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Chanman123's Opinions

over 7 years

Just because these are dying, it does not mean they are dead. Comment below for an opinion from me.

What do you think of Chanman123?
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over 7 years
try me
over 7 years
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The only opinion I care about is MacandCheese's
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over 7 years
bump for relevance because they are making a comeback
over 7 years

I do not recall seeing you until recently, but you are a pleasure to play with in games. You are quite good in challenges, but I feel you rely on that a bit too much. I can't say I can give you much of an opinion, but I do think if you were more active then we would be great friends.
over 7 years
over 7 years

I have not seen you in quite some time, but you dominate with your physical performance. I do not get why you would think I'd give you a brutal opinion but you might give you one for no obeying your votes when we f2. In the chat rooms let me say you are hilarious and sassy, so please come back and play a game!
over 7 years

I just wanted to start out by congratulating you on your recent gold trophy! I can say you are arguably one of the best strategic players in this lobby and you know how to play with people. I know you really enjoy reviewing the game and finding out your mistakes to improve which i respect. As a person, you are very kind and allow people to be able to make a smooth transition into this lobby if they are new. Your games are also very enjoyable, so keep hosting!
over 7 years

Congrats on the win yesterday! I have started to realize although you might not be the greatest in challenges, you are very strategic and social which makes up for that weakness. As a person let me say you are not afraid to express your feelings which can lead to some sass (good/funny sass). You seem to know your way around the lobby and I look forward to playing more games with you because you are always fun to ally!
over 7 years

YOU ARE A SOCIAL BEAST! You always seem to do amazing in games regardless of who you play with. Lately, I have started to realize you are great at challenges too! THE WOMBO COMBO! As a person I can say that you are pretty amazing and friendly toward others. I must add that your video on emvivor is pure gold and it made my day when i watched it. You make everything so much more enjoyable and interesting!
over 7 years

You along with eat, are the 2 people who make the lobby so enjoyable for me. From messing with you to allying you and making f2's, I can say you are way better than me in challenges and very good socially. You are one of those people who are really easy to talk to, and your activeness helps the lobby not die. I hope you start hosting a lot more soon, because the games i've played of yours are quite fun!
over 7 years

I do not know you very well, but you get first boot a lot. Maybe if you actually make it farther than that, I can give you and opinion of your game play. As a person, I think you are kind but try to seek attention by saying unnecessary things. If you just be who you are I have a feeling you will be more well liked in this lobby.
over 7 years

I am not sure what you think of me after last night, but whatever you think it is just a game and do not take it personally. We were on opposite sides and I got you before you got me. Anywho, as a person I do not have much to say, but I think you like anime and Chance the Rapper. I would say your biggest downfall is when something does not go your way you self destruct. Please take my opinions with a grain of salt because you already have your opinion on me
over 7 years

I apologize because yours is going to be similar to tillie's. You and tillie are 2 of the nicest people around and I enjoy the conversations you start in the chat rooms. I find it fascinating that you are a teacher and im jealous of your handwriting. Although we havent played much games, I remember you were really kind to me when i first entered the lobby and even bought me colors (very generous btw). Im so glad you won embb4, but i really want you to play a game sometime!
over 7 years

I do not really know where to begin. You joined the lobby just a little bit before me and I think the first game i played was yours. We always are enemies in games which is comedic, but usually we do not do much to take eachother out right away. Out of everyone in this lobby, you are the probably the one im the closest too (destination wise and socially, but not in a weird way). You are quite active and make every game entertaining for me at least, and I hope you can be active in the summer when you are finished with studies!
over 7 years
CHAN YOU BETTER SAY NICE THINGS ABOUT ME. If they're not nice then they better be brutal.
over 7 years

I honestly have no idea who you are but im gonna wing it and be creative like you said. You seem to have been around this lobby for quite a long time, but you were banned for what i am not sure of. In the game we played, we did not talk much but it was clear you are a pretty funny dude who i wouldnt mind seeing in chat rooms more.
over 7 years
over 7 years
o k a y
over 7 years
over 7 years
over 7 years