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Ginga's Thread

almost 7 years

My venting thread. Don't use it much anymore, but oh well.

over 6 years
one of them ended up dating my best friend for a bit and that kinda bummed me out a lot
over 6 years
and of course i had a few girls throughout the years that i really liked and naturally they didnt like me, for obvious reasons
over 6 years
i was annoying and creepy and weird and it just wasnt good
over 6 years
i was a really stupid kid but i was especially stupid when it came to girls
over 6 years
and of course romantically ive been an utter failure i dont even have female FRIENDS let alone ever had a girlfriend
over 6 years
whenever i get complimented i immediately assume its pity and im not sure if that habit will ever change
over 6 years
now when i get complimented (which is still a rare occasion) i physically cant believe it
over 6 years
people have always called me ugly and useless and stuff and on the rare occasions i got compliments they were just stupid jokes half the time
over 6 years
those are probably the most pathetic reasons to feel bad ever but theyve affected me a lot and im pretty sure im never really gonna be confident
over 6 years
and of course i didnt exactly have other options for people who would hang out with me so i just accepted it, losing and losing and losing and being insulted all the way
over 6 years
losing to me at anything was pretty much considered utter failure to them, so they only ever wanted to play games they could win at
over 6 years
and on the rare occasion i found a game i was better than them at, they never wanted to play those games
over 6 years
but almost any sort of competition i ever did even if it was just video games with my friends at school i'd pretty much always lose
over 6 years
but outside of that im pretty much completely talentless

im flat out horrible at most things, im mediocre at best at singing and the occasional video game
over 6 years
and even if i tried to go into an intelligence-based career like engineering or science im not ACTUALLY that smart and have no work ethic so i'd never actually succeed in it
over 6 years
really my only talent in life if you can even call it that is im pretty intelligent, school has never been a tremendous difficulty for me which is nice i guess but at the same time in a few years im gonna be done with school forever and then that one skill is now useless
over 6 years
and when i do 'good' it never feels good enough for them, just adequate
over 6 years
so even though relatively getting a B is pretty solid for most people to me its always going to make me feel inadqeuate and stupid
over 6 years
for me getting a B in school was cause to be grounded and punished for being lazy and stupid
over 6 years
its deep rooted i guess, my parents always had really high expectations for me that most people never really had
over 6 years
i obviously have a massive inferiority complex if somehow anyone hasnt noticed that yet
over 6 years
im kind of having a full on mental breakdown but its 4:30 am, 6:30 for the east coasters and i know pretty much nobodys awake so im just gonna vent to myself i guess
over 6 years
Redesigning my profile at 4am seems like a good use of my time.

Also I like this avi too much to not use it even tho it doesn't really fit the theme
over 6 years
late but daily song is This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller

This one's pretty good.
over 6 years

annajane says

Ginga says

annajane and cammy promote massive willy sucking

why are you outting me
