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over 5 years

SinB stole this idea from me in my dreams so im taking this back

i will give my honest opinion for whoever comments in my own sense of english since i have no clue how to type coherently (this is. a bot doing this for me) okay ty and goodnight, hahah jokes it's almost 9 am lol fooled you all

EDIT: i spelt charlie wrong for the movie, suck my peepee heck. i didn't know that's how it was spelt i only ever seen CHARLEY.

1 signature 1 dab
3 signed
sign or both your arms will break forever and you can never dab again
best live action tim burton film?
Charley and the Chocolate Factory
Edward Scissorhands
Alice in Wonderland
Sleepy Hollow
Alice Through the Looking Glass
over 5 years
i've never met you can I get an opinion
over 5 years

wink says


hi nicole. i think you are very strong for being able to share personal stuff and you show it doesn't define you and i envy that. ive known you for a few months but we just recently started to connect and i can see myself getting closer to you in the future. you're a sweetheart and i love talking to you in our discord server
over 5 years

take says


hi ben, we arent super close but i think you're a lovely person and one day maybe we can become closer. it's very hard for me to get close to people when i'm going through stuff and when the other person is too, so I've been hesitant. I'm pretty terrible at holding a conversation but it's nothing personal i just don't really know what to say to you. overall, good and kind person
over 5 years
over 5 years
over 5 years

meg says


hi beautiful, thicc, em baddie. i remember when i felt obligated to hate you but you messaged me one day about what town i live in and that we should meet and ride the paddle ducks at philadelphia zoo. i shouldnt have judged you and thought you were a bad person bc other people thought you were and i feel like that took time from us actually becoming friends. we dont talk too much but whenever we do i usually end up smiling bc you're so funny and so sweet, even though you can be a b.itch sometimes but it's okay. im glad i put past my negative opinions on you and actually got to know you. youre one of the most down to earth people on this site. overall gorgeous user in every way possible
over 5 years

syd says

medhaToday at 7:20 PM
syd add me to your thread

hi dum dum who got banned. i LOVE you very much. you are such a sweetheart and im very proud of you as well for how well you are doing. i know you are insecure and that's okay but you are a kind and beautiful person and you will do well in life. you will be thriving soon i can see it. i appreciate how you put your friends first even if you arent feeling the best yourself. you are very loyal to your friends and im forever grateful to have met you. you've made a huge impact on my life
over 5 years

tzin says

gib opinion

i dont know you super well but i feel like i do??? you are so gorgeous and i love your voice. you have very strong opinions on some things and it's very valid. reading your life stories is sad but you are so strong and i envy how strong you are to go through everything and still be a good person. i hope we can get closer one day :). overall beautiful inside and out and has a good cat
over 5 years

LesbianPirate says

pop lock and drop it

hi sam, i love everything about you. you are so funny and one of the few people who makes me "laugh irl" hehe. your voice and laugh is very sensual and they give me tingles and i get goosebumps when we are in vc together. i remember our first vc together still and that's a solid memory for me. you're on of my closest friends on this site and i know im v annoying but you take care of me like a mom and its so cute hehe. im very bad at opinion stuff but i love you a lot and im grateful we are friends and that you arent sick me. overall nice hairy feet
over 5 years

superspooky says

Charley and the chocolate factory,

lmfao i think of char, omfg that gives me an idea

over 5 years

aquarius says


hi grace, im so proud of you for recovering and starting your new job and i hope you are doing well. i miss you as a mod because you were really great for the community but you did what you had to do. you're very positive and i dont think I've ever seen you be mean to anyone which is hard to find on this website. we dont talk much and we aren't very close but either way i wish the best for you in everything <3
over 5 years

Alyssa says

im gay for sydney

hi alyssa :))) i dont know you super well but i think we clicked pretty fast as friends and you are so cute and i want to get to know you better some day :) i wish i had more to say but i think you are great hehe
over 5 years

leb says


hi im glad that we are friends again after i came back. i know i put you through some stuff i shouldn't have and im deeply sorry for that and im so happy you don't hate me for it gutbhjfn. i think you are a lovely person and you deserve good things. you seem a lot happier than since i first met you and whatever is making you happy i hope it continues. i always thought of you as like a suck up kind of, but you are your own person and even if you are a suck up (not rlly hehe) it's okay. you have a great personality. also i love your dogs esp bentley. overall, dont impregnate charley and you are a great person and i wish only the best for you
over 5 years

mitra says


hi you are my OLDEST em friend bhvdm. you are such a kind and sweet soul and so beautiful and i hope you are thriving in life bc you really deserve it. im glad you and i stayed as friends bc i know i lost a lot of mutual friends we had but i appreciate a lot you stuck around as my friend. you are such a positive person and it radiates onto everyone i feel like. my first em memories was with you and emolu and i miss those days with less drama. overall the sweetest fu,cking person on this site, beautiful, caring ugh the list goes on and on. i can easily call you one of my best friends if we get closer again, ily :)
over 5 years
over 5 years
medhaToday at 7:20 PM
syd add me to your thread
over 5 years
gib opinion
over 5 years
pop lock and drop it
over 5 years
Charley and the chocolate factory,

lmfao i think of char, omfg that gives me an idea
over 5 years
over 5 years
im gay for sydney
over 5 years
over 5 years
over 5 years

syd says

Citadel says

ow noes.

first of all, stop slandering me okay thanks. i dont know you super well but i think you are fun to talk to and also really nice and i would like to have a closer friendship maybe :D also i like your fake american accent and i wish you would let me have benny as my best friend ):. overall slanders me daily

cItA sTOp sLAnDeRiNG mE
over 5 years

Citadel says

ow noes.

first of all, stop slandering me okay thanks. i dont know you super well but i think you are fun to talk to and also really nice and i would like to have a closer friendship maybe :D also i like your fake american accent and i wish you would let me have benny as my best friend ):. overall slanders me daily