Things are good!~ I notice you haven't been online much lately there, haha... I got lynched in the game, but that's okay, because I'm SK at a game at SF right at this very moment. :p I found it so highly interesting that, after almost three years of never getting serial killer in forum games, I pulled the role in both of the games that I was in at the same time. It was truly wonderful~ I'M HOPING SO MUCH TO WIN THE OTHER GAME, WOOO! How are things on your end, anyhow? Feeling better? I hope so~ you're still an honorary member of my family, btw.
lol u r right u suck but I felt bad cuz junter was so mean to u n u don't dsrv that no matter how much u suck :p ttyt enjoy ur 10 hr dindin <3
deletedover 13 years
>ramb back MOTHER OF GOD
deletedover 13 years
I think you're a great player :p
deletedover 13 years
You are such a bad fucking player.
deletedover 13 years
FUCK I accidentally +kd u n now it won't let me have it back >:(
YOU DID NOT EARN THAT KARMA AND I WANT IT BACK let's play a game together baby so I can neg u so hard.
deletedover 13 years
one day I will serenade u with my mock chicken song and YOU WILL LOVE IT. hehe u should see Calvin playin with his pumpkin booties lol he hates them bahaha. i am gonna b missin yoooou this weekend mister. don't forget all about me :p
deletedover 13 years
lmao YES THEY ARE u dbl posted lolol how dare em try to rip us apart! I'm excited to hear my serenade :p