almost 7 years

I think it's pretty cool that all of you are writing about really personal topics that I'm sure a lot of people can relate to (@Ginga for example) so I'm inspired to start my own thread. Rather than spamming skype group chats with my thoughts, I thought I'd use this thread as my soapbox instead. Will be mostly more serious thoughts.

Just a placeholder for now until I have something to write about.

over 6 years
over 6 years

debaser says

hype me up for it i wanna see know what black mirror is about

A bit of a cop out answer but

Black Mirror is a dark show which explores how humans interact with each other and with technology. Every episode is set in a new world with new technology and new characters. I think many episodes are believable and the writing/acting for the show is really amazing which makes it very compelling. It is similar to the Twilight Zone if you've seen that.
over 6 years

HardCarry says

16. Players who use solely meta to make their decisions. Ex: HardCarry is ALWAYS a threat, so vote him out. Similarly, players who don't know how to work with strong players.

I have an interesting saying for this: If you wanna be the best, you should learn from the best. And only by working with them will you gather hints on how they play and why it works for them.

And no, "beat the best" by outlasting them doesn't work here because to actually beat them you need to win the game.
over 6 years
hype me up for it i wanna see know what black mirror is about
over 6 years

HardCarry says

My favorite TV show is Black Mirror and Season 4 just came out.

I just watched USS Callister and it was really fuckking good.

i'm so excited to watch!!!
over 6 years
My favorite TV show is Black Mirror and Season 4 just came out.

I just watched USS Callister and it was really fuckking good.
over 6 years
15. People who base their jury vote on what other people say. Ex: You were nice to me and we had a good relationship, but you had bad jury management with other players X and Y.

16. Players who use solely meta to make their decisions. Ex: HardCarry is ALWAYS a threat, so vote him out. Similarly, players who don't know how to work with strong players.

17. Players who are bitter about you blindsiding them when they had no intention of working with you/were trying to blindside you simultaneously

18. Players who don't work with new players/people they don't know and only instead sticking with the people who they already know.
over 6 years
List of Things that Annoy me in Survivor:

1. Voting out the biggest threat only to be voted out right after now that they're seen as the biggest threat

2. Allying somebody and then not talking to them for the rest of the game and assuming that you'll be
saved because you messaged them on day 1.

3. People who take the game to a personal level

4. Jurors who ask 1000 questions/requests when their mind is already made

5. Entitled jurors/jurors who feel the need to say that they are better/played a better game than the players

6. People at FTC who take credit for moves that they didn't do or overexaggerate their influence on the game.

7. Alternatively, jurors who try to discredit the people at FTC by saying they were responsible for a move when it's not true.

8. People who play survivor just to be memorable or interesting

9. People who are willing to spend hours and in ORGs, months of their lives playing a game just to get 2nd. Worse in trophy games.

10. People who play more cutthroat than usual in trophy games thinking that others won't suspect them multi f2ing and believing that cutthroat = good. Then, they get voted out because they don't know how to manage all their f2s.

11. Players who spend the time to win a HOH and then proceed to spend 10 minutes to make noms without using the HOH to gather any information.

12. People who disrespect the hosts/don't listen to the hosts.

13. Cheaters

14. People who lie for no reason (ex: when there are no idols left, when somebody is going home 7-1 and 7/8 votes are in, etc.)
over 6 years

HighSpace says

Do you feel like you've mastered the game of survivor?

No. There are parts of my game that I need to refine.

Information management, jury management, and more advanced manipulation techniques are probably what I still need to work on.

If we're talking about Big Brother, I think I still have a lot of work strategically to do for that because my strategy in BB is weaker than it is in Vivor.
over 6 years

bboy29 says

Why do you not think you have the motivation to play survivor games? I hardly see you play anymore and if you truly are great, wouldn't you want to play more to refine your skills even more? Idk just a rando question, although if you reply saying b/c of college work, I can understand that wholeheartedly. :)

Too much time and energy.
over 6 years
Do you feel like you've mastered the game of survivor?
deletedover 6 years
Why do you not think you have the motivation to play survivor games? I hardly see you play anymore and if you truly are great, wouldn't you want to play more to refine your skills even more? Idk just a rando question, although if you reply saying b/c of college work, I can understand that wholeheartedly. :)
over 6 years
I read through bboy, marry, and Tucker's posts! Thank you so much for even taking the time to read through my verbal diarrhea and provide feedback.

Bboy: I don't think it's because I'm more passionate about survivor because I definitely am passionate about the other subject areas as well.

Marry: I think you hit the nail on the hammer. I highlighted some excerpts that you wrote that I agree with!

"How people see your ability with Survivor (or see you online, period) is a more contained environment that you have control over, and you can monitor daily and get validation from other people immediately" and

"Survivor is a concentrated group of people, so you know your playing field, the inner and outer limits, etc. Other things, it's more difficult to see an end goal or feel accomplished, as if you're never done."

I think that when I have a set goal to work towards in real life and I can see my improvement and see that the work I'm putting in is making a difference, it has a big effect on how motivated I am. I think another motivating factor is that I could envision myself as being in the upper echelon of players. For something like math, I pretty much was like well, I need to put an insane amount of work into this to even become amazing and even then, I probably wouldn't be in the upper echelon of mathematicians. I think what you said about a contained environment where I can see the top is huge.

I'm also really glad that you were able to relate to it :)

Tucker: Nah, comparing myself to others isn't my only concern. I honestly love Survivor and I wouldn't even have the motivation to improve myself if I didn't truly enjoy it. I was just wondering why I have the passion to improve myself in Survivor when I didn't really have the same in chess or math even though I was good at both, enjoyed both, and had the natural talent for them.
over 6 years
I think also that if all you care about is how you compare to others in survivor, it's not something that's gonna stick with you, especially if everyone thinks you're good enough for your own standards. I hope you get to a point where you can actually enjoy survivor for what it is instead of using it as a means to compare yourself to other people. I can't imagine playing survivor like that when that's the reason behind it.
over 6 years

HardCarry says

I'm hoping to figure out what's so different about Survivor that I have such a different reaction to competition than in say chess or math.

I'm rambling but I've been thinking about this since I read it before bed last night but -- I feel like maybe it's because there's so many less variables in your goal with Survivor vs. almost any other 'real life' goal. How people see your ability with Survivor (or see you online, period) is a more contained environment that you have control over, and you can monitor daily and get validation from other people immediately. Other things are more personal and you have to rely on yourself for that same satisfaction or drive, and even then, it's subjective because Survivor is a concentrated group of people, so you know your playing field, the inner and outer limits, etc. Other things, it's more difficult to see an end goal or feel accomplished, as if you're never done.

I'm very keen on keeping a tight leash on how I am perceived by others, especially online, because I can have so much power over it. From the username I use, to my homepage and icon, to the way I type, it's all meticulous and thought out, and so I've felt the same way about... why can't I apply these things in other areas? I don't know, I just felt I could relate to that whole dilemma, and that sometimes I put way too much effort and time and care too much about basically tending to my topiary garden that is my online persona.
over 6 years
jbomber is right and rob is also dave

checkmate atheists
over 6 years
You were rejected by Dylan who was masquerading as a girl who tried to prey on underage girls and because of that you have never played in EMVV or EMBB which Dylan currently has no part of unless you subscribe to the theory that Scott is Dylan which I personally believe I mean look at all the similarities they both have 5 letters in their name and they both host EMBB and they both live in canada i mean coincidence?? i think not
over 6 years
Would you like to lock lips?
over 6 years

HardCarry says

I now have a pretty long break (~ 40 days) and what inevitably happens during long periods of inactivity where I'm not preoccupied with school or work is that I turn to EM or other online games to pass the time.

Tbh, I kind of hate it. I always get the feeling of being unproductive and usually at some point (around a week into break), I become pretty unsatisfied with how little I'm doing and doing the same thing everyday. My sleep schedule becomes a mess; I become practically nocturnal and I eat at weird hours of the day.

I'm hoping that this break will be different and that I can find some other things to keep me busy so I feel less guilty about doing nothing. My resolution this break is to avoid the usual cycle and to spend more time with family and friends and learning more.

preach sis preach
deletedover 6 years

HardCarry says

I'm hoping to figure out what's so different about Survivor that I have such a different reaction to competition than in say chess or math.


Simple. Academics are real life that you do not enjoy and Survivor games are a passion for you. :)
over 6 years
over 6 years
Another example would be when VWXYZ received more votes than me for "Best Physical Player in the Survivor Lobby" and I made it a point to try in every HOH the next time I played with him; I ended up winning I think either 11 or 12 comps and ultimately, the game.

You probably are wondering what the point of this whole post was. I think that too often in real life, I DON'T have the same competitiveness that I do for Survivor. For example, I was never really motivated to study for chess or for math or for anything academic really. A lot of people passed by me and I spent more time lamenting on the fact that I used to be ahead of them than actually using it as a motivator for self-improvement. I guess to answer my own question, I'm hoping to figure out what's so different about Survivor that I have such a different reaction to competition than in say chess or math.

There are times in real life where I treat competition as a motivation to get better and other times where I don't. I'd rather that it be the former!

over 6 years
Warning: This post is going to come off as really arrogant and this post is more for myself to reflect upon than as something for others to relate to.

I think I've realized that a large part of why I play Survivor is because I think I'm good at it and because I want to prove others wrong. When I first started out in the lobby, I played in as many games as I possibly could and I reread all my games/sent my games to other people to read so I could learn from my mistakes. I was pretty obnoxious about this, but I really wanted to become a good player, but also, to be regarded as a good player. I saw people like HighSpace and Voice being revered in the lobby and I also really wanted to reach that level of play.

I remember 1 month into the lobby, Soda posted a thread of the Top 20 Players in the Survivor Lobby and he put me as an Honorable Mention. Although most people would take this as a compliment, I was more motivated to actually make it into the Top 20 because I felt like I was better than a lot of the players who were actually in it.

Similarly, I was actually rejected by emmy for EMBB1 and I lowkey took offense to the rejection because I thought that I was definitely qualified to play and I thought that my app was solid. That rejection is actually part of the reason why I have never played in EMBB or EMVV. I really wanted to prove emmy wrong and that it was a mistake to not cast me in the first place which is why I applied for the Main ORG and Bang a Rang .

over 6 years
sounds like some pu$$y sh*t
over 6 years
I don't have the stamina or motivation to play Survivor games anymore.

Yesterday, I joined a game, really excited to be playing my first game in a long time and left before the game started because I suddenly remembered how much energy and effort was needed to finish a game.