deletedalmost 7 years

I'm remaking this so that I can add tags

EDIT: tags 4 my best pals

hello everyone hope you're having a good day/night

over 6 years

skala says

My friend went into therapy. She's said that for her field it's actually way better to find a private job than a gov sector job. Something about pay being massively better and actual room for growth

That's good information thank u
deletedover 6 years
My friend went into therapy. She's said that for her field it's actually way better to find a private job than a gov sector job. Something about pay being massively better and actual room for growth
over 6 years posting this for future reference

Day 2 - Where you'd like to be in 10 years

I kinda hate questions like this. I think there's such a thing as looking too far in the future, and 10 years is way too far ahead for me. So much can change between now and then. Ideally, I'd like to be practicing as a licensed therapist by then, maybe in private practice or in conjunction with the government for those b e n e f i t s. Hobby-wise, I'd like to pick up an instrument between now and then. Probably piano because I think my hand eye coordination for that would be pretty good due to years and years of typing, and the scaling/reading music makes more sense for me. I've always had a goal of being able to be pitch perfect, but I don't know how much that is in my realm of possibility. As for everything else, I try to keep expectations low to give myself some leeway for any unexpected developments that could occur, and again, in 10 years, there's more of those than I could count.
over 6 years

XFire says

congrats mate!

thx bb
over 6 years
congrats mate!
over 6 years
Day 1 - Your current relationship, if single, describe how single life is.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely want a significant other someday, but for now, I'm completely comfortable with being single. I'm graduating soon, and I don't know definitely where I'm going to end up location wise in the next year, so I feel like it would be reckless to get involved in anything serious in the next few months. I'm also pretty patient in general when it comes to love, and I don't want to settle for someone that doesn't mesh as well as possible just for the purpose of being in a relationship.
over 6 years
I think I'm gonna start doing that thing that anna/ally are doing in order to revive my thread so stay tuned
over 6 years

cosmoiswatching says

Voice says

I went and bought my cap/gown/tassels today and couldn't believe it. It's slowly starting to creep in that I only have a month left ;kdljafkd

how big is the graduating class?

over 5000
over 6 years

Voice says

I went and bought my cap/gown/tassels today and couldn't believe it. It's slowly starting to creep in that I only have a month left ;kdljafkd

how big is the graduating class?
over 6 years
i graduated 2 years ago today so you're making me NOSTALGIC
over 6 years
that's such an achievement though, you're an absolute champ
over 6 years
I went and bought my cap/gown/tassels today and couldn't believe it. It's slowly starting to creep in that I only have a month left ;kdljafkd
deletedover 6 years

MonteCarrlo says

as ur best friend, i am invited to ur graduation right?? i got u a toaster

i think you had to reserve by now so sad :'( maybe next time
over 6 years
as ur best friend, i am invited to ur graduation right?? i got u a toaster
over 6 years

jack says

look forward to welcoming you to the bachelor's (degree) club

whew adulthood
over 6 years
look forward to welcoming you to the bachelor's (degree) club
over 6 years

Voice says

woo I sent in the application I've been working off and on for the past month and it's relieving to finally be done with it

an update on my life: I graduate in a month, and that's crazy to hear but I don't think it'll officially hit me until it happens. I hope I'll be into a grad program by then but until then I'm just gonna focus on keeping my GPA up and spending time with pals : )

get your parents to record your grad ceremony
over 6 years
that's fantastic tucker!! i'm so pleased for you!!!!!
over 6 years
over 6 years
woo I sent in the application I've been working off and on for the past month and it's relieving to finally be done with it

an update on my life: I graduate in a month, and that's crazy to hear but I don't think it'll officially hit me until it happens. I hope I'll be into a grad program by then but until then I'm just gonna focus on keeping my GPA up and spending time with pals : )
over 6 years

evolpz says

do you like dippin chic fil a waffle fries in siracha sweet and spicy dipping sauce

f**k no baby
over 6 years

Voice says

I wanted to sing this ever since Ginga did so !!! s/o to ginga

did you mean: i wanted to one-up ginga

over 6 years
do you like dippin chic fil a waffle fries in siracha sweet and spicy dipping sauce
over 6 years
When I used to read, I read a lot of series, so it's hard to pick out one book out of the series, y'know. If you had to ask me favorite series I'd probably go with Harry Potter. I've read those books in full about 4 times and enjoyed it with every read.

My favorite stand-alone book is probably The Stand by Stephen King. I just really liked the complexity of the plot coupled with an apocalyptic background. I'm really into the apocalypse/survival themes in shows/entertainment, so I thoroughly enjoyed it, I'd recommend it to anyone that's into that kinda stuff
over 6 years
fav book and why.