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let me draw you

about 6 years

hello it is me lesbian pirate

i would like to draw your avi for you

but you must pay me in compliments (example: you look very healthy and good)

if you say something mean i wont be happy. not at all

over 5 years
Kiss xo
over 5 years
your pirating technique is off the charts
over 5 years
over 5 years
draw my avi plz
over 5 years
I love your works LesbianPirate! Your death message made me visit the Queen of Vg!
deletedover 5 years
Mee please
over 5 years
ooooo do me
over 5 years
over 5 years

Becomeclear says

is it too late to request myself

rats...we're rats... we're the rats. we pray at night, we stalk at night, we're the rats!
over 5 years

benny says

omg lesbian can u please do me. Here are some compliments as per your request

Wow lesbianpirate, u are the best pirate i have ever seen? Miss me on the Captain Jack Sparrow , lesbianpirate is the only hero that can captain MY SHIP. Did i mention how good the fashion sense is? Lesbianpirate started wearing crocs before they were cool, all the haters just try to cramp her style.

hello benny you are so hot and funny and your compliment made me very happy. jack sparrow is a fraud and i am glad to see you vehemently putting him down
over 5 years

Pacifist says

wow nice drawings lesbian pirate

hello pacifist how are you thats great im glad to hear that you are doing well. drawing your avatar was fun and a pleasure
over 5 years

Shamu says

yeasayer says

itt shamu tries to steal the thunder of em's prolific flavor of the week artist

I just wanted to see someone attempt to draw my thing.

No thunder stealing for me.

hello shamu i could never steal your thunder as your art skills shine brighter than all other. i can only attempt to recreate your masterpiece
over 5 years
hello it's me again i will be starting this back up and will begin on page 10
almost 6 years
You seem like you have very good bone health and vitamin d levels ^_^
almost 6 years
thats some BOB level !
awesome drawing
almost 6 years
yes please if ur still doing these

almost 6 years
Me me me
almost 6 years
ME PLS ur my wife that's the best compliment anyone's given me idk if i can match that but you're the best food critic the world has ever seen #GordonxYuno
almost 6 years
Draw me
I’m complimenting you for having good art skillz
almost 6 years
deletedalmost 6 years
hey you're awesome!! please draw mine :)
deletedabout 6 years
Lesbian Pirate,

I honestly don't think you can draw this superlative person Stivyen's avi cuz he is the best even though you are the best drawer in the world.

You can catch up to me to be the second best person in the world, while you draw my avatar.

Thank you!
about 6 years

Nohacs says

Can you draw me too? I really like your avi art <3

hi you have one of those broken icon thingies which i thought was really cool thank you for appreciating my art
about 6 years

hypo says

ur a qt! and a great artist, draw me please?

hello hypo i agree i am a qt but it is very nice and validating to hear it from someone else who is also a qt
about 6 years
can i get a redo bc you're beautiful