almost 7 years

so my old thread says athena is the creator and that's driving me nuts so here we go.......

im gonna put stuff i enjoy currently (in no order)



TV Show



Shawn Mendes' New Album


  Currently Reading:


     Recent cross stitch

over 6 years
Day 11- Put your iPod on shuffle and write the first 10 songs that pop up...

I'm just gonna shuffle my spotify like "saved" songs or whatever...

1. Posion- Rita Ora
2. Bedroom- Mabel
3. Opening Up Finale- Waitress Original Broadway Company
4. Nothing Lasts Forever- Maroon 5
5. Everyday- Ariana Grande
6. I Dreamed A Dance- Aaron Tveit (what song is this and why did I save it?)
7. I Can Hear The Bells- Nikki Blonsky (Hairspray)
8. Over Here - ft Drake PARTYNEXTDOOR
9. Company- Justin Bieber
10. Hey #2- Alice Ripley (whats this)

hmm that was interesting
over 6 years
Day 9- What you expect your future to look like.

Please see answer for where I expect to be in 10 years.

Day 10- Your first love and your first kiss.
I'm with my first love right now and I will be with him for the rest of my life. I knew I loved him from the minute I met him and funny story actually, like a month into us dating he handed me like 5 bucks for coffee and I said, "thanks love you" as just habit idk and i realized what i said and ran back to my dorm room and just criiieeeedd. But ya that was the first time I told him I loved him which was on accident

My first kiss was with a fuuuccc k boy who I honestly don't want to relive or talk about ever
over 6 years
I'm a cat person as well! #TeamCat If it is okay with you, could you upload a few pictures of Luna? I'd love to see how she looks like :D

ALSO I DISCOVERED A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS (read the books as a kid) BECAUSE OF THIS THREAD. I'm so happy they finally made a good adaptation for it. It's addicting...
over 6 years
Day 8- A moment you felt most satisfied with your life.

Honestly, there are these moments recently where me, Erik and Luna will all be in bed relaxing or on the couch where I'm like okay, this is where I'm meant to be and this is amazing. Something about being with my little family is so satisfying and makes me literally tear up with happiness.
over 6 years
Day 7- Your Zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality.

So I'm a Taurus. BUT my birthday is right on the cusp between Taurus and Aries (April 20th) which means I have A LOT of Taurus qualities but I also have some Aries in me as well.

I think I am 100% a Taurus. I am the most stubborn, aggressive, hot-headed b i tch ever.

"True to her symbol, the Bull, she can be placid but also stubborn, and an explosive temper lurks underneath that though slow to ignite, is tumultuous when it comes. But the Taurus temper is rarely seen, for Taurus Woman aims for balance in life. ... Taurus is ruled by docile Venus, and is a passive, feminine sign."

^^ if that ain't meeeeee
over 6 years
19- I am a diehard Mets fan.. like D I E H A R D, my family and I are absolutely lunatics over the Mets.

20- I worked at Adventureland on Long Island when I was like 15 for the summer. LMAO

21- My favorite animal other than cats/dogs are hedgehogs

22- I like vanilla more than chocolate.. like I'd rather have vanilla based ice cream then chocolate

23- I drink Arizona diet green tea with ginseng like its fu ckin crack

24- I'm running out of steam here omg uhhh I'm a really light sleeper.. I have to be freezing with the fan on and a night light because I'm afraid of the dark.

25- I still have my N64 that WORKS and it's my fav thing ever

26- I used to be such a little punk kid in high school, I dyed my hair black, went to Warped Tour, had fake gauges (sp?) was so obsessed with Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens etc. what a mess I was

27- before my punk phase I was OBSESSED WITH THE JONAS BROTHERS. I'm still obsessed with Nick Jonas hiigghkey tho

28- I love giving gifts to people.. like with Cam or Erik especially I'll see something in the store or online and be like omg they will LOVE this and can't help myself

29- I still play Pokemon Go and the Kardashian game on my phone

30- I have rly bad ear problems so when I go on planes I have to use ear plugs and sometimes even with the ear plugs I lose my hearing for days at a time... and even with the ear plugs in when the plane is descending the pressure makes it feel like my heads gonna explode
over 6 years
12- I've been to a lot of amazing places around the world including Italy, Russia, France, Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Spain, London etc. I'm really blessed to have the opportunity to travel so much at a young age.

13- I've always struggled with "best friends." Honestly, until I met Cam the people that I called my best friends took advantage of me. I'm just a really loving friend and I do so much for the people that I call best friends that they use that and don't give me the same thing back...

14- I have a baby blanket that I go everywhere with and a teddy bear named Charles that goes with me too

15- I have 2 dogs that live with my parents, JD is a yellow lab who is turning 11 and Truman a golden retriever who is 10. Truman is technically my grandparents but since they go on cruises for months at a time, he's basically ours.

16- I don't drink soda.. I gave up soda December of 2013 because I was drinking so much diet coke and just so disgustingly bloated and unhealthy. Since then I've been off it

17- I love baseball caps... like i love love them I have so many

18- I played softball for like ten years, I loved it and my dad was like my biggest supporter through it. Eventually I had to quit for musical theatre.
over 6 years
Day 6- Write 30 interesting facts about yourself.
UGH this is gonna take forever ok lets go

1- I love books and reading, I have 3 bookshelves in my apartment and one at home that takes up my entire wall and they are all full of books. I just love so much about physical books.

2- I collect Pop Funkos, I have so many, from Overwatch I have Mei, Widow and Dva. Harry Potter I have Sirius, Lupin, Dumbledore, Ron. GoT I have Dany, Jon, Tyrion and Sam. The 100: Lincoln and Octavia. Sookie from Gilmore Girls.. Bobby Singer from Supernatural, Sailor Neptune from Sailor Moon... Erik has a bunch too.

3- I love Overwatch, my main heroes that I like to play are Pharrah, Widow, Dva and Zen

4- I used to hate cats before I got Luna... like I was terrified of them because when I was younger I got attacked by one and ever since I have had a fear of cats... until now obv

5- I've been in 12 musicals and 1 play in my life.

6- My favorite authors are Colleen Hoover and Sarah J Maas

7- My moms been cross stitching since before I was born and she just taught me officially how in October, I'm so happy that she did because it helps sooo much with my anxiety

8- I collect Harry Potter books.. I have 2 full sets and I'm working on 2 other ones.. 1 that I'm working on are the covers from the UK.

9- Erik and I basically LIVE in Salty Dog Cafe t-shirts.. whenever we go to Hilton Head we pick up shirts from there in every color omg

10- My family and I go to Hilton Head twice a year and it's my favorite tradition EVER.
over 6 years

this is my most recent cross stitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was rly hard and im rly proud of myself
over 6 years

annajane says

Therapy is honestly what saved me. My therapist is an angel who helped me through my darkest times and I couldn’t imagine where I’d be without her.

For me, it was ultimately my sister that saved me. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. She has a masters in public health and if she didn't exist, I'd be 10 feet underground in a coffin by now.
over 6 years
Day 5- A time you thought about ending your own life.

Well this is dark.. I can honestly say I’ve thought about ending my life a few times but from the bottom of my heart can say I never would follow through or attempt. When I was 16 I got really sick with my depression and same when I was 18 but I somehow pulled through.

Therapy is honestly what saved me. My therapist is an angel who helped me through my darkest times and I couldn’t imagine where I’d be without her.
over 6 years

annajane says

Day 4- your views on religion

I’m not a very religious person, at this point in my life I don’t know what I belief or what I would classify myself as.. I guess I think there’s something out there bigger than us I just don’t know what it is.. is there a name for that?

If religion helps you and you love it then that’s incredible, I hope to at some point be comfortable in my faith and beliefs. I know the journey is coming for me to explore that but I don’t know if I’m ready.

see my post in ally's thread but it's stuff i've told u already :) :) spirituality v v good to have
over 6 years
I liked an Anna post faster than Jack. Suck it, n!gga.
over 6 years
Day 4- your views on religion

I’m not a very religious person, at this point in my life I don’t know what I belief or what I would classify myself as.. I guess I think there’s something out there bigger than us I just don’t know what it is.. is there a name for that?

If religion helps you and you love it then that’s incredible, I hope to at some point be comfortable in my faith and beliefs. I know the journey is coming for me to explore that but I don’t know if I’m ready.
over 6 years
Day 3- Your views on drugs and alcohol.
I think if you smoke weed and drink on occasion and aren’t excessive with it then it’s totally fine. As long as you aren’t like me through college, blacking out and being a general a s s hole then it’s okay. I’ve regretted a lot of stuff I’ve done while drunk and have honestly stopped drinking to excess at this point in my life. I haven’t been drunk in almost a year and I’m pretty dang proud of myself...

Don’t do meth!
over 6 years
Day 2- Where you'd like to be in 10 years.

Well in 10 years I'll be 33 so hopefully I'll be married to E with a kid in a home with a job that makes me happy. Honestly as long as me and Erik are happy and healthy and around family, that's all that matters. We could be living in a shack and I'd be content as long as we were together and filled with happiness.

10 years is a long time and getting through your 20s is such a crazy ride that I want to embrace and just learn so much throughout my 20s.
over 6 years
Day 1- Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is.

I have been dating Erik since April 12th of 2015 so we will be celebrating our 3 year anniversary in a couple weeks!! He is the love of my life and the most incredible person I've met. He has put up with me when I was at my worst and I am so thankful for all he does and has done for me. I'll marry this kid for real, I can't imagine my life without him, he's honestly saved my life and kept me above the water when I feel so close to drowning. He's just a great guy.. I don't know how I got this lucky lmao
over 6 years
im gonna do the 30 day challenge that Ally is doing on her thread bc i love love that idea!!!
over 6 years
EMVV4 is OVVVEEEERRRRR. Grats to all trophy winners and fan fav/POTS!!!
over 6 years

Zacharae says

i love u

i love YOU
over 6 years
i love u
over 6 years
so i finally finished my cross stitch and it looks soooo good, i'll post a picture here when its clean and ironed but it was honestly the hardest and most tedious one i've done so far..

tomorrow i'm going shopping and out to eat with my grandma and i'm really excited because i haven't seen her since Christmas and she's like my best friend

i'm feeling really grateful for all i have and actually looking forward to my future for the first time in a long time
over 6 years
GRATS ANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over 6 years
welcome back to the south, our weather is much nicer
over 6 years