heylo!! my fictional crushes are draco malfoy, nanase haruka and keith kogane. i read a lot and i also do bowling semi-professionally plus chinese martial arts. computer programming is cool too yeet
really sweet & amazing people on this site:
✿ BananaFudge ♥~(◠ω◕✿)
✿ Mershmellow ♡(ŐωŐ人)
✿ ZzFifthElementzZ ♡ヽ(ó㉨ò)
✿ my fav cool beans: jaykth, KyleCho16 (ノ∀`♥)
✿ other cool peeps (who've been so nice!): mitra, strawbebbi, zeyu12, Cafe, bazzainver, january, Kloading, Phlorax, YHWH
people i hate really fucking much on this site: navidivan, Jiraiya2, R3DL4RCH