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Forum Mafia I - Tarot Mafia

deletedover 6 years

Rules -

Setup Notes:

  • 72 hour days, 24 hour nights.

  • This setup is role madness; everyone will be a power role.

  • This game will be for 13 players; 10 will be town and 3 will be mafia.

  • I will be using Natural Action Resolution.

  • Day start duh

Any other questions please comment below.... Or if you are interested

I fugged up and forgot to add game mode

Spadez0 has replaced carmen give her a warm welcome

Arachnid replaced elfen, welcome arachnid :)

Lets give Pinks (replacing Htennis) a warm welcome



Page 19 - Day 1 Ends - No one was lynched

Page 19 - Day 2 Begins - No one has been killed

Page 71 - Day 2 Ends - Happeh was Lynched

Page 71 - Day 3 Begins - TownOfSalemRox has been killed

Page 79 - Day 3 Ends - Denial was Lynched

Page 79 - Day 4 Begins - IChaotic was killed

Page 98 - Day 4 Ends - No one was lynched

Page 98 - Day 5 Begins - Ghost13 was killed

Page 99 - Day 5 Ends - Arrogate was Lynched

Page 99 - Day 6 Begins - Lesbian Pirate was Killed

Page 107 - Day 6 ends - No one was lynched

Page 107 - Day 5 begins - Arachnid has fallen

Page 11 - Town Loses - they were in autoloss and knew they were in autoloss

deletedover 6 years
i think this game has
a. potentially been ruined by input from birb
b. birb missed my choice not to use my night action, randomised it as per rules and i've been roleblocked
c. confirmed denial or someone in the game has a roleblock
over 6 years

Birbtales says

If I had done things the way I originally said someone would have died

Birbtales says

If I had done things the way I originally said someone would have died

Birbtales says

If I had done things the way I originally said someone would have died

Birbtales says

If I had done things the way I originally said someone would have died

over 6 years
Denial i belive mafia have decent abilities but nothing of what happeh has. I would put more mafia equity into a roleblocking power then basically happeh couting as 2 people with a bullet. Sounds to me like a sheriff and unless she is a corrupt sherrif like in the movies then idk

I would also like to restate that I am super abboyed we didnt lynch yesterday because it looks like the SAME TWO PEOPLE are under pressure of being lynched so we essentially just wasted some of our abilities and wasted time in which we could be trying to lynch someone else.
over 6 years

denial says

last time im gonna say this because happeh is just praying on you not reading when ive stated multiple times and given multiple sources that 10 TOWN PRS vs 3 MAFIA is a VERY TOWNSKEWED game

think of if in the sheriff setup every single town was a pr vs 3 mafia. would that be fair? no, also the numbers are off because its 7 vs 3 in that setup, its 10 vs 3 in this setup and they have BLUES IN THEIR 7

over 6 years
vote happeh
over 6 years

Birbtales says

If I had done things the way I originally said someone would have died

seems like too much info to be giving lmao are you confirming happeh
over 6 years

Pinks says

It would seem to me incredibly maf sided of a game if maf had a partner who gets to shoot outside of maf kill once a game. That's like having an extra maf partner so completely skews the numbers..

we did the math already.

happeh is mafia:

2 ML and D3 LYLO

happeh is town:

3 ML and D4 LYLO
deletedover 6 years
If I had done things the way I originally said someone would have died
over 6 years

Happeh says

denial says

Birbtales says

I’m gonna respond in the most vague way so as not to put anything

The reason I needed to change the way the RB worked is because it relates to how night one played out and going back would have been not impossible (it would’ve been easy) but it would’ve been a direct impact to the game in a negative way

If the mafia who is killing is RB’d then the kill fails

I’ve been cramming for a big organic chem exam that is in 15 minutes and I’m sorry for that

hey clowns, the mod is literally saying somebody wouldve died if he had dealt with roleblocks in a different manner.

she is confirmed mafia

he wouldnt have made the mistake if your roleblock had actually worked

yeah, except he literally just claimed it worked and the game wouldve gone a lot different if it went through. he read ghosts post and answered it as a one off other than based off the game

you can blame it on him giving too much information if you want, but its VERY CLEAR a roleblock stopped actions in this game
deletedover 6 years

Happeh says

Happeh says

like, as town it's super iffy if my shot will:
a. hit mafia
b. hit the same kill target
c. roleblocked/doc saved

as mafia:
hey i know who mafia are killing tonight, i can give us another kill yey!

over 6 years
Denial is he is saying someone would of died that means ur roleblock did nothing and u have no reason to scumread her other then her abilities. To make it clear if u vote happeh u are voting off of the fact that mafia would have 2 kill power one night which is horrendous
over 6 years

Pinks says

I know I know but it's a TON of work, and Im still on the chopping block. So Im sorry but too busy irl to reread unless Im guaranteed to survive.

It would seem to me incredibly maf sided of a game if maf had a partner who gets to shoot outside of maf kill once a game. That's like having an extra maf partner so completely skews the numbers..

last time im gonna say this because happeh is just praying on you not reading when ive stated multiple times and given multiple sources that 10 TOWN PRS vs 3 MAFIA is a VERY TOWNSKEWED game

think of if in the sheriff setup every single town was a pr vs 3 mafia. would that be fair? no, also the numbers are off because its 7 vs 3 in that setup, its 10 vs 3 in this setup and they have BLUES IN THEIR 7
over 6 years
The one thing tho as a counter argument to myself is.. Happeh's lynch would give us a lot of perspective on other players based on who pushed to lynch her vs who protected her..
deletedover 6 years

denial says

Birbtales says

I’m gonna respond in the most vague way so as not to put anything

The reason I needed to change the way the RB worked is because it relates to how night one played out and going back would have been not impossible (it would’ve been easy) but it would’ve been a direct impact to the game in a negative way

If the mafia who is killing is RB’d then the kill fails

I’ve been cramming for a big organic chem exam that is in 15 minutes and I’m sorry for that

hey clowns, the mod is literally saying somebody wouldve died if he had dealt with roleblocks in a different manner.

she is confirmed mafia

he wouldnt have made the mistake if your roleblock had actually worked
over 6 years
I agree with pinks that makes no sense
deletedover 6 years

Pinks says

I know I know but it's a TON of work, and Im still on the chopping block. So Im sorry but too busy irl to reread unless Im guaranteed to survive.

It would seem to me incredibly maf sided of a game if maf had a partner who gets to shoot outside of maf kill once a game. That's like having an extra maf partner so completely skews the numbers..

try telling denial this - he'll blow up
over 6 years

Birbtales says

I’m gonna respond in the most vague way so as not to put anything

The reason I needed to change the way the RB worked is because it relates to how night one played out and going back would have been not impossible (it would’ve been easy) but it would’ve been a direct impact to the game in a negative way

If the mafia who is killing is RB’d then the kill fails

I’ve been cramming for a big organic chem exam that is in 15 minutes and I’m sorry for that

hey clowns, the mod is literally saying somebody wouldve died if he had dealt with roleblocks in a different manner.

she is confirmed mafia
deletedover 6 years
The person who submits the kill leads
over 6 years
I know I know but it's a TON of work, and Im still on the chopping block. So Im sorry but too busy irl to reread unless Im guaranteed to survive.

It would seem to me incredibly maf sided of a game if maf had a partner who gets to shoot outside of maf kill once a game. That's like having an extra maf partner so completely skews the numbers..
over 6 years
there's so much drama in this game lmao it's wild
over 6 years
you should really reread all of denial and happeh's posts, it will catch you up on the current situation better than asking questions
over 6 years
correct Pinks
over 6 years
OK so his role reveal only says what your action is but not your alignment?
over 6 years

Birbtales says

I’m gonna respond in the most vague way so as not to put anything

The reason I needed to change the way the RB worked is because it relates to how night one played out and going back would have been not impossible (it would’ve been easy) but it would’ve been a direct impact to the game in a negative way

If the mafia who is killing is RB’d then the kill fails

I’ve been cramming for a big organic chem exam that is in 15 minutes and I’m sorry for that

Can you explain how mafia kills work? Do the mafia pick a person to lead, is it random, is it first to vote, or what

edit: also good luck on your test
over 6 years
Ok yeah I thought about it and it doesnt confirm Happeh on anything besides her not being the mafia that went through with the kill. Denial is pushing on happeh because of her powers snd nothing to do with the roleblock on her. If happeh gets lynched snd flips town the day tomorrow should last approx 5 minutes with us lynching denial.