over 5 years

hi, this is and opinion/ama thread, but also im just going to treat it as my personal blog ok ty

over 5 years
onion me
over 5 years

tzin says

gib opinion <3

I don't really know you?? if this is an alt let me know, but you seem like a really nice person other than that whole drama with ivana in the server could have been avoided had you not jumped to conclusions so quickly (im assuming thats what happened.) I don'tl ike that you pm'd me saying something completely out of context from that argument either. Other than that - yeah, i think you are lovely from what ive seen in the server.
over 5 years

thecolonel says

Opinion please!!

I don't know you at all. The only thing I know about you is that you are a huge troll and you make me feel rlly uncomfortable sometimes and you were srsly mean to me in the past. Recently based on your posts you seem to have grown out of that and you do seem like a genuinely nice guy so i hope it just stays that way
over 5 years

mindful says

hello lolcharles

hello daycare,

god we go way back, don't we? lmao. You're the person i've known longest on the site that I still consider a friend.

You are a very sweet, genuine, caring person. You will go above and beyond for the people you care about and make sure they are okay and i respect you so much for that. I miss you a lot and the times in the girl chat because they are honestly some of my fav memories from this site. Whenever I felt attacked or hurt by someone you were always the first person to defend me. I honestly cannot say anything bad about you other than sometimes when you messaged me I knew it was you trying to find out the tea LMAO but i cant blame you for that. I still remember when you were first going to meet josh and were pm'ing me like HELP ME IDK WHAT TO DO lmao it was honestly so funny and adorable i just love you swan <3 _ <3
over 5 years

bazzainver says

why don't u like me

because ur ugly

okay anyways, you are one of my favourites. I love that we can chat for hours about all the tea lmao we are like two old women. Even when we weren't close/knew one another well i found it so easy to talk to you the conversation just flowed so naturally no small talk which is a huge plus with me you just make me feel really comfortable around you honestly could chat sh*t with you all day. I love playing mafia with you because you make it enjoyable just by being in the game.

The only negative things I have to say about you is that I think you are too trusting/naive when it comes to certain people/situations you basically wear your heart on a sleeve ur honestly so adorable lmao, and that you're a huge epicmafia hoe - stop pimping urself out to egirls u beta cuck

tldr; ur an amazing person rlly fun to be around and ily
over 5 years
pls make my comment into an answer + opinion pls tank u
over 5 years
I have a question in the "ask me anything" format of this thread.

What is your opinion of... yourself?
over 5 years

MisterPresident says

Opinion me

rutab, my favourite farmyard animal.

I respect you so much you hold good morals and opinion on things and even though we do rarely speak i do consider you someone very close to me on this site. You're so fun to be around and I know that when you are being nice its genuine. I also love that you fill me in on ur relationship its honestly the cutest thing. Whenever something is happening on the site that worries you or requires a mod urgently you always reach out right away which i respect so much.

i have nothing bad to say about you you are an absolute darling and i hope u get everything u want in life
over 5 years

mindful says

hello lolcharles

over 5 years

meowmeulin says

hewo ^o^

hi meu!

we have never really spoke to one another other than that time you confided in me about a certain person and based on that and what ari has told me you are a very sweet caring girl and i don't get any bad vibes from you at all. You seem so delicate that even when we didn't rlly know one another i rushed to support you . p.s. i love ur profiles u r a sweetheart
over 5 years

Alyssa says

be mean abt my mod skills :doge: (opinion pls)

hi gf, sorry i skipped you i didn't notice your comment.. pls forgive me im smol.

I think you are an absolute angel and i love that we just spammed jfk together because its the first time i've spoke to you outside of mod related things lmao and i'd love for that to continue because you seem really fun. We have never spoke one on one wow...but i still love you as a person so much?? that says a lot about you. You're great. Sweet, caring down to earth human with great values <3 _ <3

pls lets become besties and tell each other our secrets.
over 5 years

MisterPresident says

Skip to me too
What a long wait :(

over 5 years

char says

CanterburyEgg says

I feel like your opinions on me aren't particularly deep but I want em anyways

Mate, its because i don't know you. i've played with you a few times and your reads as town are quite good. You seem like a genuine down to earth guy.

but ur vernacular is vernaculary
over 5 years

CanterburyEgg says

I feel like your opinions on me aren't particularly deep but I want em anyways

Mate, its because i don't know you. i've played with you a few times and your reads as town are quite good. You seem like a genuine down to earth guy.
over 5 years

Zofia says

Hej, may I have a short and sweet one?

I love that you continue to make set ups for every one to have fun and that you genuinely love this site even if it is trash also continue to pm me i will always upvote ur set ups, mwah. Short and sweet just like you.
over 5 years

Sasuke says

wow give me an opinion

When we first met i was 100% convinced you hated me, but apparently you didn't lol. You're such an alpha female and i love that about you and i genuinely love playing mafia with you because your reads as town are 10/10 and its interesting to see how you accumulated those reads. You make me laugh in the epicmafia server a lot and I think you are a really nice person.

Generic opinion because we don't really know one another.
over 5 years
I feel like your opinions on me aren't particularly deep but I want em anyways
over 5 years
Hej, may I have a short and sweet one?
over 5 years

alexandra says

pls opinion

Okay, I thought about just writing a quick opinion with all positives, but i figured I need to be honest, right? I'll start by saying when we aren't modding together I absolutely love you and you are an angel lmao also you're the mod i trust most i wanna add that.

Back in the sitd days i freaking hated you. You were just this b*tch who joined my games and demanded guns and would suicide if your boyfriend died n1 LOOOL you also used to act so freaking obnoxious because you always shot maf (u pro) lmao, but you came back i wanna say 1 year ago? unsure and you applied to be a rolemod and my entire opinion on you changed.

I respect you a lot.
You have good opinions and v.good morals and you always stand up for what you feel is right. I think we are a lot a like in the sense that we tend to become very emotional while in an argument or maybe thats just with certain people...:eyes: ok anyways, I think you are very sweet and caring and you will go above and beyond for the people you love. You're honestly such a sweet heart.

Okay, negatives...
b*tch you lied to me and told me someone voted to not let me in your server and it was you all a long pfft. LOOOL, but this ties into my negative. Don't hold back on stuff like this it makes me feel as though you would be nasty behind my back and nice to my face which kinda sucks because i respect you so much. You helped me a lot with boy issues and honestly if it werent for what you and emily both said to me it could have probably been a lot more painful so honestly i love you both a hell of a lot for that.

tldr you are amazing and beautiful inside and out.
over 5 years

bazzainver says

why don't u like me

cuz u keep banning and unbanning yourself
over 5 years

D3xTr0m3th0rph4n says

HIT me with it charley

My first impression of you was that you were some creepy old dude that came on epicmafia to prey on women. I'll start by saying I don't think that anymore however a lot of the things you say irritate me. Your opinion on certain things and your morals just really don't sit well with me. We have never really spoke 1 on 1 and if we have it wasn't memorable.

I'm always on edge around you because I get the vibe that you are very calculated in everything you say and do (this is purely based on when you message me about mod related things.) I also feel like you hate me tbh and although we spoke about this recently and you said you don't I just can't help but still have that feeling.

tldr my entire opinion on you could be changed if we ever actually had a real conversation. I don't know you.
over 5 years
gib opinion <3
over 5 years
Opinion please!!
over 5 years
emily wants an opinion but her mobile sucks
over 5 years

eadin says


My first impression of you was that you were very mean to people in the server for no reason, but i quickly learned you're just as sarcastic as me I just couldn't see it lmao. I think you can be quite immature at times, but who isn't? I know i am. I think you're very smart and I respect your opinion on a lot of the disgusting sh*t said in the em server. Some of the things you say legit make me laugh out loud which isn't easy to do. I think you're a good person overall and we should talk more!!!

fave new rolemod