 5:59:15 PM] Stephen: I know the legend of Pringles
[7/1/2016 5:59:16 PM] Caroline: Idk how many times I've said
[7/1/2016 5:59:17 PM] Jack: The idea of Pringles vs everyone else though is
[7/1/2016 5:59:19 PM] ShadoNinja: so what you're saying
[7/1/2016 5:59:19 PM] Caroline: Pringles is done
[7/1/2016 5:59:25 PM] Jack: Because that alliance doesn't exist
[7/1/2016 5:59:27 PM] ShadoNinja: is it's dean fault that YOU leaked it to the rest of the house
[7/1/2016 5:59:47 PM] Stephen: Dean gave me that info with the intent to destroy the alliance
[7/1/2016 6:00:06 PM] Jack: That doesn't make any sense
[7/1/2016 6:00:10 PM] Stephen: I wanted to get rid of it because I HAD JUST entered the house and I didn't want to be one of their early targets
[7/1/2016 6:00:17 PM] ShadoNinja: then why didn't he destroy it himself?
[7/1/2016 6:00:24 PM] ShadoNinja: if he was so keen on removing it
[7/1/2016 6:00:28 PM] Stephen: He didn't want to be targeted either
[7/1/2016 6:00:29 PM] ShadoNinja: why did he leak it to you?
about 8 years
[7/1/2016 5:52:42 PM] ShadoNinja: and instead of explaining
[7/1/2016 5:52:44 PM] ShadoNinja: you leak more chats
[7/1/2016 5:52:54 PM] ShadoNinja: gr8 logic i r8 8/8
[7/1/2016 5:53:18 PM] Caroline: Dean wanted me nommed???
[7/1/2016 5:53:21 PM] Caroline: WHAT RHE F*CK
[7/1/2016 5:54:19 PM] Stephen: But I'm totally the snake here
[7/1/2016 5:54:22 PM] Stephen: I killed everything
[7/1/2016 5:54:31 PM] Jack: Tbh you're both snakes
[7/1/2016 5:54:54 PM] Stephen: I haven't been lying to you
[7/1/2016 5:54:58 PM] Stephen: or deceiving any of you
[7/1/2016 5:55:02 PM] Stephen: or pretending to be your allies
[7/1/2016 5:55:53 PM] AJ ♛: Caro did u actually trust dean tho
[7/1/2016 5:55:58 PM] Stephen: I have been genuinely trying to build trust between me and everyone else but many of you have clearly entered this situation planning not to trust me.
[7/1/2016 5:56:02 PM] Caroline: I THOUGHT I DID HOLY F*CK
[7/1/2016 5:56:07 PM] AJ ♛: Rip u then
[7/1/2016 5:56:33 PM] Stephen: That's a big insult because none of the stuff I've done so far can be compared to ALL THE SH*T Dean did.
[7/1/2016 5:56:46 PM] Jack: How could anyone trust you
[7/1/2016 5:56:56 PM] Jack: Bgeas you spouted off about Pringles night 1
[7/1/2016 5:56:57 PM] Stephen: Because I was "spouting" the truth
[7/1/2016 5:57:06 PM] Stephen: Dean pretended to be your ally
[7/1/2016 5:57:09 PM] Stephen: For weeks on end
[7/1/2016 5:57:09 PM] Caroline: Regardless bgeas you or Dean leaves and I'm happy enough
[7/1/2016 5:57:22 PM] Jack: Honestly this vote has now become a win win situation
[7/1/2016 5:58:16 PM] AJ ♛: Can someone explain what the Pringles alliance is
[7/1/2016 5:58:27 PM] AJ ♛: Is that the like first one that got leaked
about 8 years
[6/20/2016 11:54:41 PM] Dean C: I got jack thinking it's chuchu
[6/20/2016 11:54:47 PM] Dean C: i asked jack straight up
[6/20/2016 11:54:49 PM] Dean C: who he trusts more
[6/20/2016 11:54:51 PM] Dean C: you or chuchu
[6/20/2016 11:54:53 PM] Dean C: and he said you
[6/20/2016 11:55:03 PM] Dean C: so he'd rather have chuchu on the block
[6/20/2016 11:55:49 PM] Stephen: I don't wanna jinx it but I think tonight was a success for us :3
[6/20/2016 11:56:03 PM] Dean C: Honestly I'm still on the skin of my teeth
[6/20/2016 11:56:27 PM] Stephen: Nobody seems to think you're the leaker now
[6/20/2016 11:56:47 PM] Dean C: Nobody BUT if anything else leaks I'm the target
[6/20/2016 11:57:01 PM] Stephen: Good thing there's nothing else to leak atm
about 8 years
BGEAS then quotes another conversation:

[7/1/2016 5:52:29 PM] Stephen:

[6/20/2016 11:49:37 PM] Dean C: we flipped the nom onto eric and caroline
[6/20/2016 11:49:49 PM] Dean C: is that a no go
[6/20/2016 11:50:22 PM] Stephen: what nom
[6/20/2016 11:51:44 PM] Dean C: I'm going offline
[6/20/2016 11:51:48 PM] Dean C: but I'm still here
[6/20/2016 11:51:52 PM] Stephen: mmhm
[6/20/2016 11:52:07 PM] Dean C: like
[6/20/2016 11:52:19 PM] Dean C: This is what I need to do
[6/20/2016 11:52:22 PM] Dean C: i need to somehow
[6/20/2016 11:52:42 PM] Dean C: make them also think chuchu might have leaked
[6/20/2016 11:52:52 PM] Dean C: and use that as a move
[6/20/2016 11:53:17 PM] Stephen: Eric told me that Happy/AnnaJane somehow learned about the alliance
[6/20/2016 11:53:21 PM] Dean C: Yeah
[6/20/2016 11:53:22 PM] Dean C: I have no idea
[6/20/2016 11:53:23 PM] Dean C: how
[6/20/2016 11:53:28 PM] Dean C: I am actually innocent on that
[6/20/2016 11:53:35 PM] Dean C: I think Caroline is leaking that
[6/20/2016 11:53:38 PM] Dean C: look at the people who know
[6/20/2016 11:53:42 PM] Dean C: Annajane?
[6/20/2016 11:53:49 PM] Stephen: That's what he said
[6/20/2016 11:54:18 PM] Stephen: If there's a way to make Jack/Eric think Chuchu leaked it to those 2
[6/20/2016 11:54:18 PM] Dean C: the reason why i went offline is because i said i went to bed to them
[6/20/2016 11:54:24 PM] Dean C: but I'm not
[6/20/2016 11:54:28 PM] Stephen: Mmhm
about 8 years
[7/1/2016 5:50:24 PM] Caroline: You literally did
[7/1/2016 5:50:29 PM] Caroline: everyone here knew by day two
[7/1/2016 5:50:32 PM] Stephen: I'm not the one who told Happy0wns
[7/1/2016 5:50:36 PM] ShadoNinja: rumors spread like wildfires
[7/1/2016 5:50:37 PM] Stephen: Someone else told him
[7/1/2016 5:50:49 PM] Caroline: Shado didn't I tell u that today
[7/1/2016 5:50:51 PM] Stephen: And none of it would've happened if Dean didn't tell me about it Night 1
[7/1/2016 5:50:53 PM] ShadoNinja: ;)
[7/1/2016 5:50:54 PM] Caroline: BGEAS WHY DIDNU GET ME NOMMED
[7/1/2016 5:51:16 PM] ShadoNinja: who said anything about Happy0wns?
[7/1/2016 5:51:23 PM] ShadoNinja: as far as i'm concerned
[7/1/2016 5:51:32 PM] ShadoNinja: everyone said he wasn't talking to tem
[7/1/2016 5:51:44 PM] Stephen: Happy was one of the people who knew very early on
[7/1/2016 5:51:47 PM] Stephen: About the alliance
[7/1/2016 5:51:52 PM] Stephen: and I'm not the one who told him
[7/1/2016 5:52:00 PM] Stephen: so I didn't "Tell the entire house" like you think I did
[7/1/2016 5:52:04 PM] ShadoNinja: you said you told 3 people
[7/1/2016 5:52:11 PM] ShadoNinja: at this point the whole house knows
[7/1/2016 5:52:18 PM] ShadoNinja: so why don't you just say who those 3 people are?
about 8 years
[7/1/2016 5:48:31 PM] Caroline: Bgeas u were just as bad as Dean tbh
[7/1/2016 5:48:34 PM] Stephen: I DONT WANT IT TO BE PRINGLES VS EVERYONE
[7/1/2016 5:48:38 PM] Caroline: Both y'all did dumb sh*t
[7/1/2016 5:48:40 PM] ShadoNinja: then why didn't you leak it?
[7/1/2016 5:48:43 PM] ShadoNinja: you said yourself
[7/1/2016 5:48:46 PM] ShadoNinja: that you didn't leak it
[7/1/2016 5:48:47 PM] ShadoNinja: however
[7/1/2016 5:48:51 PM] ShadoNinja: if you didn't want it to be like that
[7/1/2016 5:48:59 PM] Stephen: Dean wants Pringles to be a thing
[7/1/2016 5:49:14 PM] ShadoNinja: You also want it to be a thing
[7/1/2016 5:49:20 PM] ShadoNinja: because you didn't out it immidiently after you found out
[7/1/2016 5:49:20 PM] Stephen: NO I DONT
[7/1/2016 5:49:23 PM] Caroline: Bgeas u were sad u weren't added to it
[7/1/2016 5:49:28 PM] ShadoNinja: you literally said yourself
[7/1/2016 5:49:31 PM] Stephen: I WAS PISSED I WASNT ADDED
[7/1/2016 5:49:41 PM] Caroline: IT WAS MADE BEFORE UR WAS HERE
[7/1/2016 5:49:48 PM] Stephen: Everyone who entered in the 3rd group was cheated
[7/1/2016 5:49:51 PM] ShadoNinja: SO WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAK IT IMMIDIATELY
[7/1/2016 5:49:57 PM] Stephen: I did
[7/1/2016 5:50:02 PM] ShadoNinja: aha
[7/1/2016 5:50:05 PM] ShadoNinja: check and mate
[7/1/2016 5:50:18 PM] Stephen: I didn't leak to the entire house
[7/1/2016 5:50:21 PM] Stephen: I leaked to like, 3 people
about 8 years
[7/1/2016 5:46:22 PM] Stephen:

[6/29/2016 11:56:06 PM] Dean C: now that my is on the line
[6/29/2016 11:56:14 PM] Dean C: It was eric
[6/29/2016 11:57:43 PM] Stephen: Who wanted to backdoor me?
[6/29/2016 11:57:48 PM] Dean C: Eric.
[6/29/2016 11:57:58 PM] Stephen: Ah

[7/1/2016 5:46:38 PM] Stephen: Fun times!
[7/1/2016 5:47:04 PM] Stephen: So Shado
[7/1/2016 5:47:11 PM] Stephen: I know that you THINK you want me to leave this week
[7/1/2016 5:47:35 PM] Stephen: But it's obviously best for Dean to be removed from everyone's games ASAP
[7/1/2016 5:47:52 PM] Stephen: Because he's been setting this up to be Former Pringles VS. Everyone else since NIGHT F*CKING 1
[7/1/2016 5:47:58 PM] ShadoNinja: it's obviously best for someone who's already leaked things to be removed ASAP
[7/1/2016 5:48:03 PM] ShadoNinja: because you know he can't be trusted
[7/1/2016 5:48:21 PM] ShadoNinja: If you knew it was going to be former pringles vs everyone
[7/1/2016 5:48:25 PM] ShadoNinja: then why didn't you leak it?
[7/1/2016 5:48:28 PM] ShadoNinja: unless they brought you in
about 8 years
[7/1/2016 5:44:27 PM] Stephen: Yeah 1 sec
[7/1/2016 5:44:30 PM] Stephen: No not my f2
[7/1/2016 5:44:37 PM] Stephen: but he did tell me I was being backdoored
[7/1/2016 5:44:43 PM] Caroline: What the sh*t

BGEAS then quotes a previous conversation with Dean:

[7/1/2016 5:45:24 PM] Stephen:

[6/26/2016 9:58:02 PM] Dean C: a bit but I'm keeping the noms the same
[6/26/2016 9:58:09 PM] Dean C: I heard your name as a possible backdoor
[6/26/2016 9:58:11 PM] Dean C: So you know
[6/26/2016 9:58:15 PM] Dean C: i'd rather avoid that
[6/26/2016 9:58:24 PM] Stephen: Willing to share who said it or should that stay hidden
[6/26/2016 9:58:41 PM] Dean C: stay hidden. i'll tell you if you become in more trouble
[6/26/2016 9:58:49 PM] Dean C: fair?
[6/26/2016 9:58:51 PM] Stephen: okay

[7/1/2016 5:45:28 PM] Stephen: It was the night he won PoV
[7/1/2016 5:45:36 PM] Stephen: he told me I was a backdoor target
[7/1/2016 5:45:39 PM] Stephen: and wouldn't tell me who
[7/1/2016 5:46:15 PM] Caroline: Noms were never changing your name might've been mentioned in case a nominee won
about 8 years
[7/1/2016 5:41:55 PM] Caroline: MY GOD THIS TEA HOLY SH*T
[7/1/2016 5:42:09 PM] Caroline: I wasn't gonna just tell u everything bgeas
[7/1/2016 5:42:12 PM] ShadoNinja: lmao
[7/1/2016 5:42:13 PM] ShadoNinja: what tea
[7/1/2016 5:42:14 PM] Caroline: I couldn't trust you
[7/1/2016 5:42:27 PM] Jack: What the f*ck
[7/1/2016 5:42:35 PM] Stephen: I wanted to build that trust but everyone was ignoring me
[7/1/2016 5:42:46 PM] Stephen: And now I'm on the block because of some nonsense reason
[7/1/2016 5:43:06 PM] Caroline: Well you can't just come in trying to get info randomly there's a way to build trust and that wasn't it
[7/1/2016 5:43:11 PM] Matthew (Kanjo): umm
[7/1/2016 5:43:16 PM] Matthew (Kanjo): is that alliance still a thing
[7/1/2016 5:43:18 PM] ShadoNinja: nope
[7/1/2016 5:43:21 PM] Stephen: And then it leaks to me (from Dean) that people were trying to backdoor me week 1.
[7/1/2016 5:43:22 PM] Matthew (Kanjo): oh darn
[7/1/2016 5:43:23 PM] ShadoNinja: but now you know who screwed them
[7/1/2016 5:43:25 PM] Matthew (Kanjo): I wanted to join
[7/1/2016 5:43:32 PM] Caroline: Matthew I'll add u
[7/1/2016 5:43:36 PM] Matthew (Kanjo): god bless
[7/1/2016 5:43:45 PM] Stephen: Of course I think that alliance is trying to backdoor me
[7/1/2016 5:43:54 PM] Stephen: Dean wouldn't tell me any names so I assumed it was that entire alliance
[7/1/2016 5:44:17 PM] Caroline: Dean told you out of nowhere you were being back doored?
about 8 years
[7/1/2016 5:40:13 PM] ShadoNinja: you were actually the one that screwed dean
[7/1/2016 5:40:17 PM] ShadoNinja: and the alliance
[7/1/2016 5:40:24 PM] ShadoNinja: that's more then enough incense to vote him out
[7/1/2016 5:40:24 PM] Stephen: I never mentioned Dean to you
[7/1/2016 5:40:35 PM] ShadoNinja: you did mention a screwed alliance
[7/1/2016 5:40:38 PM] ShadoNinja: which you screwed
[7/1/2016 5:40:46 PM] Stephen: OF COURSE I SCREWED THE ALLIANCE
[7/1/2016 5:40:53 PM] Stephen: I didn't wanna be evicted by them
[7/1/2016 5:40:56 PM] ShadoNinja: and you just signed your death wish
[7/1/2016 5:41:01 PM] ShadoNinja: because now you ARE going to get evicted
[7/1/2016 5:41:07 PM] ShadoNinja: because you just admitted you screwed the alliance
[7/1/2016 5:41:30 PM] Stephen: That doesn't even make sense
[7/1/2016 5:41:34 PM] Caroline: You don't wanna be targeted but u out the alliance ????
[7/1/2016 5:41:38 PM] ShadoNinja: lets put it this way
[7/1/2016 5:41:39 PM] Caroline: Instead of working w it
[7/1/2016 5:41:39 PM] Stephen: I'm not the one who leaked It in the first place
[7/1/2016 5:41:45 PM] Stephen: I tried to work with all of you
[7/1/2016 5:41:46 PM] ShadoNinja: mmhmmmmmmmmmmm
[7/1/2016 5:41:53 PM] Stephen: And Dean is the only one who gave me ANYTHING
about 8 years
SHADO then quotes a previous conversation as well:

[7/1/2016 5:39:55 PM] ShadoNinja:

[2016-06-21 1:56:30 PM] Stephen: Caroline/Chuchu/Eric/Dean/Lelmoo/Hot/Jack
[2016-06-21 1:56:33 PM] Stephen: Were all in an alliance
[2016-06-21 1:56:46 PM] Stephen: Someone leaked it to me and I told them I knew about it
[2016-06-21 1:56:49 PM] Stephen: And it fell apart
[2016-06-21 1:56:58 PM] Caleb/Shado/Lite/Eklipz/Ninja/Samurai/X/Y/Z: i want to dr that so bad lmfao
[2016-06-21 1:57:07 PM] Stephen: It all happened last night lmao
[2016-06-21 1:57:12 PM] Caleb/Shado/Lite/Eklipz/Ninja/Samurai/X/Y/Z: lmao
[2016-06-21 1:57:32 PM] Stephen: omg don't tell anyone I told you
[2016-06-21 1:57:33 PM] Stephen: LOL
about 8 years
BGEAS continues in the main chat:

[7/1/2016 5:38:35 PM] Stephen: Truth be told, I don't know what side of everything Dean is on
[7/1/2016 5:38:52 PM] Stephen: Because he's been setting this up to be 1 side of the house vs the other since the very beginning
[7/1/2016 5:39:10 PM] Stephen: Shado I saw you typing there
[7/1/2016 5:39:11 PM] Caroline: MY GOD
[7/1/2016 5:39:14 PM] Stephen: why did you nom me
[7/1/2016 5:39:34 PM] Matthew (Kanjo): information!

[7/1/2016 5:39:39 PM] Stephen: I guess I don't get an actual reason!
[7/1/2016 5:39:43 PM] ShadoNinja: no you don't
[7/1/2016 5:39:52 PM] Stephen: So what you said in your speech was a lie
[7/1/2016 5:39:55 PM] ShadoNinja: nope
about 8 years
[6/20/2016 10:18:03 PM] Stephen: I'm not leaking anything
[6/20/2016 10:18:32 PM] Stephen: I just asked those 2 If there were any alliances because they talked to me as soon as I joined
[6/20/2016 10:18:39 PM] Dean C: lol
[6/20/2016 10:18:43 PM] Stephen: and they both said no lol
[6/20/2016 10:18:46 PM] Dean C: why the f*ck they lyin
about 8 years
[6/20/2016 10:15:46 PM] Stephen: Jack
[6/20/2016 10:15:52 PM] Stephen: lol
[6/20/2016 10:15:53 PM] Stephen: 1 sec
[6/20/2016 10:16:17 PM] Stephen: I asked the people who u linked
[6/20/2016 10:16:18 PM] Stephen: like

[10:15:28 PM] Stephen: Are there like, any alliances I should be worried about lol
[10:15:36 PM] Lelmo: I don't think sooo
[10:15:00 PM] Stephen: Are there like, any alliances I should be worried about lol
[10:15:21 PM] evolpz: i have the one with you and jessys

[6/20/2016 10:16:57 PM] Stephen: Literally okay
[6/20/2016 10:17:00 PM] Dean C: lol
[6/20/2016 10:17:03 PM] Stephen: Sure that's ur only alliance
[6/20/2016 10:17:45 PM] Stephen: I'm just gonna sit here fanning myself with my pages and pages of information
[6/20/2016 10:17:46 PM] Stephen: kek
[6/20/2016 10:17:48 PM] Dean C: kek
[6/20/2016 10:17:58 PM] Dean C: If they get leaked I'm f*cked you know
about 8 years
BGEAS quoting a conversation with dean:

[6/20/2016 10:10:54 PM] Stephen: are there any alliances I should be worried about
[6/20/2016 10:11:05 PM] Dean C: there is a 7 person
[6/20/2016 10:11:07 PM] Dean C: that's just
[6/20/2016 10:11:09 PM] Dean C:
[6/20/2016 10:11:13 PM] Stephen: ffs
[6/20/2016 10:11:20 PM] Stephen: Bomb Squad 2.0
[6/20/2016 10:11:22 PM] Dean C: like
[6/20/2016 10:11:24 PM] Dean C: caroline
[6/20/2016 10:11:25 PM] Dean C: chuchu
[6/20/2016 10:11:27 PM] Dean C: eric
[6/20/2016 10:11:33 PM] Dean C: I'm in it but Idgaf about them
[6/20/2016 10:11:44 PM] Dean C: uhh
[6/20/2016 10:11:47 PM] Dean C: lelmoo
[6/20/2016 10:12:09 PM] Stephen: Is it actually 7 people lol
[6/20/2016 10:12:13 PM] Dean C: yeah
[6/20/2016 10:12:14 PM] Dean C: it is
[6/20/2016 10:12:30 PM] Stephen: I thought you were being Hyperbolic
[6/20/2016 10:12:37 PM] Dean C: nope
[6/20/2016 10:12:40 PM] Dean C: legit 7
[6/20/2016 10:12:45 PM] Dean C: I think jack might be in it
[6/20/2016 10:12:56 PM] Stephen: is there a chat
[6/20/2016 10:13:00 PM] Stephen: you could just check who's in it
about 8 years
Here is what when down when BGEAS learned he was nominated (bgeas is Stephen)

[7/1/2016 2:04:40 PM] Stephen: Well then
[7/1/2016 2:05:05 PM] Stephen: Idk what I fooled him about
[7/1/2016 2:05:31 PM] Stephen: Shado our entire convo during your HoH was honest so please
[7/1/2016 2:05:45 PM] Stephen: If you think I lied to you
[7/1/2016 2:06:06 PM] Stephen: Call me out publicly so I can shame you for making such a stupid decision
[7/1/2016 2:09:53 PM] Stephen: I'm still at work so I can't do it until later
[7/1/2016 2:10:37 PM] Stephen: Unless of course, you lied to the whole house and I didn't actually deceive you at all
deletedabout 8 years
Is it too late to sign up
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about 8 years
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about 8 years
Week 2 PoV Ceremony:
about 8 years
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HalseyMartinez says

All my draft picks are getting nommed rip me

thats cause u SUCK