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League of Legends

deletedalmost 8 years

xela is a cool guy

probably will also post your usernames based on regions like that other thread cause it never got updated, as long as you ask by posting or telling me, whatever

EM Username | League Username


Alphabeat | PWR BTM

ari | koí

basiik | Danielle

Bebop | GLUEE

Bluezy | Krag Maw

bonk | Forrest7778

catchmefree2 | ReallyEpic

circubed | circubed

Cody | MapReduction

CoryInConstantinople | vaglna

cute | élf

Dag | latinopeenis

dia | gay420

error | sankarsh

expose | exxpose

favors | ixVoidzz

halsey | costmary

Hottie | TempestFyre

KinkajusRevenge | KinkajusRevenge

LunaTsuki | LunaTsuki

Merlot | Tsareena

Miguel | SheepPotato

Negra | Harte

NeverJest | FailureOfAPerson

Polo | mashkin

sammy | Digital Dreams

ScarletWolf | June Iparis

Semicolon23 | Semicolon23

Seros | Serosia

Serveaux | Clayuser

Sports123492 | Zàp

UsernamePending | UsrnamePending

xela | alëx

xJuicy | Cupîd Stunt


groshu | aktup

BlackLucio | KnightofFJ


Becomeclear | Beyondpower

BSelser | Bselser

Dag | centaurraids

Escurai | Bazzo

expose | lolwott

maxxburn | Daygray

Merlot | Meowlot

Nobody | Nobody

UsernamePending | UsrnamePending

xJuicy | Negxtive

xJuicy | Syndra is Thicc

Zhuorb | TronV


BSelser | oknevort


favors | ixVoidzz

Iceaac | Iceaac

johnreid | Chipotle

Toge | Toge

UsernamePending | UsrnamePending

what do you main dude
I just feed
over 7 years
So my good friend and I were gonna play some league and he hasn't played in a bit I got him to play the Xayah Rakan lane with me and he bought us both the skins the next game because he loved it so much. He then heard of the icons and made this for riot to get them for us (It worked)

All in all a great league night
over 7 years
oh you're funnier than the other guy
over 7 years

sl0nderman says

kev says

sl0nderman says

kev says

league is fun

lol, just.... lol

Why did I not even have to look at your steam profile to know you were a Dota 2 player lol.......

Just lol

mate sandbox is not here get out this is where the normal people are at
over 7 years

kev says

sl0nderman says

kev says

league is fun

lol, just.... lol

Why did I not even have to look at your steam profile to know you were a Dota 2 player lol.......

Just lol
over 7 years

expose says

Okay this champ has to be broken because how it possible to get an S- when I've never played her before.... this was like my 3rd blind game trying to figure out her spells.

She's a lean mean assassinating machine holymoly literally point and click BAM triple kill

You want an easy S champion? Just take Poppy jungle and never gank. Like, ever. You'll be hyperfed off of farm if you get your first blue.
over 7 years
Point-and-click mechanics is something that never should have moved from 2004 Flash games.
over 7 years

expose says

point and click

deletedover 7 years

sl0nderman says

kev says

league is fun

lol, just.... lol

Why did I not even have to look at your steam profile to know you were a Dota 2 player lol.......
over 7 years

kev says

league is fun

lol, just.... lol
deletedover 7 years
league is fun
deletedover 7 years
Not quite broken but yep that's what assassins usually do
over 7 years

Okay this champ has to be broken because how it possible to get an S- when I've never played her before.... this was like my 3rd blind game trying to figure out her spells.

She's a lean mean assassinating machine holymoly literally point and click BAM triple kill
over 7 years
North America ^_^
Summoner Name - Zàp
over 7 years
I'm glad!! I hope you get good use out of it
over 7 years
I have a nice new microphone myself.
over 7 years
We are going to be playing on NA. I could play on EU at a later point in time. I got a new clunky headset that I bought 6 months ago and just remembered that I had it.
over 7 years
I downloaded LoL the other day cause Emil wanted me to play. Are you going to be on EU Kelly?
over 7 years
I'm gonna play for the first time in a couple months with Coryinthehouse later. I'll report back with how bad she does.
over 7 years
Daygray | Euw | adc main x) 13th acc .
over 7 years

expose says

Got my first penta!! whew :'))

Nice choice of champion
over 7 years
i win 2 games lose 2 games, im stuck at p4
over 7 years
Got my first penta!! whew :'))

deletedover 7 years

ari says

keri says

bae n i

did your name always have the :P omg

oops nvm i see now that that's ur club lol
deletedover 7 years

keri says

bae n i

did your name always have the :P omg
over 7 years
EUNE - aktup