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Nat's Thread

almost 7 years

There's a good chance I'll post in this once then forget about it.

Feel free to say whatever or ask whatever. I'm gonna just do my own thing so feel free to judge me for my insanity.

over 6 years
i have a cat and a dog :-) here is an old picture of them

over 6 years
do u have any pets nattless?
over 6 years

Nathan says

ICouldBeYourDad says

im gonna try friend u so I'm just gonna annoy u until u like me

Trust me, that's a futile strategy. The better op with this user is to be as mean and sassy as possible. Rinse and repeat until mission accomplished.

why are you like this...
over 6 years

ICouldBeYourDad says

im gonna try friend u so I'm just gonna annoy u until u like me

Trust me, that's a futile strategy. The better op with this user is to be as mean and sassy as possible. Rinse and repeat until mission accomplished.
over 6 years
I know that it is dangerous but I just have a strange fear of tall people. They intimidate me.
over 6 years
that seems like an interesting strategy
over 6 years
im gonna try friend u so I'm just gonna annoy u until u like me
over 6 years

MajesticTerrapin says

Asking taller people for help is something I refuse to do. Just stack a bunch of chairs that are completely unsafe to stand on until you can reach.

I thought about this, but i'm a super uncoordinated person who has bad luck in general and the surface is uneven grass so I'd probably end up impaling myself on the fence.
deletedover 6 years
queen of olives
over 6 years

nattless says

Thank you for your support. I think the dishwasher won this round. I'm going to change my focus to winning the battle against my olive tree. I will get those olives down without calling a taller person to help mark my words.

you are my hero
over 6 years
Asking taller people for help is something I refuse to do. Just stack a bunch of chairs that are completely unsafe to stand on until you can reach.
over 6 years
polite decline
over 6 years
do u want me to put my story of ur "wild" days on here for everyone to see?
over 6 years
Thank you for your support. I think the dishwasher won this round. I'm going to change my focus to winning the battle against my olive tree. I will get those olives down without calling a taller person to help mark my words.
over 6 years

nattless says

I've spent 2 days having intense arguments with my dishwasher and I'm slowly inching towards the 'get someone else to help' zone but I also don't want to be beaten by a machine!

I hope things work out with the washer-disher machine thing.

Love to you and your family.
over 6 years
dont give up!
over 6 years
I've spent 2 days having intense arguments with my dishwasher and I'm slowly inching towards the 'get someone else to help' zone but I also don't want to be beaten by a machine!
over 6 years
hi natnat i love love you
deletedover 6 years
nat ur awesome
over 6 years

XFire says

There is always another weekend

It's a public holiday here on Wednesday so I can't complain too much i GUESS

Ally says

love you nat <3

You're an angel and I love you too <3
deletedover 6 years
love you nat <3
over 6 years
There is always another weekend
over 6 years
the weekend went so fast -.-
over 6 years
the weekend couldn't get here soon enough
over 6 years
"Feel free to say whatever"


As you wish!

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