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R0ro's Random Room

almost 7 years

Edit: Think I'm gonna kill this finally. EM just has so many errors lately that can make posting a pain sometimes and this lobby looks deader than ever. It's been fun.

i want a daily thread thing so that I can be unoriginal. Feel free to ask me questions or talk to me if you're interested in what I post or even if u aren't idc.

Edit: I'll add the important daily stuff here in list forms for an easy way to see them all at a glance without going through the pages.

Daily Songs:

Anime Recommendations:

  • Made in Abyss
  • Koe no Katachi
  • Shiki
  • Gatchaman Crowds & Gatchaman Crowds Insight
  • Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou

Seasonal Anime Recommendation list thing:

I've kept a list of brief thoughts on seasonal anime I watch on a different site for a few years now. That site is gone now but I still keep track so if ur interested u can check it out here I guess...

There's tons of shows not mention here that I watch each season as well in addition to shows I watch after they've already aired so just ask if you're curious about anything else or check out my MyAnimeList account it has a complete list. I typically watch around 25 anime a season so there's a good chance I've seen or at least know most shows you would be interested about.

Currently Playing:

  1. OldSchool Runescape
  2. A Hat in Time
  3. Pokemon Insurgence (playing alongside Tucker)
  4. Pokemon Ultra Moon (On Hold with 2 Update posts ready to go)

I occasionally stream what I play on twitch if you wanna follow me.

Kill the Weebs
38 signed
Sign this petition you vow to annihilate all weebs from existence and prevent any more from sprouting up by any means necessary. Alone we don't stand a chance but together we can destroy this cancer.
What word best describes you?
over 6 years
holy f#ck I just lost everything I wrote I had spent like 2 hours trying so hard to think of things and was at 25 facts im so sad rn
over 6 years

Day 6: This is gonna take me forever so let me remove the word interesting and just give you 30 facts about myself cause I doubt I can get 30 interesting ones.

DAILY SONG - Nitro Fun & Hyper Potions - Checkpoint
over 6 years
DAILY SONG - The Automatic Automatic - Monster

yes I know it's blocked everywhere that isn't Canada or the USA I'm sorry. I think everyone who watches these are from either of those two countries though so hopefully it's fine.

DAY 5: I haven't so uhhhhhhhhhhhh boring day today bye.
over 6 years
i met him but he didn't demand my worship
over 6 years

R0ronoaZoro says

Day 4: I've been forced to go to church nearly every sunday since I was born and I still am but I can't bring myself to believe in Christianity or any religion for that matter. I find it extremely hard to believe in omnipotent/greater beings that exist when they don't prove that they exist to me. If some god totally just appeared in front of me and was like "bro u better believe or ill smite u with my power" and then does something impossible you know I'd be a believer in an instant but until then I'll just remain skeptical. Other people are free to believe what they want though but please don't attempt to convince me to follow your beliefs I'm not gonna buy it. If I want to improve myself as a person or my general life I will do that without the need of a god.

DAILY SONG - Glenn Miller - Little Brown Jug

i see that you've yet to meet korimax
over 6 years

Day 4: I've been forced to go to church nearly every sunday since I was born and I still am but I can't bring myself to believe in Christianity or any religion for that matter. I find it extremely hard to believe in omnipotent/greater beings that exist when they don't prove that they exist to me. If some god totally just appeared in front of me and was like "bro u better believe or ill smite u with my power" and then does something impossible you know I'd be a believer in an instant but until then I'll just remain skeptical. Other people are free to believe what they want though but please don't attempt to convince me to follow your beliefs I'm not gonna buy it. If I want to improve myself as a person or my general life I will do that without the need of a god.

DAILY SONG - Glenn Miller - Little Brown Jug
over 6 years

Day 3: Drugs and alcohol are fine imo IF used in careful moderation. I never have and probably won't touch them myself because I don't see any positives for me personally but I'd never shame someone or attempt to stop others from consuming them.

Edit: oop I was just requested to continue daily songs so uhhhhhhh here's the restart I'll try not to screw up again.

Brooklyn - Volcanology
over 6 years

Day 2: This is one of the many questions on this list that I don't like. I've honestly got no idea where I'd want to be in in 10 years + setting a goal so far into the future is almost equivalent to setting an unobtainable goal due to how much things can change over time. As long as I'm content in my current position at that moment that's good enough for me.

Edit: also if anyone ever cared about the seasonal anime thing it's updated with winter stuff
over 6 years
and here's a song just in case you guys do want me to continue

ProleteR - April Showers

if not this may be the last one so i hope u enjoy
over 6 years
ok fine I'll start for now see what people want...

Day 1: I'm single and always have been. I see a lot of people complain about single life but honestly it doesn't bother me at all. I've never once felt an overwhelming desire to find a significant other. Perhaps it's because I don't feel alone at all. I've got friends that I treasure and plenty of people that I enjoy talking to on a regular basis and I'm constantly meeting more. I'm not saying I'm completely adverse to the idea of a significant other but I think I'll be fine without one just like I have been until now. Who knows what the future has in store for me though, maybe I'll be wrong and find that special someone.
over 6 years
do it puss puss
over 6 years

cosmoiswatching says

Should've said silence is a song'33"

also wow a lot of people responded! Thank you friends I appreciate it.

Do you guys think I should restart the daily song counter and continue or do something else? (or a few things at once idc so long as they aren't ridiculously difficult to juggle) I guess letting the thread die is also an option.

Edit: Tucker did request this morning that I do that 30 day challenge thing that other people are doing so I guess that's an option but idk I'm not super keen on that personally.
over 6 years
f for respects...
over 6 years
At least now you have a record to beat!
over 6 years
Should've said silence is a song
over 6 years
noooo :(
over 6 years
oh no :/
over 6 years
over 6 years
unfortunately it happened. I missed a daily song. I thought I had posted it but I don't see it now that I'm here... Honestly it's a little sad that I lost the streak I thought I could keep going.

180 consecutive days without a missed post and now it's come to an end.

over 6 years
DAILY SONG - John Parr - St. Elmo's Fire (Man in Motion)
over 6 years
DAILY SONG - Judicator - At the Expense of Humanity
over 6 years
DAILY SONG - Kalafina - Kimi no Gin no Niwa
over 6 years

FannyChmelar says

senyuu is amazing thank u <3

glad you enjoyed it c:

DAILY SONG - angela - バイバイオーライ
over 6 years
senyuu is amazing thank u <3
over 6 years
DAILY SONG - Panda Eyes & Subkey - Galaxica