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how is mary doing?

almost 7 years

I've always journaled my thoughts privately, but I really like how other people share their days on here, and I think it could be nice for me to do, too. So this is something of a diary for me to look back on. I update when I can or I think to, and I thumbs up a comment once I've read it.

Thank you for reading. It means a lot.

favorite fruit?
deletedalmost 7 years
marry i am so compelled
almost 7 years
Oh come on where is the pineapple squad at? You are the best Mary! Have an awesome Christmas!
almost 7 years
Mary has a great soul. I barely know her but I adore her and this thread!! Lots of love xx
almost 7 years
Thank you Withered so much, I'm coping like... as best as I can and this is just the tip of my iceberg, I guess. I just didn't want to spam a GIANT wall of text day 1. Maybe just... mini wall of text.

Like a fence. Of text.
deletedalmost 7 years
aw I think it's super brave of you to be sharing all of this Mary.

It's something I could never do and I respect you so much for sharing all of this with us.

I wish you the best <3
almost 7 years
Since my tags are going to get long, every few days/a week or so, I'm going to clear them/the people so I can babble about different people
almost 7 years
best personal thread 2k17???
deletedalmost 7 years
i hope u have a wonderful christmas! also kiwis are superior
deletedalmost 7 years
i love plums
almost 7 years
Also, I didn't realize watermelon was so loved... I figured strawberries, as basic as they are, would be first instantly.
almost 7 years
My parents announced the move in September. They moved last month, in October, very quickly. I insisted on staying behind because my favorite holiday is Christmas, and I needed to spend it with my two favorite people -- my best friend and my nana. And every day that passes is another day closer to leaving them. I currently am living with my nana, and all of my belongings save for a suitcase of clothes and essentials are in Pennslyvania. My family over there (my parents and my two little brothers) are living with my grandmother on my dad's side. They seem to like it, and they send me daily reports on their adventures.
almost 7 years
I'm moving to Pennsylvania on December 28th. My mom's side of the family lives here, in Washington, but my dad hasn't seen any of his family since I was born twenty years ago. They all live in Pennslyvania. And since I've graduated high school and have a degree in college, my parents figure that it's a good time to pack up and move over there for my dad's sake. And I agree; my dad is a lovely, wonderful person who deserves to be with his family.

But it's still hard.
almost 7 years
Another person who is here is my nana (grandmother). Both of my parents were in the Army when I was born and throughout my childhood, and they often got deployed to random places together. My nana raised me until I was about six years old or so, and she has battled through two types of cancer. She is my favorite person, and she's getting old now. I've never had anyone, ever, in my life die. And she is probably the next person going to die because of her age and health. And I really want to be here when she passes, even though I have no idea how to deal with death. She is, essentially, my mother.
almost 7 years
There are some things that are somewhat inportant to my life, so here is a brief rundown of who I am and where I come from. I've lived in Washington my whole life. I was born here, and besides a 1 1/2 year detour to Hawaii because my dad was stationed there for the Army, this is where I've been. I have a best friend here, who I met when I was twelve, and I'm twenty now. She is a giant reason I'm still alive. I love her like a sister or even stronger. I'm at her house while she goes out for groceries as I type this. Her mom just made me some food.
deletedalmost 7 years
im a simple man. i see watermelon, i upvote
almost 7 years
Puppies are forever Not just for Christmas