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Mental Illness Support

over 6 years

If you're living with a mental illness of any kind whether it be Bi-Polar, Depression, PTSD, Dyslexia, or even if you're like me and have anxiety it can get really sometimes, obviously some mental illnesses aren't as serious as others but I'd like to take this time to share some stories (good or bad) that have happened to you guys.

It can be a real pain to live with and its frustrating when people don't understand. For those who don't know I have anxiety and I suffered depression but I would rather not go into that.

So I guess this is a support thread or something I'm not sure. Ask advice on here or stuff like that feel free to say whatever you want that isn't insults or abuse

What mental Illness do you have if any that you suffer from the most?
Bi Polar
over 6 years
Ok I don't have any of those
over 6 years
I'm not here to get help but to give, what may be, a minority advice.

If you are looking at this thread and are wanting to open up about your mental disorder. But you feel either too embarrassed or shy to talk about it on this topic. It may be better to talk about it with either a person you feel attached to, in real life or on any website, to talk about it. Or alternately PM one of these people who are offering to help you.

If you ever feel the need to talk about your mental disorder, you will always feel better when you talk to someone or many people about it. I personally never had a mental disorder. But I have something similar that isn't classified as a mental disorder. And if I ever want to talk about it, I just go to whoever I feel most comfortable to.

As general life advice, keeping something bubbled inside of you is never feels good. Even worse when it hurts and eats away at you.
over 6 years
just looking at this thread gives me anxiety.
over 6 years
I've struggled with severe depression and anxiety since 2011 and it all stemmed from me getting very ill and causing me to miss a lot of school, losing all my friends, and gaining weight. I really began to hate myself and lose all confidence I had in myself.

I still struggle daily even though i have constant support. I don't like myself and I don't feel like im worthy of a lot of things that i have.My mom was my rock and she passed away in November so I have felt kind of lost. I've pushed a lot of people and opportunities aside. I'm hard to handle and I'm shocked I still have a support system.

BUT, there's always good things in there. I have an amazing boyfriend who is always there and thankfully puts up with all my craziness, thank you Adam. And i have great friends that get drunk with me and cry when I need it.

Thanks for this thread and the opportunity to be real <3
over 6 years
i'd like to have friends irl too though but people dont like me. i'd like to but i don't have anyone who likes me enough to invite me. i'm not cool enough to know anyone. i've had people tell me i look so mormon they don't bother talking to me. idk what that means. people just don't like me
over 6 years
Jimmy, you can't put that on yourself man. As long you don't do bad things its not on you to be anyone but yourself. You are a smart, unique individual and it don't matter if someone doesn't invite you to smoke some weed once, especially if they know you don't right? You just do you and don't let no one stress you out. And you have friends on here don't worry about that , we're your friends and I am your friend.

p4ndora, blueheidi, life gives us some real setbacks sometimes doesnt it? But damn it if your not tough, strong people if you fight through it. And friends, us, can help with that. Always feel free to talk to me guys I know I'm an but I care about the well being of the people here.
over 6 years
you ever like know you don't smoke weed but would like to be invited anyway and when your bf gets invited and doesn't invite you you just get really sad because you have no friends
over 6 years
new highscore
deletedover 6 years
i've got borderline personality disorder, ocd, adhd, severe depression, and anxiety

also i may be on the spectrum

we're effed lads
over 6 years
over 6 years
If anyone has trouble with depression or bulimia or dyslexia, I can help: my email is [email protected]
over 6 years
Depression and used to have bulimia o.o why is bulimia spelled wrong?
over 6 years
That post from Shounen was really nice. Ty guys.
over 6 years
shounen28d 17h+14
have you seen a therapist in the past few days? if not, hang on until your next therapy visit and talk things through then.

have you changed medications recently, including skipping taking them? that may be screwing with your head. give that a few days

if day time: are you dressed? put on clothes that arent pajamas, give yourself permission to wear something special.

if nighttime: are you sleepy and fatigued but resisting to go to sleep? put on some pajamas, make yourself cozy in bed with a teddy bear and the sound of rain and close your eyes for 15 minutes, no electronic screens allowed. if youre still awake after that, you can get up again, no pressure.

do you feel ineffective? pause right now and get something small completed, whether its responding to an email, loading up the dishwasher, or packing your gym bag for your next trip. good job!

do you feel unattractive? take a god damn selfie.

do you feel paralysed by indecision? give yourself ten minutes to think about a game plan for the day. right now, its important to break through the stasis, even if it means doing something trivial.

have you over exerted yourself recently, physically, emotionally, socially, or intellectually? that can take a toll that lingers for days. give yourself a break in that area, whether its physical rest, taking time alone, or relaxing with some silly entertainment.

have you waited a week? sometimes our perception of life is skewed, and we cant tell that we're not thinking clearly, and theres no obvious external cause. it happens. keep yourself going for a full week, and see if you feel the same way then.

youve made it this far, and you will make it through.

you are stronger than you think.
over 6 years
shounen made this post one time, I think it may contribute to this thread

shounen28d 18h+14
you arent pathetic and people do care, even if these are people who dont really know you. its impossible for literally everyone to hate you. you arent a lost cause and there is always always always room for good energy in your life. your mental health might hinder this, but your mental illnesses dont mean you cant ever be happy. all mental health issues are manageable. i mean it. its possible to live a life you'd feel comfortable in.

i want you to go through this checklist im typing from a paper i keep on my desk:

are you hydrated? if not, have a glass of water

have you eaten in the past three hours? if not, get some food. something with protein, not just simple carbs.

have you showered in the past day? if not, take a shower right now.

have you stretched your legs in the past day? if not, do so right now. go for a walk around the block. if the weather is bad drive to a target or something and walk there.

have you said something nice to someone in the past day? if not, do so, whether online or in person. make it genuine; wait until you see something really wonderful about someone, and tell them about it.

have you moved your body to music in the past day? if not, dance around your room for the length of an upbeat song.

have you cuddled a living being in the past two days? if not, do so, dont be afraid to ask for hugs from friends or friends' pets. most of them will enjoy it too; youre not imposing on them
over 6 years
Gemini Incarnate
over 6 years
I suffer from probably bipolarism. But not quite like typical bipolar, but as in split personality.
over 6 years

skala says

is it cool to be mentally ill now?

skala says

im sorry for posting facetious questions in this serious topic full of mentally ill people. it was wrong of me to think for even a moment that it might be weird and inappropriate to glorify and normalize everyone thinking theyre mentally ill on a mafia website and i am glad that this thread has helepd so many mentalyl ill people

The spectrum is wide and has place for us all, come and join its fun, everyone can feel included
over 6 years
I feel like posting to form a private group of people who struggle with mental illness, like a group chat or something, would be much better in comparison to a completely public thread that will definitely be used against someone to win a game by the end of the year. This thread will cause tons of arguments and I'm not sure if anyone has gained anything from it in a positive way.
deletedover 6 years
I was born sick but i love it!!!!!!
deletedover 6 years
im sorry for posting facetious questions in this serious topic full of mentally ill people. it was wrong of me to think for even a moment that it might be weird and inappropriate to glorify and normalize everyone thinking theyre mentally ill on a mafia website and i am glad that this thread has helepd so many mentalyl ill people
over 6 years

skala says

is it cool to be mentally ill now?

only if you're self-diagnosed
deletedover 6 years
is having more better?
over 6 years
Fwiw, BPD is Borderline Personality Disorder and not Bipolar Disorder.
deletedover 6 years
is it cool to be mentally ill now?