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Chanman123's Opinions

over 7 years

Just because these are dying, it does not mean they are dead. Comment below for an opinion from me.

What do you think of Chanman123?
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years

I gotta say ur definitely one of my favorite redditors and ever since we paired up in the challenge hosted by whoever that was we usually ally regularly. You are an amazing ally to have and a social god. Trust me when i say u want to ally FFSierraDamnThomas because if u dont they WILL get you out. I hope to ally you in more games because it is always fun too and i hope to continue to see you around
about 7 years
EYYY chan! Frick it gimme that opinion
about 7 years
omg I saw this again and I love you so much <3
about 7 years

I also dont know you that well but ur cohosting the org im in so thank you for your work with that. In your opinion you called me cute when you havent even seen me but whatever. Now people are shipping us and i dont know what to think lol. Maybe we will start talking and seeing each other in games but idk.
about 7 years

A challenge THREAT to say the least. You are always really fun to talk to and make everything more enjoyable. Glad we are on the same team in that org and hope we start winning immunities. I really want to continue to talk to you over skype because you are always funny to talk to.
about 7 years

Stop getting banned ok? Maybe if you were RESPECTFUL for once you would not be banned. Remember the days where we would always f2? I do. Those days were fun until i kept getting 2nd game after game and i wanted a change (sorry about that). The chat is always hilarious and our pranks are just as funny. Then yesterday you go on and somehow get my alt banned. I found that especially hilarious and wish you would come back to the lobby soon because the old days were really fun while they lasted.
about 7 years
since u posted in mine too gimme that opinion
about 7 years
about 7 years
hals REDO opinion-

Despite knowing you for a bit longer then sammy, you are pretty much the female version of him. You are a social queen in games and continue to be shocked that you and johnbatman win so much. I would say you were one of the first people i really talked to in the lobby so thank you for that and lets continue to talk whenever we can because it gives me something to do lol.
about 7 years
sorry these are late but better late then never
about 7 years

Me and you are the best TAR partners EVER. Such flops. Anyways you are SUPER sneaky and sad to see you bubble because you played a great game in embb. When we ally in games i can USUALLY count on you not to snake me but you never know with you. We have not spoke much recently but we should talk more on skype.
about 7 years

YOU.ARE.A.LEGEND. Do not let anyone bring you down because you are amazing! You always are so dramatic and its the funniest thing. LOL! Thank you for hosting this org (along with the others) because right now im having so much fun. Continue being you and dont let anyone dull that sparkle.
about 7 years

So glad we are on the same tribe in this org! You are one of the most kind and caring people I have met in this lobby and was so proud of you in emvivor. I drafted you for a reason and you did not let me down! Overall, I hope we can continue to talk and ally in games.
about 7 years

omg congrats again on silver in embb5 and we are in another org together HYPE. Since embb5, I have a lot more to say about you. You are so kind and sweet but you are not afraid to give it your all in games even when things seem hopeless, so i commend you for that. As personality goes, you definitely got more hate then you should have been given but im glad all is well and maybe we will see each other at merge in the org :P
about 7 years

I remember you being one of the first people that I could recognize in the lobby but other then that we have not had much interaction outside of games. Even inside of games, I can't say much because we do not ally, but maybe that will change in the future.
about 7 years

I think ur pretty cool but it has been a while since i have seen you in the lobby so i dont know if you are still around. I hope to see you around again because from what I can remember you are quite the loyal ally and a great player
over 7 years
Chan analyze me boi
over 7 years

I cannot say we have had much interaction, but the times we ally on games it usually does not last long. I really wish I knew you better, but I dont have much to say except from what I've seen you are pretty social. I would like to see you around more so we could chat sometime :)
deletedover 7 years
Recently I got to know you a little bit better and I can say that you seemed really depressed.
deletedover 7 years
over 7 years

You are an awesome host for one and you deserved your bronze last season of embb. You are so fun (to) ally (no pun intended) because our personalities I feel mesh so well together. Like in cjn's tdi anon game we did not even know each other and we ended up being really close allies. You are also super funny, sweet and someone I can talk to. I had a blast for the short time I was on mainly because of the cast and the hosts, so thanks for making that so enjoyable. :)
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over 7 years