almost 7 years

so my old thread says athena is the creator and that's driving me nuts so here we go.......

im gonna put stuff i enjoy currently (in no order)



TV Show



Shawn Mendes' New Album


  Currently Reading:


     Recent cross stitch

over 6 years

annajane says

jack says

"yeah grandma i call one of my friends poops. no it's not weird"

i taught her the word "nappy headed ho3" and she calls me that tbh

don imus is shook!
over 6 years

jack says

"yeah grandma i call one of my friends poops. no it's not weird"

i taught her the word "nappy headed ho3" and she calls me that tbh
over 6 years
"yeah grandma i call one of my friends poops. no it's not weird"
over 6 years
i just got off the phone with my grandma

i love that woman more than anything in this world, i call her once a week at least, sometimes once a day and just tell her all about my life. (she knows about all of you) during EMVV3 i told her all about it and she texted me one day saying, "did u win that survivor game yet?" LOL

i guess i'm just trying to say if u have a grandparent or a family member that means the absolute world to you, give them a call! tell them you love them and how much they mean to you because i tell my grandma constantly that she's my main chick and the smile on her face when i tell her is enough to fix my entire day
over 6 years
im def gonna give it another shot!! i think i tried to do the whole switch to link and shoot with the bow and arrow and then i switch back to the zora and get all messed up
over 6 years
I've never played the virtual console release so idk if it follows the original mechanics or the 3ds ones.

If it's the original:

What do you use to stun him? I see a lot of people struggle to stun him with the Zora arm blades or w.e they're called because they travel slowly in that arc like motion. If you're having the same issue I'd recommend using your Bow and Arrow to stun him instead since the shot is straight and quick you'll land it quite easily if you have LoS. The quicker you stun him the less time he can hit you. ;)
over 6 years
I gave up a couple months ago at Gyorg, he’s so fuxxxxkin hard for me and I’m playing on my Wii U game pad controller so that could be why it’s extra difficult but I can’t manuever well enough to avoid his attack’s and his attacks deal so much damage that I get so frustrated
over 6 years
MM is easier honestly. The puzzles pretty much all follow the same mechanics as OoT and the game is waaaaay shorter. The only thing that really could be considered "hard" about MM is trying to figure out what to do for some of the Mask sidequests because some things that needs to be done are just ridiculously obscure but you can easily ignore these masks as they do nothing outside of completion purposes or you can look up what you need to do online.

What exactly do you find difficult about Gyorg?
over 6 years
I think Majora's Mask is soooooo hard, let me know when you get to the boss i'm talking about

OoT is seen as not as hard as mm for me because i beat OoT when i was like 6 or someting and have beat it so many times since then, ive nEVER beat mm and remember playing it that young and being so upset
over 6 years
That was me and the Shadow Temple boss in Ocarina of Time. I eventually got my friend to beat it for me because I just couldn't.

I'm actually finding this game a little easier than OoT so far but that might be just because I learned a lot of the tricks playing OoT and it's just a matter of reusing them.
over 6 years

Otherscott says

AJ you gotta give Majora's Mask another try sometime. It's honestly so fun.

Currently battling Gerudo Pirates out in the Great Bay.

Gerudo's are my favorite!! i got to that part! the temple u are going to go to is the one i got too frustrated at, i could NOT beat the boss
over 6 years
AJ you gotta give Majora's Mask another try sometime. It's honestly so fun.

Currently battling Gerudo Pirates out in the Great Bay.
over 6 years
"we are not born to die!! what are you talking about!! do you think a book begins just to finish? do you think a song opens with a beautiful chord just for it to end? you don’t read the book to finish it, you read the book to eat up the excitement and the emotions it evokes!! to learn and to digest and to fall in love and be heartbroken!! you listen to the song to dance and dance and sing your throat raw!!! to cry and smile and swell with the harmonies!! yes, we are born with the inevitable fate of death, we are mortal after all, but that is merely the finale of the play!! the final act, the closing of the curtains - we are not born to take a bow and exit stage left!! we are born to love and be joyous and yell and move and learn and cry and feelfeelfeel!!! we are not born to die, silly, we’re born to live!!!"
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
i won HoH in jporg! not getting second boot wwooohooooo
over 6 years

Markus says

ur a great host, emvv4 is lucky to have you!!!!!!!!!!!

and yay about your job, keep smashing it!!!!

thank u markus!!!! that means a lot
deletedover 6 years
ur a great host, emvv4 is lucky to have you!!!!!!!!!!!

and yay about your job, keep smashing it!!!!
over 6 years
so i worked a straight thru double today and we were soooo busy but they put me in the best section (working my way up) so i made soooo much money!

some girls from my old job came by to eat and it kind of made me sad bc i miss the ppl from there but im doing much better at my new job
over 6 years
So I'm hosting EMVivor 4!!!!!! I'm so honored to have been asked to host and look forward to my first main hosting gig! (Celestial was practice for me lol) It's gonna be super fun to be on the other side of all the dramaa and excitement and not drive myself crazy lol

I'm also playing JPORG BB 2!!! I'm so pumped to meet new people and have fun!

over 6 years
im rly excited for reasons i cant takl about yet!!!!!!!!!! 6pm!!!!!!!!
over 6 years
so I saw The Greatest Showman today and it CHANGED my entire life, my new favorite movie!! i will buy the DVD and watch it 108328 times and i will be listening to the soundtrack for the rest of my life
over 6 years
im very upset for reasons i can't quite explain yet



deletedover 6 years
don't normally people close their eyes when they meditate?
over 6 years
also highly recommend trying meditation! it’s def a pretty eye opening practice

also link me your book blog if u want!
over 6 years
wow I can’t believe you answered all my questions