


6 / 20Super Sleuth!
5 / 10Scumhunter
2 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 10I'm Towntelling!
1 / 20He's Batman
over 7 years
okay look it up spotify or tidal then ! grand canyon - shmeur
over 7 years
buy my song on itunes
or just rate it 5/5 stars idc lol
over 7 years
witness was worse than prism lol
i hope reputation delivers
over 7 years
i actually love LWYMMD lol
over 7 years
have you heard emotional the bonus track
over 7 years
boots is my life tbh
over 7 years
next month a new album omg i can't wait
the album cover is cute too
over 7 years
praying !!!!!!!!
rainbow will be kesha's joanne i think
almost 8 years
Not if we limit all but your favorites to 10 minutes.
almost 8 years
Pick your favorite interracial flick and I got you.
almost 8 years
No ZPS on MacBook. Down 2 Skype
almost 8 years
B/c I'm trapped in Nowhere, New York, for the whole summer, with only like three friends, and I don't know what to do with myself!
almost 8 years
Why are you here
almost 8 years
You're such a gentleman :)
almost 8 years
Also if you're going to have music that bad on your profile, at least turn off autoplay. You're giving my ears hemorrhoids.
almost 8 years
In light of your recent message, I became slightly worried. There's something going on underneath the surface here.

A friend.
almost 8 years
It's not b/c you are a wreck it's b/c we're best friends + u know where to find me :)))))
almost 8 years
Also the fact that you're active on this website concerns me and stresses me out
almost 8 years
This isn't the Gaga I know . . .
almost 8 years
I will be right by yr side <3