deletedalmost 7 years

I'm remaking this so that I can add tags

EDIT: tags 4 my best pals

hello everyone hope you're having a good day/night

over 6 years
Day 8- A moment you felt most satisfied with your life.

There's still a lot of goals I want to accomplish, but coming up on this graduation, I've started thinking of things that I want to do while I"m still in college and thinking if I have any regrets, and I don't. I have a great circle of friends both irl and online, a bachelors and a minor in two areas that I'm interested in, a myriad of experiences, and an idea of what to do with my life. Again, there's still more I want to do, and I hope I never lose that drive, but for now, I feel content.
over 6 years
Day 7 - Your zodiac sign and if it fits w/ my personality

Strengths: Gentle, affectionate, curious, adaptable, ability to learn quickly and exchange ideas

Everything but the first one are very accurate

Weaknesses: Nervous, inconsistent, indecisive

None of these

Gemini likes: Music, books, magazines, chats with nearly anyone, short trips around the town

Everything but magazines

Gemini dislikes: Being alone, being confined, repetition and routine

I don't mind being alone, but being confined/routine are boring
over 6 years

Voice says

26. I sent one of Matthew's irl friends a d*ck pic for his birthday.

My birthday is in July... I'll be waiting
over 6 years

MonteCarrlo says

Were you scared of ghosts as a child voice and put a pillow over your head so the ghosts couldn't see you

No, I'm just a really light sleeper, so it helps block out sound/light from waking me up. My mom used to wake up by just turning on the light so it granted me a little protection.
over 6 years

MonteCarrlo says

Were you scared of ghosts as a child voice and put a pillow over your head so the ghosts couldn't see you

I was afraid of zombies who had stethoscopes to check my heart beat and see if I was alive. So I would try to stop my heart and act dead.
over 6 years
Were you scared of ghosts as a child voice and put a pillow over your head so the ghosts couldn't see you
over 6 years

MajesticTerrapin says

Cammy says

1. I sleep with a pillow on top of my head.


I sleep with a blanket wrapped around my head, and then i lay face down at the foot of the bed with half my body hanging off because I find it very comforting.

Any of you who think this is weird, you haven't experienced a good sleep.

But then the monsters/serial killers under your bed can grab you
over 6 years

Cammy says

1. I sleep with a pillow on top of my head.


I sleep with a blanket wrapped around my head, and then i lay face down at the foot of the bed with half my body hanging off because I find it very comforting.

Any of you who think this is weird, you haven't experienced a good sleep.
over 6 years
I didn't expect so many people to get hung up on the first statement
over 6 years

coolkidrox123 says

Can you play the triangle?

over 6 years

Cammy says

1. I sleep with a pillow on top of my head.


over 6 years
Can you play the triangle?
over 6 years

Cammy says

1. I sleep with a pillow on top of my head.


best case scenario: i suffocate
deletedover 6 years
i love sonic adventure 2 battle
over 6 years
1. I sleep with a pillow on top of my head.

over 6 years
25 is literally me
over 6 years

Voice says

5. I hate carrot cake, though.

yikes... bad opinion!
over 6 years

Voice says

3. I have seen Matthew's face.

over 6 years
16. Favorite color is either aquamarine or navy. Separate, never together.

17. I've recently started to enjoy playing Swapples w the crew or alone. It's a good way to reset for me.

18. I really like deep, philosophical topics. If I can go there with anyone, I will.

19. I do actually think I'm overrated survivor-wise. I don't just say that to stay humble or whatever. There's a lot of things I could be better at.

20. The first online community that I was ever apart of was a derivative of OMGPOP, and that was the first time I ever sang for someone else around age 15ish. I think I sang When It Rains by Paramore.

21. I don't have a lot of hangups when it comes to people/personality, but I cannot stand it when someone is closedminded.

22. I've never read the whole Bible front to back, but I've probably come pretty close. I want to eventually someday.

23. I started to drink water regularly for the first time like 3 weeks ago.

24. Favorite video game is Sonic Adventure 2 Battle.

25. I like to wear a lot of baseball caps, usually backwards because when my hair gets longer it doesn't like to cooperate.

26. I sent one of Matthew's irl friends a d*ck pic for his birthday.

27. I got distracted talking to Matthew while writing this deadass

28. I've never voted for president and only God knows if I ever will.

29. I'm almost always listening to music, and if I'm not, I'm on call or watching something. Every other time, I've got music in.

30. I have 0 musical training. I hope to learn basic music theory someday but as for now I just sing what I hear in my head.
over 6 years
Day 6 - 30 Interesting Facts About Yourself

1. I sleep with a pillow on top of my head.

2. I tried to learn how to play the guitar this summer, but my hands are too small and my fingers too short.

3. I have seen Matthew's face.

4. I don't like most vegetables but I eat carrots like candy.

5. I hate carrot cake, though.

6. I don't like milk.

7. A few times a week, I'll spend an hour singing loudly in my bathroom.

8. I've been on EM for almost 7 years. That's crazy, huh.

9. I've never felt any sort of attraction for a woman. Ever.

10. The first album I ever owned was Monkey Business by the Black Eyed Peas. I got a boombox for Christmas at the same time as the album and I used to blast it on repeat forever. It's still one of my favorite albums. Probably top 5.

11. I got into harder rock through Paramore, but I found Paramore through my cousin who told me to listen to Misery Business when I was around ~11.

12. I'm really not big on watching gamers, but as of late I watch a lot of Ninja and iBerleezy videos.

13. I didn't watch survivor until after about 3 years of playing. I still don't really keep up with it.

14. I can count the number of times on my hand when I've been actually angry at someone.

15. I'm fluent in Spanish woo
over 6 years

bryce1997 says

legs are overrated

[11:03 PM] Bryce: I have no feet
over 6 years
legs are overrated
over 6 years
Day 5 - A time where you thought about ending your own life

Major buzzkill, but I've never even considered it. I'm a big supporter of thinking everything will get better; I don't think anything is truly hopeless unless you lose all your arms and legs and pp. I guess I would consider ending it then but that would be hard to pull off given that all my appendages are gone. :(
over 6 years
Day 4 - Your views on religion

I've kinda touched on this in my thread before, but I was a Christian for about 10-ish years, and I eventually parted with it. I haven't been happier since. It was a lot of pressure to be a Christian and repress my sexuality, etc, etc, I won't get into it again too much.

That's not my only issue with religion though. As I've departed from it, I've noticed a few things about religion in general. It seems like religion exists to provide comfort for social pressures that don't have a clear-cut solution or philosophical topics. For example, "what happens to us when we die?" -- religion provides an afterlife, where those who follow it are in perfect paradise and those that don't burn forever. "Where did we all come from?" -- religion provides a creator. Those are some of the big ones, but it seems like religion exists to provide solace to people that would stress out from having to contemplate the unknown. That's cool and whatever, but without any proof other than "oh it says in this here book that -" is gonna work for me. I also have an issue with religious texts in general. How did a religious figure concretely tell you what to write; actually, in Christianity, Scripture is "God-breathed" so you're just supposed to take the author's word for it that it's influenced by God. I don't really like that very much either.

That being said, there's a lot of good things to draw from religion in general, such as foundations of morality and proper conduct to other people. Religious people are not fundamentally bad or stupid either, but I can't accept their way of thinking as my own. I tried that and it didn't work out too well!
over 6 years
Day 3 - Your views on drugs and alcohol

I think most drugs/alcohol in moderation are good for recreational use, but I have never been infatuated with getting drunk or high. It's never been something interesting to me, and I personally don't get the appeal. I don't have any issue with other people doing it though, as long as they're not developing an addiction or being too reckless in their behavior that they put themselves or others in danger.