Following through with this, I'm presuming mist only said the first bit. In bold
but I'm still awfully confused about the that's happening
I can't find the role that -papuito is claiming, so maybe it's not happening when he's at L2? I'm not sure what that role would pertain, don't get me wrong on role mechanics but we need a little more information.
Papuito tell us or rather me about your town crier role thing if you want me to unvote.
So i will explain in detail and ill just say what i was hinting at in that claim. I have 2 cries that im allowed to send out. the difference between a normal em crier is that i can send the message in advance and have it said if something is triggered which in this case day 1 i put it at if i was L-2. The other thing i hinted at in that cry was im also allowed to do this at night which is kinda cool
it's an important difference because one has a totally obvious connection that adds nothing and the other has a totally horrendous connection that is supposed to be humorous
I don't think pap's clear what so ever because having 3 people that can be clear PLUS a cop seems way to overkill and town sided so I feel like he can still be mafia.