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hi i’m gay

over 5 years

i just want a thread to post songs in.. u can also ask me questions or for opinions i guess

over 5 years
hi life is good and i'm happy

so here's to you, mrs robinson
you live in an unforgiving place
over 5 years
feeling a lot of things at the moment

i think i wasted the last year of my life

also, i am lonely

over 5 years
im plue
over 5 years
over 5 years

SinB says

criticize me

hello jonathan!

my opinion of you has changed a lot over the last 6 months or so. honestly, i wasn't a huge fan of you before modding with you. it's not that i DISLIKED you, but i was wary of you, if that makes sense. you're a person that's friends with A LOT of people, and i always got the vibe that you were someone that was just really fake and willing to befriend people that they didn't particularly like just to avoid having "enemies".

i'm not sure if you changed or if my opinion of you just changed but i don't really feel that way anymore. ever since you modded i feel like i've seen you speak up more about your true opinion on things, or stand up against people / not be afraid to give your true thoughts or opinions, and i think it's great and i respect you a lot for the way that you treat others with honesty but without cruelty a lot of the time.

you're one of the best mods i've ever been on a team with, and i was super sad when you stepped down. you're incredibly smart and you know your sh*t and i almost never had to fix anything of yours and it was great lmao.

thanks for being so nice to me all the time in chats and stuff i appreciate it a lot. you're a good dude and even if we aren't close / don't talk in pms i have a v high opinion of you!
over 5 years

SHERK says

u can give me an opinion and in return i will tell u a fact:

i am going to take a fat dump in every single 1 of ur stockings for christmas this year and there is nothing u can do about it

hi steve!

i think that you have a very good sense of humor and you definitely make me laugh a lot. i enjoy playing games w/ you and talking to you, and i'm glad that u're back for now!

i also rly like that you're true to yourself even if i disagree with you a lot of the time. you aren't someone that's willing to compromise how you feel or think to fit in, nor do you ever "tone down" your personality, and while i feel like that makes a lot of people dislike you i think it's respectable.

i do think that sometimes you exaggerate aspects of your personality for the interwebs, but i feel like everyone does that, it's just not as noticeable as it is when you do it. i think you probably come off as less of an a/sshole off of EM. and i do enjoy talking to u in PMs, when you're not going out of your way to fight jeff or bsm or someone else i think you're very fun to talk to and be around!

overall i have mostly positive things to say about u, and i'm glad to have u as my Epic Mafia Friend
over 5 years

Ozil says

onion for me thanks.

hi ozil!!

you seem to be very even-tempered. i've never seen you like.. get truly angry or lose your patience, you tend to keep a v cool head even in mafia games, and that's a good quality to have. you're also really fkn nice in literally every interaction i've ever had with you and it's sweet

i honestly don't know you too well but i'm glad to be modding with u and i hope i can get to know you better!! you seem really great :)
over 5 years

Chinatsu says

Opinion, 100 words minimum, due before midnight.

Chop chop

hello my child

you're one of my favorite mods on the team and probably the person i trust the most there. i think that we hold a lot of the same opinions when it comes to how things are run and how things should be handled. you're also incredibly trustworthy and also super helpful and basically carried me when i was running the cheating team and i appreciate it a lot.

personality-wise i think you're hilarious and great to be around, but you can also be offputting at times. you insult people a lot as a form of humor and sometimes it's hard to tell what's a joke and what isn't, and it's made me feel uncomfortable or shy around you in the past because i can never tell if you hate me or not.

i kinda thought u were a heartless monster until u called me once when i was having a panic attack and told me jokes and let me hear ur cats meow in the background.. i think that u are a sweeter person than you like to show sometimes. i think that... u are kind of sociopath and perhaps tend to have less empathy than normal for people, but i do think that ur capable of being a kind person & friend.

i like playing mafia with u and i wish u would play more and also play dbd with me again sometime pls
over 5 years
i love you
over 5 years
i love you more than emma
over 5 years
i love you sm
over 5 years
This gives me the chills ( sry for not posting here I just noticed this thread, I'm slow :s )

over 5 years
on the bright side i made a couple new friends so i suppose that makes up for it but losing my best friends sucks
over 5 years
i’ll do opinions eventually but right now i’m going to use this as a thread to talk about how much i hate my life

i’ve managed to lose like my 3 closest friends both irl and online in the span of two months and i’m.. Living. who needs friends
over 5 years

i’ve had this burning in my guts now for so long
my belly's aching now to say
to say
you’re just a f*ck
i can't explain it cuz i think you suck
i’m taking pride
in telling you to f*ck off and die
over 5 years
i’m going to do these tonight

also this isn’t JUST an opinion thread so if u didn’t actually say u want an opinion i’m skipping u
over 5 years
ok taking a break from the opinions

middle fingers up, put them hands high
wave it in his face, tell him boy, bye
tell him boy, bye, boy, bye
middle fingers up, i ain't thinking bout u
over 5 years
add me on snap joey xoxoxo
over 5 years
Jeff is jealous
over 5 years
criticize me
over 5 years
I dont want an opinion but im hetero & single
over 5 years

bazzainver says

i would like an onion please ^.^

hi benny u requested a ban so idk if u will even see this but i'll post it anyway hehe

u seem like a really sweet dude tbh, we haven't interacted a whole lot outside of games but you've always been nice to me, and i appreciate it

you're a very very good player and i enjoy playing with you a lot, i'm glad that you decided to come back for a while cos i missed u on the site tbh

ur dog is also rlly cute

i don't know a lot about u on a personal level but we have quite a few close friends in common so i'm sure u must be lovely !
over 5 years

ILovePewPews says

I want to do this but I feel like I’m gonna get flamed lol

u are going to get flamed would u like to reconsider
over 5 years

Zofia says

Wow you're doing opinions? May I ask for yours on me?

hi zofia!

i don't know you very well on a personal level at all / my only interactions with you are in games, but i have only positive things to say about you. i find you to be SOOO sweet and nice!! you're so fun to play with, and i enjoy having u in games a lot. you're always fun to have around and you're a good player and i like u lots! :)
over 5 years

alexandra says

placeholder post reminding me to do medha’s opinion later otherwise i’ll forget

hi medha!

u are such a sweet angel. i'm really happy that you decided to play on EM more - i feel like u fit in really well with a lot of people, and i'm happy that you've rlly found a Place here.

i feel like you've also just grown into yourself a lot in general in the last year or so. you used to play up the "dumb" card a lot and it was kinda sad to see cos you're genuinely so intelligent and i want you to show that side of yourself more! you remind me of me when i was younger when it comes to your passion for books and stuff and i hope you carry that with you as you get older.

i do feel like you have a tendency to try and change your personality to mesh better / fit in more with people, and that you tend to succumb to peer pressure a little bit. i think that's very natural for a teenage girl to do, but i hope you know that you're perfect the way that you are and you don't need to change for anybody. if anyone doesn't love you for who you are they aren't worth it.

i miss u cant wait til ur back in main f*ck steve