over 5 years

hi, this is and opinion/ama thread, but also im just going to treat it as my personal blog ok ty

over 5 years
and yes i'm asking for an opinion
over 5 years
hello lolcharles
over 5 years

syd says

okay and emma!!

I don't really know you personally and literally just found out who you were a month ago lmao so this opinion is going to be purely based on things I have heard/seeing you interact in the epicmafia server.

You seem like a very chill girl and everybody seems to love you because i've only ever heard good things about you, but when i did reach out to you to start a convo because you got close to someone i care about a lot you blatantly ignored me which is honestly fine because I hate small talk and the convo was really dry and unenjoyable. I do get a vibe that you tend to stick to whoever is "popular" (god i hate that word,) but that could honestly just be because you're a nice girl, so people tend to gravitate towards you. If you ever wanna chat just reach out im rlly nice hardy har har

oh, also ur very pretty!
deletedover 5 years
why don't u like me
over 5 years

syd says


medha.. why did you trust steve???? ahhh

Okay, I feel as though I need to protect you from the world because you are so naive and trusting but i think that is because of your age - I automatically took on a big sisterly role in our friendship, so with that being said I feel as though I can say what I am about to say and you not take it too offesively because I say it out of love - Please stop trying to fit into every "clique." What I mean by this is you jump from friend group to friend group with "gossip." If you hear something about someone you rush to ask someone about it or tell someone else which is honestly a big part of the reason as to why I do not trust you, it's almost like you just want to feel loved and included by everything, again i think this is just an age thing. I think you can be very two-faced also, but you are a very sweet girl and I hope you grow out of this. I loved listening to you read on call it was honestly so relaxing and you're so freaking hilarious sometimes whenever i'm on call to you and sam i just laugh for days. MWAH.

When you were a rolemod you were very hard working it was so freaking adorable (i still miss you.)
over 5 years
Skip to me too
What a long wait :(
over 5 years
Opinion me
over 5 years

Chinatsu says

Show me your worst.

okay, hi, hello.
I'm going to start with a positive and end with a positive.

First of all, i love how straight up you are. You aren't twofaced and will just tell people exactly how you feel, so with you what you see is what you get which is a great quality to have imo. I don't know if what I'm about to say next is considered leaking but :shrug: When a certain situation came up in a server with someone i consider very close to me I did lose a lot of respect for you as they were only trying to learn I think you're a bit of a b*tch basically, you need to chill, its okay to be forward and say what you think, but try and be constructive about it. I've heard things that make me very wary of you in fact, sometimes i think you are genuinely crazy lmao - sorry. You are very hard working and I do respect you a whole lot despite the negatives i said.
over 5 years
hewo ^o^
over 5 years

Ozil says

leb says

ok sure

last for the best

honestly a king
over 5 years
wow give me an opinion
over 5 years

Citadel says

Did someone say they're offering onions?

Idek if you're asking for an opinion, but you're getting one.

When I first started playing with you I thought you were really chill and fun to be around and I do still love playing with you even if you don't play as much now, but when you trophied/became a mod idk what happened you changed a lot I don't know if its because you became "known/popular" or what, but you have become very..obnoxious. You also used to be nice to noobs in games, and you've become very impatient and mean (aka u have become me,) and it's sad because I love that you are such a genuinely lovely person other than all of that you are very kind and treat the people you care about well. You're really easy to talk to, and I'm glad I can consider you my friend even if we barely speak outside of the mod chat - hey let's change that? ok bye

p.s. I love the bromance you and benny have it is freaking adorable.
over 5 years

leb says

ok sure

last for the best
over 5 years
ok sure
over 5 years
pls opinion
over 5 years

muki says

ok sure

u can wait its too long
over 5 years

syd says

okay im ready for an opinion, shred me to pieces

Okay syd I wanna start by saying I love you and I consider you one of my favourite people on this website and anything negative i do say is because i care about you.

You are a mess.
It worries me a lot and im not sure what i can do to help you. I'm pretty sure a lot of the things you do are for attention (who doesn't love a bit of attention?) Whenever you say something I often question if you fully thought out what you wrote before you sent it lmao. You act a lot on your emotion which is okay, but when you ask to be banned or you leave a server it can become like "ahh sh*t here we go again." You want to be liked by every one, but you are also a b*tch to a lot of people LMAO you can't have it both ways sis, but im pretty sure you're only ever mean when you let your emotions get the better of you. You need to take 3 deep breaths and take a step back from the situation before reacting (lol im a hypocrite but its okay.) Okay, and while im being real honest i may as well just say it - you're life is so dramatic sometimes i question if what you are saying is true or just solely for attention.

That being said, you are a really good person and i do believe when it comes to the people you care about you have only good intentions. You're so unintentionally funny some times you have made me lol a lot. It's also crazy how much we have in common. I'll just wrap this up by saying you are amazing and if you ever need someone to confide in or just vent to im always here. I love you.
over 5 years
HIT me with it charley
over 5 years

Milton1234 says

hi can i hear your opinion about me pls? ty :)

I'll start by saying I'm still not fully convinced you aren't a banned user.

I think when you joined this site you went about everything the wrong way I'm assuming it's because you want to be a mod? Idk, but when people are modded their reputation is a huge factor in the decision, and with you reporting every one for everything and going out of your way to try and find people breaking rules just so you could report them was extremely stupid imo, and honestly very calculated. I'm assuming you still want to be a mod, but sorry to say i dont think it will happen because of this. Other than that you are very nice to everyone in the server and you are trying hard to be friends with everyone now, so i hope it all works out for you.
over 5 years
appreciate it
over 5 years

NCRAW says


Okay i want to start by telling you that i do love you and i think you're an awesome person, so please don't hate me for being honest.

You're a very chill person and it is extemeley easy to get lost in convo with you and open up (not that i ever have i've just noticed,) but i get the feeling I shouldn't trust you sometimes because you're SOOO friendly with everyone which i know should never be seen as a bad thing, but it gets my back up because I automatically assume a person like that is fake, but i have no other reason to think you're fake other than that - maybe ur just a rlly nice person. Basically what I'm saying is you're too nice LMAO idk.

You are super pretty probably the prettiest girl on this site, but you know you are too and i kinda love that about you -own it!! You're a massive flirt like insanely huge flirt lmao.

Despite what I first said you are one of my favourite mods / people to play on this site with!!!

oh, also ur cute af and i just realised i dont know you well enough to give a good opinion and i love ur insta posts
over 5 years
over 5 years

Ozil says


Oh, I skipped you...hardy har har. I love playing mafia with you good times all around. You are such a nice person I can't think of a single bad thing to say about you apart from I can never read if you are being sarcastic or not so I do take a lot of the things you say the wrong way a lot, but that's my issue, not yours. You are an excellent mod, and you do care about the site which is nice to know that you aren't just around to be able to say "ayy im a mod." We don't speak that much outside of mafia games tbh, and when I stopped playing as much the Avengers ended :((((let's play more ur great, but u smell
over 5 years

staypositivefriend says

ok sure

hi, I don't really know you well enough to give a reasonable opinion, but I've only ever heard good things about you, so based on that and the debates you have had that I witnessed I would say you are a good person. Whenever I play mafia with you-you can come across as quite obnoxious some times (hypocritical because same lol,) but I'm not judging you for it. You aren't involved in any drama or anything like that, so I honestly have nothing bad to say about you. Although you spam your mafia games with the same group of people and it irritates me as a cheating mod asdfgfds lmao
over 5 years

Alyssa says

dot says

is emma banned.......

perma banned :(

she asked me to post for her !!!!