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R0ro's Random Room

almost 7 years

Edit: Think I'm gonna kill this finally. EM just has so many errors lately that can make posting a pain sometimes and this lobby looks deader than ever. It's been fun.

i want a daily thread thing so that I can be unoriginal. Feel free to ask me questions or talk to me if you're interested in what I post or even if u aren't idc.

Edit: I'll add the important daily stuff here in list forms for an easy way to see them all at a glance without going through the pages.

Daily Songs:

Anime Recommendations:

  • Made in Abyss
  • Koe no Katachi
  • Shiki
  • Gatchaman Crowds & Gatchaman Crowds Insight
  • Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou

Seasonal Anime Recommendation list thing:

I've kept a list of brief thoughts on seasonal anime I watch on a different site for a few years now. That site is gone now but I still keep track so if ur interested u can check it out here I guess...

There's tons of shows not mention here that I watch each season as well in addition to shows I watch after they've already aired so just ask if you're curious about anything else or check out my MyAnimeList account it has a complete list. I typically watch around 25 anime a season so there's a good chance I've seen or at least know most shows you would be interested about.

Currently Playing:

  1. OldSchool Runescape
  2. A Hat in Time
  3. Pokemon Insurgence (playing alongside Tucker)
  4. Pokemon Ultra Moon (On Hold with 2 Update posts ready to go)

I occasionally stream what I play on twitch if you wanna follow me.

Kill the Weebs
38 signed
Sign this petition you vow to annihilate all weebs from existence and prevent any more from sprouting up by any means necessary. Alone we don't stand a chance but together we can destroy this cancer.
What word best describes you?
over 6 years

Day 24: This was already asked and answered here -

Since there's been a few too many simple answers in a row though I'll give another movie that I love and that movie is...............


I'm sure most of you know but it's "Set in a dystopian future where humanity is struggling to survive and follows a group of astronauts who travel through a wormhole in search of a new home for humanity."

It's not often I find a movie I loved as much as I did this one.

DAILY SONG - Hirasawa Susumu - The Girl in Byakkoya
From the Paprika OST
over 6 years

bryce1997 says

youre a king!

no I'm just a normal citizen

Day 23: I know like very few famous people outside of the meme icons and I don't even find any of the guys attractive. So I think I'll just consider this another dead question for me.

DAILY SONG: Diamond Eyes ft. Christina Grimmie - Stay With Me (WRLD Remix)

rip christina grimmie
over 6 years
youre a king!
over 6 years
Day 22: I don't think I've really changed much in the past 2 years. I mean I got a job which was kind of big for me but that hasn't changed me personally other than just taking away the free time and freedom I had which I deeply loved.

DAILY SONG: Takanori Nishikawa - Bright Burning Shout
over 6 years

R0ronoaZoro says

Day 21: One of my favourite shows would absolutely have to be Mushishi. It's not something I recommend to most people because it's quite unique but I think to the people who enjoy the show it's truly something special. (I also considered saying one piece for today but I think my username already gives that away)

DAILY SONG - Lucy Rose - Shiver

here's the second opening to mushishi since it's relevant today.

my favorite song you've ever shown me easily
over 6 years

Day 21: One of my favourite shows would absolutely have to be Mushishi. It's not something I recommend to most people because it's quite unique but I think to the people who enjoy the show it's truly something special. (I also considered saying one piece for today but I think my username already gives that away)

DAILY SONG - Lucy Rose - Shiver

here's the second opening to mushishi since it's relevant today.
over 6 years
Day 20: Education is obviously quite important. Idk what more to say.

DAILY SONG: Sky Sailing - I Live Alone
over 6 years
Day 19: Tucker and jack basically summed up what I think I don't want to copy and make a third post with the same idea.

DAILY SONG: Reven ft. Lauria Intravia - Waiting For Sunrise
over 6 years

Day 18: My Beliefs? That's super vague. I've already discussed religious so I'm not sure what it wants from me. If you want to know what I think on something in particular you can always ask though.

DAILY SONG: Vicke Blanka - Get Physical
over 6 years

Day 17: Highs and Lows? I guess building my new computer would be the only high I can think of but I've got like nothing for lows. I'm pretty lucky I'd say not much to complain about in life.

DAILY SONG: Giga-P ft. Kagamine Rin & Len - Electric Angel
over 6 years
Day 16: Mainstream music is aight. I got nothing against it. My taste is so eclectic that I can really pull from anything and enjoy some songs. I'd say my only real complaint is that there's not enough of it for me. Like it quickly becomes overly repetitive with the current top hits playing over and over again! I want variety!

DAILY SONG: The Queenstons - Woodgrain

bit of an odd one today.
over 6 years

Day 15: I don't use tumblr. Like at all. I've browsed it occasionally but never regularly or enough to find one I'd like.

over 6 years
Day 14: Honestly my memory is kinda poop but something that I'll never forget is this one day when I was like 8 where I was sitting in the den of our old house with the door and windows closed playing Super Smash Bros Melee when I was certain I heard a faint scream that sounded like my brother. I went outside and told my parents but they said they didn't hear it. I was certain I wasn't hearing things though so I went around the neighbourhood looking for him. Eventually I found him in the backyard of one of the other kids houses (they weren't home at the time either). They had like this playground thing in their back yard and he had jumped off from the very top of it and landed full force on a rusted nail that was laying on the ground. It had pierced both his shoe and the sole of his foot real deep. I ran to my parents and told them what happened. Idk how I managed to hear him when nobody else did but it was very lucky or he might have been in pain for a lot longer.

DAILY SONG: Skid Row - Youth Gone Wild
over 6 years

Day 13: I'd really like to visit Iceland and Sweden personally and I'd also like to go to the Northwest Territories once to see some more of Canada. Other than that I'd probably just say a bunch of different places where people I've met online are but not for the actual location like the first 3.

DAILY SONG: Daughtry - It's Not Over
over 6 years

Day 12:

Woke Up at 5
Ate chocolate cheerios
Layed down on the couch while downloading anime and browsing discord on my phone
Got dressed brushed teeth
Walk to work
Work for 2 hours
Morning meeting then break time and play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as usual
Work for 4 more hours
Lunch while watching the anime I downloaded this morning
Work for 1 more hour
Walk home
Visit friend at work on the way home
Also pick up a package on the way home

Now I'm home and this is now. The rest of my day should consist of:

Browse Discord and check forums/sites I frequent for updates
Watch Anime while playing OSRS
Eat Dinner
Do Dishes
Make+Pack Lunch for tomorrow
Undecided free time: 1 of anime/game/or talk to people.

in that order.

DAILY SONG: MiatriSs ft. Triforcefilms - Gospel of Dismay
over 6 years

Day 11: Since this is already what I do for the daily song I'll give you the 9 that come after the usual. Not gonna embed them though cause lazy.

DAILY SONG: Fit For a King - Skin & Bones

2. Zedd & Kesha - True Colors
3. Manic Drive ft. Trevor McNevan - Electric
4. ミラクルミュージカル - Isle Unto Thyself
5. Hyukoh - Tomboy
6. Coldplay - Yellow
7. NAOKI feat. - A Geisha's Dream
8. Satoru Kōsaki - Bakarorito (From the Bakemonogatari OST)
9. In Love With a Ghost - i was feeling down then i found a nice witch and now we're best friends
10. IA - アウターサイエンス
over 6 years

Day 10: See day 1 lol.

DAILY SONG: Penguin Research - Button

No youtube embed cause blocked in america.
over 6 years

R0ronoaZoro says

i apologize I forgot to embed the video it's been a long past few days for me im pretty drained.

i would recommend: taking a nap!
over 6 years
i apologize I forgot to embed the video it's been a long past few days for me im pretty drained.

over 6 years
Day 9: I just want my future to be not terrible.

DAILY SONG: Claude Debussy - Clair de Lune
over 6 years

Day 8: Honestly kinda difficult to pick a single time where I've felt the most satisfied. I feel like most of the time I'm fairly satisfied with things and whenever I complete a goal I set out for myself I just feel that little bit more accomplished and satisfied but nothing super special.

DAILY SONG: AJR - Burn the House Down
over 6 years
DAILY SONG - Pierce Fulton ft. NVDES - Borrowed Lives

Day 7: I'm an Aquarius and like Jack I don't really believe in this Zodiac phooey personally. As for the stuff though

Strengths: Progressive, original, independent, humanitarian

Weaknesses: Runs from emotional expression, temperamental, uncompromising, aloof

Aquarius likes: Fun with friends, helping others, fighting for causes, intellectual conversation, a good listener

Aquarius dislikes: Limitations, broken promises, being lonely, dull or boring situations, people who disagree with them

like usual I find with this stuff some are right and some are wrong. Mostly because it just aims to be so generic.
over 6 years
27. I have received only 1 violation on EM in my entire 7 years here and that's because Sonia added it to troll me when she was mod.

28. I have accumulated 200 tokens on EM in my time here. 40 were straight up gifted to me and 160 were won through various means. None were bought with my own money. (I'm cheap)

29. I'm actually a really fast sprinter

30. I literally spent a week pondering facts that I could share since I knew this was coming and it still took me 3 hours to finish. God I hate this.

DAILY SONG - Nitro Fun & Hyper Potions - Checkpoint
over 6 years
15. I mentioned I play Smash Bros competitively before but I didn't mention that I've participated in and won a bunch of tourneys.

16. I've never been to a province or territory outside of BC.

17. I've only ever been to Washington, Oregon, California, and Mexico. Truly a "west coast is best coast" life.

18. I've been on the internet actively since I was 8.

19. My first Video Game console was the N64 and the first game I got was Donkey Kong 64. I still have them and they work perfectly.

20. I used both my Gamecube and Wii so much during their lifetimes that both their disc reader lives ended and I had to send them in to get repaired.

21. I currently have 12 posters, 1 picture (lenticular picture of a red eyed tree frog), and 1 pirate flag on the walls in my room.

22. The walls in my room are a dark green. You should know by now that green is my favourite colour.

23. There's been a few times where I've forgotten about food and let it rot only to find it waaaaay later woopsy. Once was in my cubby at school and was found because the teacher was wondering why there were so many flies at the end of the year. The other was in a pocket of a hoody that had been in my closet for years. Absolutely disgusting.

24. I still talk to my friends from elementary and highschool daily.

25. We even have a google doc with quotes of silly/random sh!t that we've documented for years.

26. I've met up with someone I met online and become close friends with them and his friend group to the point where we all hang out every friday.
over 6 years
Trying to pump out the quick version of these from memory hnng kill me.

DAY 6:

1. I started a late French Immersion program where everything was taught exclusively in french. (yes even PE)

2. Upon entering highschool I was put a grade ahead in math against my will due to my previous grades being so far above average.

3. I was in band and jazz band and played Alto Saxophone.

4. all those things combined ended up forcing me into classes where there were already predefined friend groups from years past while I was a lone one out. I think this is a big reason why I'm so reserved now as before these years I was the opposite.

5. I got fed up with that atmosphere so in grade 10 I decided to purposefully fail math so the next year I'd be with kids my own age. I also quit french immersion and band at the end of grade 10 in

6. ironically because I still had to take a language course I was forcefully put a year ahead in french the next year because my french was so far ahead due to french immersion.

7. I've watched 174 days of anime. More than 10000 episodes.

8. I've played 142 days of Runescape

9. I have 5009 songs on my mp3 player currently

10. I never spent a single cent on any of the three above activites. Lots of free entertainment!

11. I've never done drugs drank alcohol or smoked

12. Just learned the other day but I share the same first album with Tucker. Monkey Business by The Black Eyed Peas

13. My younger brother has been arrested twice caused 4 car accidents and didn't graduate. People who know us can't believe we're related since we're polar opposites. Despite this we still get along quite well.

14. Speaking of my brother I'm an uncle and have been since I was 20