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anon opinions!

deletedover 7 years

okay so they're doing this again in sandbox n i thought it might b fun here so if u want u can comment n ask for a name n i'll pm someone's name to u n u can do an opinion on them but just don't say their name

thx 2 krista for bringing this to survivor forever ago

deletedover 7 years
Okay, you are someone that I haven't gotten to know that well as my memory of them is mostly reliant on my first months when you were more present in the lobby. I always saw you as someone very cold, and very reserving to themselves; however, it seems that the majority of the older players are acquainted with you. I do wish to be more acquainted with you as you do mean well even though you can be quite critical to others.
over 7 years

I got one.

I'm fairly sure you latched on to me to get comfortable in this lobby. And by golly, you made yourself fairly iconic here. You have a really strong social game. You usually make it really far in games. You had a very fantastic performance in one of the trophy games and almost won. But not quite. Anyways who cares about all the controversial stuff about you, no one really cares, and if someone does care, it's their problem.
over 7 years
jk i didn't get one
over 7 years
i hate you
over 7 years
2 more
deletedover 7 years
im not a girl and we've never played overwatch so im a bit confused...?
over 7 years
may i please have another?
over 7 years

my best friend, I DONT WANNA GET ALL SAPPY... but i know i'm gonna anyway...

so i met this chick this summer?? i don't remember but i remember i was always a little intimidated by her because i thought she was way cooler than me. then we started becoming friends and we both hated the same people and i realized how perf we are together. and the rest is history.
i love this girl for many reasons
1) she plays overwatch w me and listens to me rage
2) we can just sit in discord and barely talk but still enjoy each others company
3) she's always there for me whether i need to cry or laugh or just get drunk

I LOVE UUUUUUUUUUUUUU <#<#<#<#,3,3,<#<#3 lorelai & sookie 4ever
over 7 years
gimme some

vivor only idk who ppl are ty
over 7 years
gimme another plssss
over 7 years
1. you are one of my fav people on this site even though im pretty sure my boyfriend likes u more than me.

2. um i dont really know you all that well but im sure ur a swell dude!

3. Hi you are super funny and cool to play games with. Let's play together more friend!!
deletedover 7 years
im a f-cking idiot
over 7 years
why are people numbering their paragraphs

edit: im a f-cking idiot
deletedover 7 years
oh i don't really know what to say about this person tbh i don't know them that well and for a while i didn't have the best impression of them and still have mixed feelings but they're great to play games with and great to talk to tbh i just think sometimes our mentalities don't match up. still a good person all and all.
over 7 years
1. not the best first impression but we past that. great player and considered a legend in this lobby so a lot of people have mad respect for you. i guess you kinda have this queen bee stigma attached to you cause i notice how people act when you're around and how far they are willing to go to please you. it's just as impressive as it is scary to see the amount of control and influence you have on others, but you're well known for your social prowess. maybe we'll talk more sometime when you get back into the game and start playing more often

2. another legendary player. we've butted heads quite a bit in the last month over something that went down, but i'm thankful that we were able to resolve it and move forward. all that sh*t aside, you're a pretty cool guy who is basically adored by the community and for good reason. you've done a lot for the lobby so far and continue to do so. keep doing what you do best, buddy

3. real kind and always a great person to talk to in chats. pretty damn funny at times too

4. no idea who this user is but her account is old as f*ck, so probably an old player who was around before i joined the site. pop up sometime when you're not as busy thriving in real life, yeah?
over 7 years
1. You are really funny and have a clever sense of humour, as well as being smart. You are fun to be around, both in game and chatrooms, even if you don't try your hardest in games. Overall, a great person to have around.
over 7 years
When you're on the front page, and ari skips you..
over 7 years
i dont know the person i got very well, but from what i hear you are a very kind person :) lets be friends!

you can give me a few more :)
over 7 years

Nadine says

1. We really haven't played together much. I know you were banned once for cheating. I'm actually playing in a game with you right now so you'll likely guess this is you. You seem like an alright guy to talk with.

2. My favorite vivor guy! As one of the first few people who told me to be open about who I am online, I thank you for that. Despite having a "bad" rep, you're incredibly sweet and really pleasant to talk with and have good jokes. Love you for who you are. <3

3. A clingy but really fun guy who's good in vivor challenges. You always bug people to play games with you, like Saboteur and enjoy flirting with others. The lobby is always fun with you around.

4. A cutiepie! <3 I honestly ship you and bonk so hard. I enjoy playing with you in main lobby and I think I remember when you were a newbie, as well as you and Apura asking me to guide you around in vivor lobby. Hope we get to play more together!

5. My opinion of you isn't really a positive one. You're dramatic and cause trouble for others if they're not your friends. If that's what you live for, you really should rethink that way of life.

deletedover 7 years
1)Gameplay wise, you're great at challenges, but i think people underestimate your social and strategic abilities a bit, they're not great but still pretty good.Overall one of the best player in the lobby.I've never really had a convo with you, you look like an ok and all around fun guy, and people seem to enjoy talking to you.You also seem to be pretty chill in games, which i like.
2)I never really played or talked to this person, i only know them from past drama, and they seem to be pretty sensitive at times.
3)A really chill guy, i always enjoyed playing with you. I can't say i respect your gameplay too much, as i think you lack awarness most of the times, and you're not a flexible player, but you seem to enjoy playing and are always nice to others,so my opinion is positive. never really talked outside of a game so that's all based on in-game interactions.
deletedover 7 years
You're the mod I respect the most
over 7 years
1) I don't know you very well outside of the few chats we have in the survivor lobby you came out of no where and everyone likes you for good reason you seem like you'd be a good person to talk too although you made a word everyone uses now and I semi hate you for it O_e

2) You're not around anymore but I always remembered you as with someone it was always ___ and you never as just yourself from what I've heard you're very nice although a bit feisty at times.
over 7 years
1.) Maybe a bit overrated, but nonetheless still one of the best players ever in the lobby. As a person you're kind of distant from most people and you've made a couple big questionable decisions that make it hard to get a feel for who you are, but I'd still say I'm glad to have known you and you've played a large part in making the lobby what it is today.

2.) ur gay. also a gr8 friend.

3.) One of the most immature people in the lobby, but it makes sense because you're also one of the youngest people in the lobby. You've shown a lot of personal growth in the time you've been here, and I think you're on the right track to being a p cool person. You're also not exactly a good player right now, but you've definitely been learning.

4.) I feel like a good chunk of people in this lobby would have a negative opinion about you, and I've seen some screencaps and complaints that would back them up. However, whenever I've been talking to you or around you, it's been a pretty great time. We've shared some legendary moments, mostly because you're one of the few players in the lobby who enjoys not taking games too seriously. So maybe you have your flaws, but I still think you're cool, and I don't think anyone has ever had me laughing harder at a game. You're a pretty good but not great player. You gameplay is probably hindered because of your social standing with a lot of people outside of games.

5.) I respect your gameplay a lot, and would have a hard time arguing you're not great at the whole Survivor lobby thing. However, there's a few obvious flaws in how you play that are keeping you from being truly one of the best. I think you're aware of them, too, so it's not like you're too cocky or anything. You're also a pretty ok person.
deletedover 7 years
we've only ever talked in sandbox chatbox, but she's very nice and fun to be around! i don't think we'd ever be close friends but she is a good friend to have regardless. also FKLUX
over 7 years
give me 2