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Forum Mafia T : Bloody Olympics

almost 6 years

Hello lads,

The forum mafia IV will be hosted next month, in the meantime I have a fun setup i would like to host.

The game will be different than the forum mafias for two reasons :

  • This is not an informed minority (maf) vs uninformed majority (town) game. This game will pit two teams of 6 people against each other, with 1 president and 5 pr each, with a third party player, for a total of 13.
  • This is an Open Setup, meaning every role in play (except the third party) will be known from the start.

The game will be focused much less on mechanics and more on reads (associative reads, as people don't know their partners, they only know their president), so this game will require participation and posting from all players.

As soon as we reach 13 confirmed players the roles will be sent out and the game will begin on the following day.

Day 1 will last 96 hours, other days will last 72. Nights will be as quick as people input their actions, there is no private chat. Daystart of course.

If you're interested to participate or to sub, please comment below!

Setup info :

Roles and green abilities : Password : doge

Game Log

  • P2 Game Start
  • P31 End D1 (NL) / Start D2
  • P36 End D2 (Veg) / P37 Start D3
  • Endgame


almost 6 years

Thundurus says

Ozil says

Thundurus says

Why do you tr me? Is it because I'm active?

well its 2 things actually. Your contributing and also outing valid reads that makes sense. Some people would be outing reads without explanations.....

Fair enough

how is that Fair enough...
almost 6 years

Thundurus says

Where is shady man I wanted to throw hands and he is hiding

i am here son also I am more of an Erdogan type than a Putin type, but either way I will spill the blood of you Trump types
deletedalmost 6 years

groundhogday says

Pretty sure thunderous is mafia

almost 6 years
Tough spot
almost 6 years
I don't know any of you though
almost 6 years
I think the best strategy here is to lynch people you don't want to play with
almost 6 years
Pretty sure thunderous is mafia
almost 6 years
I have read everything
deletedalmost 6 years

Thundurus says

Ozil what is the logic for not voting? I mean you can always change your vote...

Are you waiting for the president to lead your lynch?

Thundurus says

I feel like there is no incentive to vote because you might accidently vote the opposing team president which confirms your alignment IMO....

Lol these literally contradict eachother
deletedalmost 6 years
I feel like there is no incentive to vote because you might accidently vote the opposing team president which confirms your alignment IMO....
deletedalmost 6 years
This is the 100th comment ive made

unvote tember
deletedalmost 6 years
That seems like a bad strategy
deletedalmost 6 years
Ozil what is the logic for not voting? I mean you can always change your vote...

Are you waiting for the president to lead your lynch?
deletedalmost 6 years
Wouldve been more fun ngl.
deletedalmost 6 years
I shouldve played on an unlinked alternate
deletedalmost 6 years

Thundurus says

Shady is definitely Russia cuz hes looking to catch these hands lol from me the great USA

I love color softing.
deletedalmost 6 years
I have class in 45 minutes, Ill be off for the next 3 hours or so if anything important comes up ill be gone.
deletedalmost 6 years

Ozil says

Thundurus says

Why do you tr me? Is it because I'm active?

well its 2 things actually. Your contributing and also outing valid reads that makes sense. Some people would be outing reads without explanations.....

Fair enough
almost 6 years

Thundurus says

Why do you tr me? Is it because I'm active?

well its 2 things actually. Your contributing and also outing valid reads that makes sense. Some people would be outing reads without explanations.....
deletedalmost 6 years
tbh in my eyes Ive softed several colors
deletedalmost 6 years
I'd like to see more participation from Shady, ZZfifthelement, Masterchief, & Groundhog
deletedalmost 6 years
Maybe LP
deletedalmost 6 years
And its not like anyone here is smart enough to blitz
deletedalmost 6 years

Ozil says

Thundurus says

Ozil says

tbh I don't think tember and thundurus are in same team, reading through the interactions its obvs but I can be wrong so.... and tember omgusing seems lazy to me since when I read thundurus he has a reason to fos u...

I dont know why ozil hasnt voted.

well you voted because you had a reason to vote tember, even tho you switched your votes like 10mins ago. I'm not going to yolo vote yet so. ill give it like few more hours.

Yolo vote = Reactions
deletedalmost 6 years
Why do you tr me? Is it because I'm active?