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Shwartz99's Game o' Fun

almost 8 years

Aight gang,

So I'm going to make an RPG story and you guys decide what to do and all. I'll probably start when we have 5 players or something, so it's first come, first serve. There aren't really any rules, just say in the comments what you want to do and I'll post (usually within 24 hours) the results of what happens based off of those actions. I'll update all this when we start, but for now I'm still thinking about the plot and all. If anybody wants to help me moderate this, it would be great, just pm me or say it in the comments.

P.S. Ignore the countdown, if we don't get enough players by then I'll just call the game off.

almost 8 years
Yes you should shwartz, I would be more active if the other people were like iatepewdiepie to be honest
almost 8 years
Nobody has sort of said much in 3 days, so I'll think I'll just end the game and say that everybody died somehow.

It's been fun though, and if I ever decide to do something like this again, I'll pm you guys to tell you.
almost 8 years
stfu pony
we go right.
Money is love, Money is life.
We could buy some useful stuff there.
almost 8 years
I would suggest taking the unknown path, could be a shortcut. I love shortcuts.
almost 8 years
We should explore the unknown, and see what happens
almost 8 years

money is money.
almost 8 years
The party seems to vote in favor of approaching the man.

As the party walked nearer to the campfire, the man abruptly stops singing and playing on his harp. He seems to look around nervously and he yells out, "Who's there? Are ye bandits or honest men?".

xPooky answers for the group, "An honest party of adventurers, needing some rest. We came from Shwartzberg.".

The man responds, "Shwartzberg, eh? Ah'm headed there right now. This is mah last stop before Ah get goin' again."

The party explains to the man that Shwartzberg was destroyed by a dragon and completely looted.

The bard looks shocked. "Well that's rather unfortunate. Of course, being a travelin' bard means ye have tuh go where the money is, and Ah had heard that Ah could make some money there. Ah guess Ah'll just haftuh turn around then. Ye look weary, though, and Ah already have a fire running, so Ah'd be more than happy tuh share some rations and stories with ye."

The adventurers accept this offer immediately, and spend the night having a feast, singing, dancing, and roasting marshmallows, of course. They finally fall asleep at sometime past midnight, satiated, and content.

In the morning, they thank the bard many times, and Constantinople shows him the gold coins, asking whether he knows about them or not.

"Well, Ah'll be! These are from the Kingdom of Orfalon. It's about a good, maybe 50 miles from here. Ah believe you get there by takin' a right on this fork a mile from here." remarks the man.

The party thanks the bard once again, and continue on their way. They come to the same fork in the road as before.

From the bard's knowledge, the right path leads to the Kingdom of Orfalon, which could be a good place to visit. The adventurers don't know what's on the left.

You must decide which path you want to take (again).
almost 8 years
Yeah we aproach.
almost 8 years
I say we approach.
He might help us and we maybe, just maybe can take someething if we're in desperate need of it
deletedalmost 8 years
throw spices at them to make sure they are human (if they freak out they are probably safe )
almost 8 years
Finally I meet a man of my calibre.
almost 8 years

A man who knows an old ballad must be knowledgeable... maybe...
almost 8 years
Ok, it seems that most of the party is willing to surrender.

The party takes off their armor and takes out their daggers and money. They are willing to give it all to save their own lives.

"So you decided to take the smarter approach, eh?" remarks the brigand without a horse as you hand over your weapons, armor, and money.

"Well, we don't need these gold coins, I don't know where they're from, so they're of no value. You can keep those." says one of the men, returning the sack of gold coins.

They pat the adventurers down to see if there is anything else they might be hiding, but the adventurers had truly given everything. They then leave, laughing amongst themselves.

The adventurers decide to leave the town, as there is really nothing left of it. The only thing they gained was 70 unidentified gold coins, and a couple of pangs of hunger could be felt in each of them.

Of course, with no food, and night approaching quickly, they have to set off on the road they came from. On the side of the road, they see a light that looks like it comes from a campfire. The adventurers approach cautiously, as strange sounds seem to be coming from that direction.

There seems to be a single person next to a campfire. xPooky recognizes the person is singing and playing on his harp an old bard ballad.

The adventurers at this point, are somewhat tired, and moderately hungry. You must decide together if you want to approach the person or leave and continue on the main road.
almost 8 years
Look, if it was some beast , or goblins, jelly, basically anything small and stupid, we can fight it. But people with weapons and armor and horses - NO
almost 8 years
I say we just let them have it. Heavy armor vs leather armor? Lol no thank you. They have real weapons vs my guitar? Lol no than you.
almost 8 years
While the others are attacking them, i will run away and leave them to die.
almost 8 years

Rutab says

I agree with Shamu on sneak attacking

Yes, they are right in front of us. Lets give them our weapons and sneak attack them. They can't do anything with their spears while they are on their horses.
almost 8 years
I agree with Shamu on sneak attacking
almost 8 years
I say we give all our money and flee in hopes they will prefer the money over our heads.
almost 8 years
We have no chance of winning. Think of this as a boss fight. They have spears, heavy armor, shields, horses. All we have is a hammer 2 daggers and 1 easilly penetratable armor.

We can't fight , some of us will definetly die if we flee.

We can't do much :/
almost 8 years

Shamu says

While they are brigands, all of us are like, buff middle aged men but their advantage comes from their equipment, and ours from numbers,

if we kill them we may take some losses for some quick gains.

if we flee (I see two horses) and they chase they will catch up so we can set an ambush.

I say we surrender, and then suprise attack.


Well if we surrender, we'll have to give away all of our weapons. We'd be fighting with our fists against their swords.

Maybe we can give them our sword and say it's all we have.
deletedalmost 8 years
I would like to take on the proffession of wandering monk and herbalist.
almost 8 years
While they are brigands, all of us are like, buff middle aged men but their advantage comes from their equipment, and ours from numbers,

if we kill them we may take some losses for some quick gains.

if we flee (I see two horses) and they chase they will catch up so we can set an ambush.

I say we surrender, and then suprise attack.

almost 8 years
I say we fight. We have weapons as well, and the party members without weapons can stay in the back while the ones with weapons can fight in the front.
almost 8 years
well dayum
we'd better stuble upon some souls