deletedalmost 7 years

I'm remaking this so that I can add tags

EDIT: tags 4 my best pals

hello everyone hope you're having a good day/night

over 6 years
I haven't posted on here in a while so here's a near-weekly update!

-My interview for the school that I lost the email in my junk mail is tomorrow. I have to leave tomorrow at around 6 am, since I have to account for traffic in a downtown heavily metropolitan area, but I should be done by noon.

-Other than that I'm just going to class and existing !!
over 6 years
Oh.. INFP is the best tho...
over 6 years

bryce1997 says

Voice says

Also, don't rely on the Myers-Briggs test for an accurate representation of your personality. It's really inaccurate and invalid so!!

omg someone was unhappy with what they got huh

i actually dont know what mine is. I get a different one every time i take it, but it was something I learned in class
over 6 years

Voice says

Also, don't rely on the Myers-Briggs test for an accurate representation of your personality. It's really inaccurate and invalid so!!

omg someone was unhappy with what they got huh
over 6 years
Most personality change happens in your college years as you're ripped from your high school environment and pushed to grow individually outside of the influence of your parents/previous peers, so that makes sense. I was a lot different in high school, and I think I also changed a lot throughout college too.
over 6 years
openness also went down. big time
over 6 years
oddly enough, I’ve found myself to be a lot more neurotic now that I’m in college, like, a lot more so than I ever gave myself credit for. that is to say still probably below the 50th percentile, but I always had a reputation for being a calm and level headed dude when in fact i’ve exploded quite a few times at people recently
over 6 years
it’s funny to me how the big five has changed for me over time
over 6 years

harodihg says

bit​chassness - 100th percentile

that's really funny!
deletedover 6 years
bit​chassness - 100th percentile
over 6 years
Conscientiousness - My score was in the 39th percentile, meaning I'm a little below average in conscientiousness. I think what keeps my score below average is how aloof I am with orderliness. I don't hate tidy rooms, but the law of atrophy keeps me unmotivated to keep things organized most of the time. As a result, I never let things get too unorganized, in fact, I think it could be a lot worse, but my habits are definitely not what I think most people would classify as "tidy". However, I think my working habits have improved as I've stayed in academics; I work really hard and submit all of my assignments on time. I think what brought my score down in this area though is the fact that a lot of the time, my approach to working isn't as planned out. Sometimes I get really far ahead in a class because I like reading the material or I wipe out assignments early because they're fun/easy to do. Other times, I'm liable to avoid doing assignments that may be painstaking or take a longer time to do, which I guess isn't very conscientious. If they get done on time, I don't see what it matters, but society doesn't seem to like to agree with that.

over 6 years
Agreeableness - My score lies within the 64th percentile, making me a little above average in agreeableness. This isn't super surprising, I guess. I think I'm pretty mature when it comes to handling conflict; I don't become spiteful or vengeful when someone does something against me. I'm also not one to handle trust lightly. If someone puts their trust in me, I'm going to do my best to keep it intact. As a result though, that makes me hold less trust in others, because I've seen how quickly it can be broken, so I think that lowered my score a little bit. I wouldn't say that I have a "high" opinion of myself, but I definitely don't have a low one, and I think in order to score high on a lot of these items, you probably would have to revere people over yourself, and that's not something I really do often. I try to avoid comparison as much as I can because I don't think it's very beneficial. I try to leave most people on an equal level to me, so I think that kept my agreeableness score from being higher, even if that means that I respect the vast majority of people.

over 6 years
Neuroticism - I was in the 1st percentile for neuroticism, and while I could tell I was low in it, I didn't think I would be the "lowest". I'm really good at regulating my mood and keeping a level head in stressful situations, so I figured I would be on the lower end. I think sometimes I'm a little more likely to be impulsive when it comes to overindulging, but I guess everyone does, or that would have inflated my score.

Extraversion - I was in the 57th percentile, which was actually pretty surprising. I'd actually predict that I'd be more of an introvert just based on my number of friends and aversion to social events, but I think what inflated my score was my tendency to be more of a go-getter and be more proactive about things that I want to have happen. I'm not one to wait for someone else to do something before I do it, so I think that aspect of extraversion is something that I relate to a lot. What brings my score down though is how introverted I am at social events. Though not uncomfortable around people, it's less exhausting for me to deal with less people at a time, so that's what I tend to do.

Openness - I was in the 93rd percentile for openness, but this didn't really surprise me very much. Some of my favorite discussions to have with people are those with some philosophical influence, and I get lost in my thoughts really often. I also have a lot of appreciation for different types of art, even if I don't really have a lot of expertise in them. Also, I'm always open to new perceptions on how things should be and trying them out, even if they're different from how I would fundamentally view something. While I think there may be a best way to do something, you're not going to be able to determine what that is unless you exhaust as many options as you can.

over 6 years
I took the big five personality test a few minutes ago and was asked to write a reflection about my score and stuff, so I thought this may be interesting to read for some people - (I'll put it in the next post because I think it's a few too many characters for this one).

Also, don't rely on the Myers-Briggs test for an accurate representation of your personality. It's really inaccurate and invalid so!!
over 6 years
too bad nobody cares bout u!!!
over 6 years
over 6 years
Update: i fixed it by the end of the day
deletedover 6 years
btw the last one is a trick question. you don't do anything at all to someone who already likes doing something :p but thanks for answering my questions <3
deletedover 6 years
I'm really not a moody person, but today I just woke up in a funk and I've been overthinking things that normally wouldn't bother me, and I've been a lot more irritable than normal, so if I seem weird, sorry!! I'm gonna try to fix it by the end of the day
deletedover 6 years

bboy29 says

Question time!

If you (god forbid) die tomorrow, what would you want to do before you die.
Favorite song of all time?
Big Brother vs. Survivor (on EM only)?
How do get a child to continue reading if they like to read already?

1. It's kinda late in the day to do anything substantial. Maybe I'd upload a cover or something on youtube so that there would at least be some proof somewhere that I sang and that maybe people would listen to it after I died. I'd be sure to tell my family and friends that I loved them and then celebrate my death with Zaxby's!! Woo

2. I don't really have one! The best I could give you is a favorite song per artist but I listen to way too much stuff to have singled out the best song ever.

3. It goes back and forth. Usually I'm in the mood of playing whatever I've played less of at the time, but I don't really have a preference on which one I play in EM-type games. In ORGs ,I prefer survivor.

4. I mean I don't have a kid so don't take any of this too seriously, but I'd guess introduce them to new literature that's similar in genre at least to the stuff they already enjoy, and also increase the plot quality/difficulty with each new book with as much as they can handle.
deletedover 6 years
Question time!

If you (god forbid) die tomorrow, what would you want to do before you die.
Favorite song of all time?
Big Brother vs. Survivor (on EM only)?
How do get a child to continue reading if they like to read already?
over 6 years
I woke up at like 7 am this morning and couldn't go back to sleep and had like 3 hours of being awake before I even had to take a shower to get ready for class, so I did a week's worth of assignments for one of the classes I had today, and for the first time in my life, I'm ahead in a class.
over 6 years

harodihg says

evolpz poses an innocent question — asking what to do in his house for a couple days while there's a few inches of snow outside

Tucker responds by telling him to forge weapons and kill his neighbor's pets for food

this thread got weird, man

A blizzard is a severe snowstorm characterized by strong sustained winds of at least 35 mph (56 km/h) and lasting for a prolonged period of time—typically three hours or more. A ground blizzard is a weather condition where snow is not falling but loose snow on the ground is lifted and blown by strong winds.

This is a big deal.
over 6 years

R0ronoaZoro says

did boxxo take ep1c dmg 2 teh outsied? xD


Markus says

what does BTS stand for

i thought about finding a pic of JJ but i gave up within seconds
over 6 years

Picante says

What are your thoughts on the idea of introducing new game types into the lobby such as The Challenge and The Genius?

I think they're cool concepts and that they may attract a different audience of people that may not be as good at survivor/big brother, but I'm not gonna participate most likely. They don't really catch my attention personally