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Discussion Group: Thinkers welcome!

about 8 years

386:26 cosmoiswa... I'm going to start a discussion group

387:05 cosmoiswa... where each week, the participants will vote on what topic in philosophy, literature, or general culture to discuss

387:13 cosmoiswa... I'll assign watching and reading materials

387:33 cosmoiswa... and after a week of where participants can read up on the topic and the associated concepts

387:49 cosmoiswa... I'll open a chat room for discussion and furthered exploration

Pretty much any topic is up to be debated, things such as specific religions (Buddhism), economics systems (communism), philosophy (stoicism), literature (specific authors or concepts or schools of thought), specific foods, history, anything that lends itself to interesting discourse is up for grabs.

At the end of each week, I'll archive the materials, and the chat room logs for review.


Choose which one you'd like to do

Would you be interested in joining?
I don't use my brain.
about 8 years
Ok I got really busy, I'll have something up tomorrow
about 8 years
1. collectivism vs individualism

is the winner, I'll have docs up sometime today.
about 8 years
about 8 years
i can't count this high.
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
1 (additional charcters)
deletedabout 8 years
I'm having trouble choosing between topic C8 and C9. They're both so intellectually rigorous.
deletedabout 8 years
Going with 1 here
about 8 years
about 8 years
about 8 years
deletedabout 8 years

n o t e n o u g h c h a r a c t e r s k e k
deletedabout 8 years
any of them will do but I'll say 1

let's save 3 for when I'm more popular and 2 for when I decide being straight isn't my thing eh
about 8 years
2 sounds the best to me
about 8 years

coolkidrox123 says

maybe talk about the conflict in the middle east. As an israeli jew i have a few points from the israeli/jewish side of the matter

real talk, follow what's going on in the thread at the time or I'll just kick you out from this endeavor. All signs point towards you trolling.

that being said, choices have been condensed to
1. collectivism vs individualism
3. EM Community

Vote one of these options by saying either 1, 2, or 3 in this thread
about 8 years
maybe talk about the conflict in the middle east. As an israeli jew i have a few points from the israeli/jewish side of the matter
about 8 years

cosmoiswatching says

Serpinator1317 says

Being both religious and asexual, I feel the LGBTQIA+ topic would be an interesting one to start with. It mentions religion in its possible questions section, and that really stuck out to me.

lol dont endorse your own submission

I had a feeling you would rat me out. It was pretty fun trying to remain anonymous.
deletedabout 8 years
I vote for the collectivism vs individualism discussion, and why collectivism has been devalued and almost compared to fascism. There's a lot of material out there that is relevant to this; and if we do not talk about it now, it would be a good topic for later.

I do not think you will have a hard time at all finding resources btw
deletedabout 8 years
I wanna talk about modern political theory, specifically the different ideas within classical liberalism. I think looking at the debate between Robert Nozick and John Rawls would be a good starting point, but Anarchy, State, and Utopia and A Theory of Justice are pretty dense and technical for an entry-level discussion so IDK.
deletedabout 8 years
am I allowed to post on forums yet

nice I'll participate
about 8 years
Epicmafia Mental health thingy seems interesting lel
about 8 years

coolkidrox123 says

i got submiussion idea:

discussion about emtions and why we have them? why are theuyi mportant?

kinda what i proposed earlier, but this is probably a good starting point before we delve into what i was asking (how we derive emotions from various mediums)
about 8 years
i got submiussion idea:

discussion about emtions and why we have them? why are theuyi mportant?
about 8 years

Serpinator1317 says

Being both religious and asexual, I feel the LGBTQIA+ topic would be an interesting one to start with. It mentions religion in its possible questions section, and that really stuck out to me.

lol dont endorse your own submission
about 8 years
why is mine more serious than half the others

what happened.