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how is mary doing?

almost 7 years

I've always journaled my thoughts privately, but I really like how other people share their days on here, and I think it could be nice for me to do, too. So this is something of a diary for me to look back on. I update when I can or I think to, and I thumbs up a comment once I've read it.

Thank you for reading. It means a lot.

favorite fruit?
over 6 years
feel better!
deletedover 6 years
I hope you feel better mary!!!
over 6 years
TW: vomit?

Today I woke up and immediately threw up. This continued until I called out from work, and my manager is livid because we’re already down a person, but there’s nothing I can do about it. A few hours in to my throwing up, my grandma (who I live with; parents are in Pennsylvania) came in and gave me an anti-nausea medicine, which helped a bit, but I’ve been in and out of feverish dreams and tossing and turning all day. I’m exhausted and finally up to get more water. It could be worse, but I feel so god-awfully weak. I don’t think it was anything that I ate, because everything I’ve been eating has been in groups for the past two days, and everyone else is fine.

I never say this, but I miss my mom. She’s a nurse, and she’d always take such good care of me. I’m going back to bed now, but it felt nice to touch base with my friends for thirty minutes or so, but now the screen is making me ache.
almost 7 years
ho ho ho
deletedalmost 7 years
wooooooooooooo christmas
almost 7 years
Today is the first of December, and I started my bullet journal yesterday. I went into the city with my friends, we ate pho, and came back home. Today I'm at work, and my shoulder hurts a bit -- I got a lot of ORG stuff done, and so I feel a bit accomplished with that. This is just an update, really.

Oh, and the Christmas tree is up.
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
I am going to a small ramen shop in downtown Olympia a bit later with my best friend to perk myself up and get out of the house. My bullet journal came in the mail today, and so I'm going to start setting that up as well this evening, so hopefully I can stay calm and busy that way. I also have more than enough ORG things to do but that's pretty daunting for now.

However, I found some cute Christmas stickers and decorated my laptop with them. Very cute.
almost 7 years
I'm not doing so hot today. I was getting ready for work and then last-minute called in from work at 2:20pm in a panic, when I'm supposed to clock in at 3:00pm. It's hard to explain, but the idea of going in front of other people today was too much to bare, so I told my boss some lie and they found a replacement. I don't do this often, so I'm sure they thought nothing of it. Now I'm back in bed with a migraine and a panic attack and have too many Skype messages to reply to. I slept for 14 hours or I'd just try to sleep the feelings away.
almost 7 years
Today has been one of the very bad pain days where I try to sleep time away and hope I wake up without it. But it's still here, so now I'm waiting for medication to kick in. I'm at Meigan's house today, and she's let me sleep in her bed all day (it's currently 6:31pm) while she works on a college entrance essay. Her bed is way comfier than mine. Now she's begging me for my Spotify password.

So is friendship.
almost 7 years
Yeah I have a kindle, its good! I need to get back into reading though. And I'm loving Riverdale but am way ahead of you so enjoy it.
almost 7 years
God bless you
almost 7 years
Wth, can a person get even more adorable and lovable and just gtrshgiutsrhiugtrhigtrhsigt-
almost 7 years
Hey! Just saw this thread. Won't ask for tags yet, I'll get to know you more first, then I'll probably do.
almost 7 years
lol i love all my tags and you <3 also i use my kindle all the time it's def worth it
almost 7 years
A handful more tags were added! Getting through this list. I'll do some more tomorrow, but I'm tired finally (as I write this it is 6:22AM).

I bought a bullet journal, some finalizer pens in 24 colors, and some stencils on Amazon a little while ago. Like I said before, when I move I'm going to need ample distraction in all shapes and sizes, and I think bullet journaling could be beneficial, just like this weird little personal forum has been. I'll update this when I get it started, with pictures and stuff maybe.

Tomorrow I don't work, and so I might (read: will) sleep in and then cook a stew or something. Another important thing about me is the fact that I love to cook, and if it was practical/if my leg allowed me to stand all day in a profession, I would go to culinary school in a heart beat. My nana, who I live with and who raised me, was a chef for 35 years and so I learned from her. Cooking is so fun and calming to me, and I could get stuck for hours just watching recipe youtube videos...

Goodnight everyone slash good morning!
deletedalmost 7 years
can i have a tag 2 plz
almost 7 years
Youre an angel!
almost 7 years
I also started Riverdale the other day. I wasn't going to, but I couldn't sleep and wanted to see what the hype was about. And to my surprise, I'm enjoying it. My friends don't even want to entertain my talking about it because they have no interest in it, which is disheartening, because I'm not often excited about things genuinely. It's a decent show, at least, I'm having fun watching it.
almost 7 years
My parents asked me what I want for Christmas and I told them a Kindle Paperwhite. A few years ago, I used to read all the time, constantly. Lately, I just feel like reading is a waste of time, like I'd be missing something by reading... which is silly. However, when I go to Pennslyvania, I doubt I'll make maybe friends, and we'll be living with family for awhile, and really, I know I'm going to need plenty of distractions to get me through the first few months of adjusting. And I think reading again would help. Paper books don't really work for me, as I forget them, crumple them, can't easily fit them in my purse. I love reading on my iPhone, but I only have so much space, and my iPhone isn't personally big enough for me to read comfortably with. An ereader/kindle seems the best option there.
almost 7 years
I had Thanksgiving with my family, and then at 3:00am I left to start Black Friday shopping. I've never in my life been Black Friday shopping until today, because we just weren't that type of family, but before I leave for Pennslyvania I wanted to at least experience it with my friends. So we brought my best friend, our other mutual friend, and my best friend's brother to go wait outside of Gamestop, and we listened to musicals in the car until they opened. After, we went to Dennys until more things opened, and then we bought some things and headed home, and I slept for awhile at my best friend's house. It was fun, way less crowded than expected, and things weren't dirt cheap as Black Friday hype makes things out to be. It was like any other sale, really, but earlier in the morning.

Now I'm at work, and my shoulder hurts, and I'm going home soon to call my boyfriend and talk to him about his day because he just got home from his own job.
almost 7 years
Anyway, goodnight! I had a fine day at work and I went to my friend’s house with my best friend to sleep over afterwards. See you all in the morning (which I will probably be rotating some more tags in!).
almost 7 years
I had a specialty doctor (the one who operated on me twice) until I was fifteen, but he’s retired now, so my general practitioner sees me for the moment for my legs. For those I’m close with, or my friends and family in person, I use a pain scale to describe the pain I have day to day, so they can help me if I need it. That may be getting me painkillers, getting one of my many heating pads out, grabbing my cane, relocating me… whatever helps me at the moment. As I type this, my pain is a 4.

The cool thing about it though is when I get my own car in Pennsylvania, I’ll be able to get one of those blue parking placards. So it's not completely a sob story after all.
almost 7 years
I sometimes have to use a cane. I was born with a birth defect which I had surgery on when I was six months old, and another surgery when I was thirteen years old. I will need another one sometimes in the near future. Essentially, the ligaments, muscles, and bones of my legs (hips to ankles) are very weak and cause me intense pain frequently. They also sometimes give out on me completely at the knee, or “lock up,” meaning my muscles have frozen up and I cannot move them (similarly to a charlie horse is the best way I can describe it).

Basically, the more I can rest my legs, save for stretching my muscles, the better. I was a dancer for about 7 years before I had to completely quit because dancing put so much of a strain on my legs, the consequences of using them so much were unbearable. I still have all of my dance shoes and rehearsal photos and whatnot packed away (well, in Pennsylvania now).
almost 7 years
hello can i have tags