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Forum Mafia T : Bloody Olympics

almost 6 years

Hello lads,

The forum mafia IV will be hosted next month, in the meantime I have a fun setup i would like to host.

The game will be different than the forum mafias for two reasons :

  • This is not an informed minority (maf) vs uninformed majority (town) game. This game will pit two teams of 6 people against each other, with 1 president and 5 pr each, with a third party player, for a total of 13.
  • This is an Open Setup, meaning every role in play (except the third party) will be known from the start.

The game will be focused much less on mechanics and more on reads (associative reads, as people don't know their partners, they only know their president), so this game will require participation and posting from all players.

As soon as we reach 13 confirmed players the roles will be sent out and the game will begin on the following day.

Day 1 will last 96 hours, other days will last 72. Nights will be as quick as people input their actions, there is no private chat. Daystart of course.

If you're interested to participate or to sub, please comment below!

Setup info :

Roles and green abilities : Password : doge

Game Log

  • P2 Game Start
  • P31 End D1 (NL) / Start D2
  • P36 End D2 (Veg) / P37 Start D3
  • Endgame


almost 6 years

shady says

shady says

anyone who upvotes is blue team anyone who downvotes is red team

anyone who quotes is green team

almost 6 years

shady says

anyone who upvotes is blue team anyone who downvotes is red team

anyone who quotes is green team
almost 6 years
anyone who upvotes is blue team anyone who downvotes is red team
almost 6 years

Thundurus says

Thundurus says

shady says

let's just say I can put some spin on the ball if you know what I mean

You're coming out?


thanks I'm a legend in 3 countries
almost 6 years

shady says

let's just say I can put some spin on the ball if you know what I mean

you caught me... I meant when I take a free kick. Because I'm switzerland.
deletedalmost 6 years

Thundurus says

shady says

let's just say I can put some spin on the ball if you know what I mean

You're coming out?

deletedalmost 6 years

shady says

let's just say I can put some spin on the ball if you know what I mean

You're coming out?
deletedalmost 6 years

shady says

now is the competition basketball or table tennis...

You would get crushed at TT
almost 6 years
let's just say I can put some spin on the ball if you know what I mean
almost 6 years
now is the competition basketball or table tennis...
almost 6 years
blue team is usa, red team is china final answer
green team is switzerland
almost 6 years
deletedalmost 6 years

shady says

*whispers* its based on the color of their name

deletedalmost 6 years
How would I know if tember is on my team, we might both have the same president but we wouldnt know if we were both on the same team if we were the same team.
almost 6 years
edit: that was your chance to see my formula its gone forever now
almost 6 years
these are elite reads i cannot reveal my formula
almost 6 years
how did u come up with those reads. is it based on interactions or ur just guessing... I mean like I said it earlier that thundurs and tember didn't seem to be in same team but it doesn't matter since they know who there pres is so.
deletedalmost 6 years

shady says

Thundurus says

Ozil says

Thundurus says

Why do you tr me? Is it because I'm active?

well its 2 things actually. Your contributing and also outing valid reads that makes sense. Some people would be outing reads without explanations.....

Fair enough

how is that Fair enough...

I suppose its not fair enough... But I was done monologing to myself
deletedalmost 6 years

shady says

Thundurus says

Where is shady man I wanted to throw hands and he is hiding

i am here son also I am more of an Erdogan type than a Putin type, but either way I will spill the blood of you Trump types

Im more of a liberal
almost 6 years
idk if take's color is closer to green or blue so I put him as green to be safe. But Zz is obviously green. january as red is kind of a stretch since it's really pink
almost 6 years
here are my reads:

blue team:

red team:

green team:

brown team?:
almost 6 years
if everyone selfs I promise not to kingmake too hard
almost 6 years
also the green team has a win condition that doesn't interfere with red or blue win condition and also doesn't end the game. i would know, being, of course, on the green team
almost 6 years
the only difference between someone blue vs someone red is they know their color and their president (i assume, i am of course green)
almost 6 years
literally "contributing" is not alignment indicative when the two alignments are the exact same