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hi i’m gay

over 5 years

i just want a thread to post songs in.. u can also ask me questions or for opinions i guess

over 5 years
hi gay im dad
over 5 years

indigo says

what is one thing that makes you happy

my cats!! they stayed with my mom when i moved so i don't get to see them very often but when i go over there i love holding them against their will and making them love me....
over 5 years

indigo says

i would like an onion

hi nicole !!

you seem like such a sweetheart! i kno we haven't had a whole lot of 1 on 1 interaction, but you've been sooo kind to me. every time im involved in any kind of Drama or being dragged in the forums u pm me to tell me u support me / that ur here for me and im so appreciative of it

you're also super nice to have in girl chat etc, you're so sweet and supportive of everything that ppl talk about / you always have some good words of advice or input and you're a nice presence to have around :) u and ur bf are also super adorable
over 5 years

wilI says

On the other hand, onion me.

hehe ok hi will!

my opinion of u has changed quite a bit actually

i actively disliked you for a little while because of the way you spoke to pixel once in a game when u and i were ccs. i found it to be incredibly emotionally manipulative and straight up abusive and i thought very, very negatively about you for a while after that

i've also never seen u act like that again tho. you've always been cordial in your interactions with me and everyone else that i've seen, so i've kinda tried to push aside my old opinion as "maybe it was a bad day" and form a new one.

i enjoyed talking to you about setup mechanics. you're very smart, and you have a very good grasp on role mechanics and interactions. i wish you would make more setups (or maybe you do and i just don't see them) because the ones you made when the new roles came out were pretty bomb even though i wouldn't let you comp most of them right away lol.

im definitely still wary of u due to the behaviour i've seen from you in the past, but overall you seem like a swell guy and you've contributed positively to the site on numerous occasions imo.
over 5 years

staypositivefriend says

onion please

hi spf <333 this is going to be rlly gay sorry.

u are... probably my closest friend in the lobby at the moment / the person that i "go to" the most with my Personal Issues TM. something about the way you talk and the way you respond to my venting etc. is so calming, and even when i'm venting about my friends or something you always say stuff like "that must make YOU feel ____" like you always make my feelings feel validated and there's just something so... nice about having someone that i can trust and talk to and feel comfortable with, and i'm grateful to have found that in you. you give amazing advice and you were my sole confidante about the stuff going on with my roommates, and honestly basically kept me sane during it, and i'm super appreciative of the support you've given me.

i love playing mafia with u, even though i don't think i can read you worth sh*t most of the time and i mislynch u a lot, and u do the same to me hehe. i never really played comp regularly until i started playing with u. thank u for letting me stalk ur games and never leave~

u also have really great music taste and i've listened to a lot of music that i probably wouldn't have found if it wasn't for u - i can always rely on u to recommend me something good when i need something to listen to!

you remind me a lot of myself and i think that we have a lot in common, and i can relate to a lot of ur struggles. i know that things r very Up In The Air / undetermined at the moment for you, and i hope u know that i'm always here to support u and help u in any way that i can. you're honestly so smart and strong and i know that you can achieve everything that you want to achieve even if it feels impossible right now.

i love u, and i will support u always n forever uwu <3 ty for being a great friend
over 5 years

alexandra says

wilI says


hi will (: i cant tell if u want an opinion or if ur just smiling

I do what an opinion I just never know what to type in an opinion thread that hasn't already been said.

On the other hand, onion me.
over 5 years

wilI says


hi will (: i cant tell if u want an opinion or if ur just smiling
over 5 years

Sasuke says

give me an onion ally, let the words flow free

hi anne uwu

u scare me unironically... ur so Aggressive and Alpha Female. i fear u. whenever i had to message u about an appeal or verdict as head mod i was always scared SDJKGHJDSJ and i remember messaging muki like "oh my god i think anne hates me she's so scary"

i love playing mafia with you, i think you're currently one of the best players in the lobby, and you change up your scum/town games a lot so it's very hard to reliably read you and feel confident on my read on you. you impress me a lot when i play with u and i feel like i enjoy games a lot when you're in them.

i think ur like me in the sense that you love witnessing #drama and sometimes i see u stir sh*t up in the em server and im like "yes B*tch start drama so i can watch" cos i love a show

overall i think ur really chill yet also terrifyingly intimidating
over 5 years

mac says

onion me

hi mac !!!

you are honestly such a sweetheart and im so glad we started talking DSKSDKJ

u have amazing music taste, ur so funny, and ur SUUUCH a sweetheart, u make me feel so validated and supported and like my thoughts Matter and i appreciate ur existence so much

i like playing mafia with u and im always happy when ur around at reset to play with us <3 u are so funny in games and so nice 2 be around and ya u are honestly just an angel and i have nothing negative to say about u which is rare since i am such a negative person hehe
over 5 years

Justin says

i want to be a PLAYER & opinion

hi justin!!

i love u a whole lot. i feel like we've grown apart a bit lately which is sad :( and i miss u and i hope that we can talk more and play stardew together soon.

i've written sooo many opinions of u over the last two years and nothing has changed hehe. i love u a lot, i know that no matter what if i'm sad i can message you and talk to you about it. i trust u a lot, and even tho we've had issues in the past i'm grateful to still have you in my life.

you've had some issues in the past with overreacting to situations with your friends, and i know we've spoken about how you tend to get unreasonably upset over things and block ppl out of nowhere, etc., and from the looks of it you've improved on that (or maybe i just haven't done anything wrong in a while hehe) and i'm glad. i feel like ur a lot more reliable of a friend now than u used to be, and i'm glad that we remained close despite all the stupid petty arguments that we had. i hope you know that no matter what i'm always here for you and i love and support u forever... u will always be my favourite gay 16 year old
over 5 years

Jeff says

omg opinión me I can’t wait to be dragged

hi jeff!

i feel like there's two of you kind of. there's the Epicmafia version of u, which i can't say i like all that much to be honest, and the more chill, off-site version of you, which i'm a big fan of!

i feel like lately you've stepped back from EM a lot / you're not as involved in drama or fights as you used to be so the "two sides" of you concept is kinda dated back to that, but you kind of have a tendency to just be very mean and high school bully-esque on EM, and in arguments you tend to be v dramatic and over the top and just... mean

offsite i think you're honestly such a nice, down to earth guy. your passion for teaching is adorable, and i love seeing ur insta stories, especially when u post about ur students! i love talking about rpdr with u, and just talking with u in general. honestly i just think you're super chill and i think this site and all the toxicity it brings tends to bring out a much more catty side of you and it's not one that i'm fond of, personally.
deletedover 5 years
i would like an onion and also

what is one thing that makes you happy
deletedover 5 years
onion please
over 5 years
over 5 years
give me an onion ally, let the words flow free
over 5 years

Justin says

i want to be a PLAYER & opinion

opinion: Psychic? more like Psycho? HAHAHAH roasted
over 5 years
onion me
over 5 years
i want to be a PLAYER & opinion
over 5 years

meg says

an opinion on me...

hi meg!

i'm really glad that we've been kind of friends lately, and we should talk more one on one cos i think we have stuff in common / will get along rlly well

i've admittedly not held the highest opinion of you in the past. when i first started establishing like.. a friend circle in main lobby, the people i befriended were not the biggest fans of you at the time, and i think i let their opinions color mine. i also dated a guy you had a history with, obviously, and that made me feel insecure, because you're super f*cking pretty and it's easy to get in my head about not being as good as u, tbh. i feel bad for letting my own insecurities affect how i behaved towards u, and i'm sorry for any malice i've shown u in the past.

i don't really have any negative feelings towards you - i do think that you can be v arrogant in mafia games sometimes and i find it offputting, but you know that haha, and it's rlly not that big of a deal. confidence is better than being insecure in ur abilities!!

i think you're lovely and you have good music taste and i'm looking forward to playing with u and talking to u more (: <3
over 5 years

YoSoyPabloEscobar says

hi i want to hear your opinion of Sasuke

sasuke scares me... if she wants an opinion i'll post it but i'll wait for her to ask herself

Milton1234 says

hi i want to hear your opinion of YoSoyPabloEscobar

same goes for this (is this ilovepewpews? if so i got a lot to say sis and none of it is kind)
over 5 years

alexandra says

syd says

me opinion pls

syd --

i have mixed feelings on u! i think u are a wonderful girl, u are undyingly loyal to your friends, very funny to talk to, and very beautiful.

i also think that u are very mentally ill to the point that it can affect ur interactions with people, and make you someone that's not necessarily healthy to be around. you seek validation and attention constantly in servers/forums/etc, and get annoyed or emotional and lash out when you're not the center of attention. you also come across as very emotionally manipulative, and someone that uses their mental health as a reason to treat others badly at times.

you remind me a lot of myself when i was younger, so i'm not trying to read u or anything - i think most of what i just mentioned just comes from insecurity and mental illness and not handling it properly (and i know that you're working on it), and i did a lot of the same things years ago. i grew out of it (mostly lol i still have my days) and i believe that u will too, and that ur amazing qualities will start to shine thru even more as you grow into yourself more, get your mental health in check, and learn to value yourself more (which you should - because you're wonderful, beautiful, and worthy of love)

the last part is really sweet and i appreciate your *brutal* honesty ty alex, i need people like you who can put it in perspective for me like that as i've been babied a lot in life and on the site so i'm not offended at all, you put it well and im actively working on myself so i think this really helpful for me to continue working on myself, ILY<3
over 5 years

Milton1234 says

hi i want to hear your opinion of me

hello Milton

i still think ur an older user / hidden alt - u appeared out of nowhere and took too much of an immediate interest in reports not to be. i won't focus on that for this opinion but figured i should still state it.

you seem to be a good kid, albeit incredibly, INCREDIBLY frustrating at times. i find you a lot funnier/nicer now that i'm not a mod and i don't have to deal with your sh*t all the time on reports and in pms etc. i do think u genuinely care about the site and it's cute. i hope u mod one day. maybe. in a few years.

i think u should try and learn to have some self awareness because u lack it. other than that i think ur a good kid that's just kind of immature and approval-seeking, and u'll grow out of it with time. keep up the good work
over 5 years
omg opinión me I can’t wait to be dragged
over 5 years

syd says

me opinion pls

syd --

i have mixed feelings on u! i think u are a wonderful girl, u are undyingly loyal to your friends, very funny to talk to, and very beautiful.

i also think that u are very mentally ill to the point that it can affect ur interactions with people, and make you someone that's not necessarily healthy to be around. you seek validation and attention constantly in servers/forums/etc, and get annoyed or emotional and lash out when you're not the center of attention. you also come across as very emotionally manipulative, and someone that uses their mental health as a reason to treat others badly at times.

you remind me a lot of myself when i was younger, so i'm not trying to read u or anything - i think most of what i just mentioned just comes from insecurity and mental illness and not handling it properly (and i know that you're working on it), and i did a lot of the same things years ago. i grew out of it (mostly lol i still have my days) and i believe that u will too, and that ur amazing qualities will start to shine thru even more as you grow into yourself more, get your mental health in check, and learn to value yourself more (which you should - because you're wonderful, beautiful, and worthy of love)
over 5 years
an opinion on me...