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Nat's Thread

almost 7 years

There's a good chance I'll post in this once then forget about it.

Feel free to say whatever or ask whatever. I'm gonna just do my own thing so feel free to judge me for my insanity.

over 6 years
Hope you feel better Nat ❤❤❤
over 6 years
gross story below

[spoilers]today i watched a kid projectile vomit and hit 12 other kids[/spoilers]
over 6 years
i feel really sick
deletedover 6 years
can you upvote this comment for me please nat thanks
deletedover 6 years
they really are, so I'm here to bring you back down to where you belong. idiot.
over 6 years
you're all way too nice thank you <3
over 6 years
best person and best player ever
over 6 years
Nattless is queen
over 6 years
over 6 years
Nattslay is not a FLOP!
deletedover 6 years
NOT a flop
over 6 years

nattless says

nattflop here, how can i help you?

not a flop!
over 6 years
over 6 years
nattflop here, how can i help you?
over 6 years
you are the best and im sure next week will be even better than this one
over 6 years
This week has me feeling so confused. i adore my new class and i've had so many ups with them. but i've had so many downs as well and it's making me question everything.
over 6 years

An oppressive night.
over 6 years

Lelmoo says

what is a registration? :o also im sorry to hear that

It's like you have to be registered in order to work in certain professions. But i did a bunch of panicking and urgent emailing yesterday and it looks like it might not be as big of a deal as i thought. <3
over 6 years
You are AMAZING!!!
over 6 years
what is a registration? :o also im sorry to hear that
over 6 years
i just realised that my registration expired on the 8th of jan and the school year starts on monday so i'm highkey f'cked.
over 6 years
this is nice. whoops mean't to be on my main.
over 6 years

over 6 years
NAAAAAAAT <3 you’re the best
over 6 years
i love love you!