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anon opinions!

deletedover 7 years

okay so they're doing this again in sandbox n i thought it might b fun here so if u want u can comment n ask for a name n i'll pm someone's name to u n u can do an opinion on them but just don't say their name

thx 2 krista for bringing this to survivor forever ago

over 7 years
1. idk this person very well but they're very nice and great physically and decent socially! i've played in a couple games with them and they always do pretty well

2. i love them!! they're so nice but i haven't gotten a chance to talk to them in a while. they are pretty good socially and O K physically and i'd love to play in a game w/ them again soon.

3. idk them but from what i've heard + seen they're messy
deletedover 7 years
just give me a sandbox user
over 7 years
deletedover 7 years
give me 3 ^^
over 7 years
another one
deletedover 7 years
Another one please!
deletedover 7 years
hi i love alts can u send the name to me instead of jozea !!
deletedover 7 years
tbh it was fun i'll do another if thats ok
over 7 years
I don't know this player very well. As I've gotten older in this lobby I haven't gotten really close to the little kids that have joined in the past year (^: I digress.

I think this person has improved a lot strategically from when they first joined, but I still think they're a bit away from the upper echelon of players as well. There's not a lot to work on; I just think if they play a little bit more, they'll round out to be someone to be reckoned with.

Personality wise, he's a bit more sensitive than most would cut him out to be. He's also not as good as I think he thinks he is, but he's far from terrible.

this was fun give me another !!
over 7 years
sounds like a gr8 idea tbh the intrigue is fun

gib 5
deletedover 7 years
haven't played with/talked to this person recently but ur pretty cool and fairly well liked in the lobby!! u also do well in games when u play so thats good
over 7 years
sure let's go why not give me two or three
deletedover 7 years
I want someone
deletedover 7 years
I havent seen this person in like a year I think?


Pretty nice person, but it's been too long since I talked to this person for me to remember much.

Even if the person was around in Survivor Lobby, we barely interacted with each other.
over 7 years
um we talk sometimes cant really say anything about u we dont communicate
over 7 years
This person is misunderstood - you turn a lot of people off because you can be perceived to be annoying (including me at times), but you're really are a nice person underneath. You probably didn't know that I liked you until like a month ago!

I think you're a solid player whose gameplay should be respected more, you win a lot. You play a lot worse when you have an f2 though and you're not better than me at challenges!
deletedover 7 years
aww this person is great one of the first friends i made in survivor lobby. really great guy and i wish we still talked more! he keeps it real and is also smart from what i've seen <3

give me another
deletedover 7 years
i don't know anything about you aside from the fact that you liked the thing i made for embb3 and that you played league with lelmoo, i think if i go back to 2014 you seemed nice and somewhat passive. you seem cool tho and we should play league sometime.
deletedover 7 years
sure why not
deletedover 7 years
never spoke to her ever but you seem to love her
deletedover 7 years
i like this can u give me one more
over 7 years
1. i like
2. i dont like
3. i dont know but previously didnt like
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years
give me 3 ???