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Survivor Game Changers Fantasy Game

over 7 years







This is a Survivor Fantasy Game for Survivor: Game Changers airing March 8, 2017 on CBS. We will be using this website:


Ciera: 20th Place

Tony: 19th Place

Caleb: 18th Place

Malcolm: 17th Place

JT: 16th Place

Sandra: 15th Place


  1. Tribe Leech On Society (evolpz): JT (16th Place) and Zeke Team Members: N1ed, TennisBallBFDI2

  2. Tribe The Pig Eaters (eatemuptigs): Cirie and Brad

  3. Tribe Pobjeda (Bob01): Ciera (20th Place) and Sandra (15th Place)

  4. Tribe Marula (Cammy): Aubry and Debbie Team Members: SirPerior

  5. Tribe HannahWasRobbed (bryce1997): Michaela and Hali Team Members: Chanman123

  6. Tribe Casaya Returns (itxLuca): Sierra and Jeff

  7. Tribe Silver Trophy Winners (Sports123492): Caleb (18th Place) and Tai

  8. Tribe Balls Deep in Andrea (ryman): Andrea and Ozzy Team Members: powerofdeath

  9. Tribe Malolo (cjn104): Sarah and Troyzan Team Members: matt

  10. Tribe Bleh (JacobV (10th Place)): Malcolm (17th Place) and Tony (19th Place) Team Members: tillie

Winner Picks

  1. evolpz: Aubry

  2. eatemuptigs: Cirie

  3. Bob01: Ciera (Out)

  4. Cammy: Aubry

  5. bryce1997: Sandra (Out)

  6. itxLuca: JT (Out)

  7. Sports123492: Tai

  8. ryman: Andrea

  9. cjn104: Sarah

  10. JacobV: Cirie


Tribe Reward (1): Each Survivor who wins a tribe reward challenge receives 1 point. If a player has 2 survivors on the winning tribe they receive 1 point for each Survivor.

Tribe Immunity (2): Each Survivor who wins a tribe immunity challenge receives 2 points. If a player has 2 survivors on the winning tribe they receive 2 points for each Survivor.

Tree Mail (1): A Survivor that reads any part of a tree mail message receives 1 point.

Immunity Idol (1): A Survivor who holds a hidden immunity idol, at any time during an episode, will earn 1 point. Holding means they own it and could if needed play it to discount all votes cast against them during tribal council.

Advantage (1): A Survivor who holds an Advantage, at any time during an episode, will earn 1 point. An Advantage, for example, is an extra vote that can be used during tribal council. It is not a immunity idol, but something else like an extra vote.

Merge (1): A Survivor that is part of the new merged tribe receives 1 point.

Individual Reward (1): A Survivor who wins an individual reward challenge receives 1 point. If the winning Survivor brings 1 or more other Survivors on the reward, those Survivors also receive 1 point.

Individual Immunity (2): A Survivor who wins an individual immunity challenge receives 2 point.

Grant Reward (1): A Survivor that grants an individual challenge reward, so that one or more other Survivor(s) gain the reward, receives 1 point in addition to the point for winning the reward.


Pick Survivor Voted out (0-10): Players receive game points equal to the number of vote points allocated to any Survivor(s) voted out that week. Being voted out means a Survivor is out of the game because they received the most votes after idols and/or advantages were played, they drew the black rock, or lost a fire challenge.


Pick Winner of Survivor (25): Before the 1st episode starts each player may choose the Survivor they think will win. Correctly guessing awards a player 25 points when the winner is revealed during the final episode.

Survivor Out of Game (*): When a Survivor is Out of the Game, by any way including being voted out, quitting, or being removed by medical the player with that Survivor scores a number of points equal to the placing of the Survivor.

For Example, if there were 18 Survivors in a season and your Survivor was out 2nd, their overall place would be 17th, so you would score 17 points.

Will be updated with draft picks

Also, to make it more fun and competitive, I'll offer some kind of cash prize to the winner. Other donations would be cool too. Any questions shoot me a pm.

I will update this thread weekly with standings.

over 7 years
sarah <3
over 7 years

matt says

yo can i join malolo sarah's winning the entire show tbh



Excellent job in the fantasy game Chris. You got the winner and someone else in the F3. Glad I joined your team.
over 7 years
Hi everyone, I've taken over the thread for this game. It's still Evolpz's game, but I'm gonna keep updates on the season. Head on over to the new thread:
over 7 years
holy shi't this episode had me bawling crying guys.
over 7 years
Okay so how about a moment of happiness to counteract the heavy emotion that tonight brought? I'm not trying to excuse or ignore anything, i just think we need a change of pace for a little bit.

We have officially made the merge and Cirie has not been to Tribal Council even once this season and that's looking great!
over 7 years


woooooooooooooooow. . .

I think we're gonna place our bets now, this is looking to be the second coming of All-Stars.

For the uninitiated, All-Stars was a notoriously nasty season and it really hasn't aged well at all. I'm typically a fan of seasons with "HUGE EVENTS" but there are lines that it's wise not to cross.

Apparently tonight's events were also fully spoiled, idk if the rest of the season was also spoiled, but just keep that in mind if you decide you wanna dive more deeply into it all.
over 7 years

That was horrible.
over 7 years

ICONIC Tribal Council tonight. That was *INTENSE!* I feel horrible for poor Zeke, but he looks like he'll come out on top of it. And Jeff still didn't make the jury... Isn't that all he really wanted?
over 7 years

That exit made me tear up.
over 7 years
Everyone is freaking out because

Sandra finally got her torch snuffed (after 94 days, I think Jeff said,) but just remember that Amanda Kimmel made it 108 days before having her torch snuffed (Day 39 in both China and Micronesia, then day 30 in HvV).

The more you know.
over 7 years
the queen will alwys be queen
over 7 years
will post standings for episode 5 later tonight. mfw im the one who reminded everyone to vote and i forgot to...
deletedover 7 years

rip Bob01's team

also, Cirie is now the only player to not go to tribal yet ;)
over 7 years

over 7 years

The queen will always stay queen. Adios.
over 7 years
Just caught up on this episode a little bit ago.

Loved Sandra/Varner with that sugar move. Pro stuff!

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie. I liked you in Kaoh Rong, what *happened*? You're mad at Brad because you volunteered for the balance beam in reward and then failed to perform to the standard you had set for yourself? And then you get bitter at him in Immunity? It's a good thing your tribe won immunity or you'd have been sent packing in a heartbeat. Like, seriously, what is going on?

Michaela just casually sipping her t̶e̶a̶ water at Tribal <3

JT, my man. Stop. Flubbing. Your Idols. First you give one to *the opposite tribe*, then you come back and get voted off with an idol in your pocket. Duuuuude.
over 7 years
Just caught up on this episode a little bit ago.

Loved Sandra/Varner with that sugar move. Pro stuff!

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie. I liked you in Kaoh Rong, what *happened*? You're mad at Brad because you volunteered for the balance beam in reward and then failed to perform to the standard you had set for yourself? And then you get bitter at him in Immunity? It's a good thing your tribe won immunity or you'd have been sent packing in a heartbeat. Like, seriously, what is going on?

Michaela just casually sipping her water at Tribal <3

JT, my man. Stop. Flubbing. Your Idols. First you give one to *the opposite tribe*, then you come back and get voted off with an idol in your pocket. Duuuuude.
over 7 years
Sandra is this season's saviour. That episode was the only good one so far this season. JT is stupid, and I can't help by laughing. Great performance from Sandra and Varner, not that I like Varner but he did play it very well.
over 7 years
i'm last
over 7 years
Malolo is doing great woooo
over 7 years
Some douchebag spoiled the episode for me

And it was still fantastic.

I'm laughing so hard at Michaela drinking a glass of water at TC.
over 7 years
Sandra not only managed to get the target off her back by masterfully pitting Michaela and JT against each other, but she also managed to convince a guy that knew she was at odds with him that she was not voting him, in turn making him leave with an idol. Brilliant.
over 7 years
over 7 years
Chris with those vote points..
over 7 years
Hali and Michaela moving me up to 9th!!