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Discussion Group: Thinkers welcome!

about 8 years

386:26 cosmoiswa... I'm going to start a discussion group

387:05 cosmoiswa... where each week, the participants will vote on what topic in philosophy, literature, or general culture to discuss

387:13 cosmoiswa... I'll assign watching and reading materials

387:33 cosmoiswa... and after a week of where participants can read up on the topic and the associated concepts

387:49 cosmoiswa... I'll open a chat room for discussion and furthered exploration

Pretty much any topic is up to be debated, things such as specific religions (Buddhism), economics systems (communism), philosophy (stoicism), literature (specific authors or concepts or schools of thought), specific foods, history, anything that lends itself to interesting discourse is up for grabs.

At the end of each week, I'll archive the materials, and the chat room logs for review.


Choose which one you'd like to do

Would you be interested in joining?
I don't use my brain.
about 8 years
Being both religious and asexual, I feel the LGBTQIA+ topic would be an interesting one to start with. It mentions religion in its possible questions section, and that really stuck out to me.
deletedabout 8 years
No wonder Cosmo said the submissions suck... regardless of that I want to see a discussion of individualism vs collectivism. Just the general discussion of this is quite nice as we can bring up works such as Utopia and a fictional classic that many have read such as Animal Farm (gotta love those references to the period around World War II).
about 8 years
em cpmmunity :P
deletedabout 8 years
I'll vote for the LGBTQIA+ one, since it relates to me and I think proper education over the topic is really important.
about 8 years
If nobody else chimes in by sometime monday morning, it'll be on monogamy
about 8 years
Well monogamy immediately stuck out to me I think that'd be a fun way to kick things off
about 8 years
BY which I mean, just say it out loud in this chat
about 8 years
about 8 years
Welp I was on vacation during the submission time
Not like any of my ideas people like anyway :D
I'll think of some more ones that everyone can contribute to though
Edit: I'm Townread
about 8 years
bump, 6 hours
about 8 years
Time to submit ends in 10 hours
about 8 years
I don't know what most of these words mean
about 8 years
Need more suggestions
about 8 years

HardCarry says

im interested in how Revolutions come to fruition

Is that code for, I'm interested in how I (Hardcarry) always wind up evicted?
about 8 years
im interested in how Revolutions come to fruition
about 8 years
about 8 years
So far, one good topic suggestion, possibly two, the rest have been pretty trash.
about 8 years
Just posting here to say psychology is ghey and I don't find it interesting what so ever. N1ed, thats not entirely accurate. I mean tbh, I know some people who play just for the challenges.
about 8 years
about 8 years
3 suggestions in so far
about 8 years
about 8 years
Looks like we might be oversubscribed, but we'll see how the first week goes, Google form for topic suggestions to be up shortly
about 8 years

Serpinator1317 says

Why does poutine seem to only exist in Canada even though it's delicious and should be available in the USA?

Because fries are better with ketchup, or with cheese and bacon, and gravy is gross.
deletedabout 8 years
i feel like we're all interested in psychology to an extent if we willingly join a game based around psychological warfare almost daily so that might be a good topic to discuss
about 8 years
I am interested in psychology. My dad is a psychologist and my brother is doing psychology in uni and my coruse had one subject on psycholpgy. rekt