Yaaay, I had a wonderful night. I'm still sleepy though, and I have also been very busy this week and I am falling asleep in public places like all the time
deletedalmost 14 years
dude private information is private. I am telling lucid u outted my personal shit n u are in troubles now
deletedalmost 14 years
oh yay - guess who is back in black and all up on the internet and what not? :P I'll give you two guesses.
deletedalmost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
was khnm ever so vindictive? i sure wouldn't be all that humiliated by losing to khnm ;)
lol chill knows the drill <3 she'll know you're a big fat liar. I didn't mention that she knew the drill because she didn't know the drill. clearly she knows the drill and she is chill so the drill is known.
Hahahaha, I've been very happy lately and full of inspiration. I just hope you're doing all right. Snowvillage is the amazingest.
deletedalmost 14 years
u realize msn doesn't have a 1 minute wait period inbetween me spamming u with nothingness right?
if you're so worried about being too distracted because of the mass amounts of people that will message you... I'll understand if you go on appear offline and online talk to me :P dinko
oh also i have to get my swearing out at you now FUCK FUCK SHIT FUCK ASS COCK BALLS BITCH WHORE SLUT love u :P lol
deletedalmost 14 years
Cancer isn't funny.
Whats funny about my boyfriend dying of cancer? He tried to warn me about the router and I just wouldn't listen :(
you might find it creepy i replied so fast lol i just randomly had clicked my profile the exact same second you posted bahaha. *or ... im stalking you* whichever way u wana look @ it.. im not a fucking creep Elinor. I promise <3
deletedalmost 14 years
lmao fucking hate you... I don't have internet... fucking guy came to hook me up and didn't have the right key for some box he had to unlock so he left and hes like ya u have to call and tell them about the key and uhhh book another appointment... so i called and they told me not till the 31st of the month and then i raged a little and swore a little more and buddy is calling me back tomorrow to see if they can RUSH order me some internet and what not :( so sad though. Come on msn so i can distract you better from your "busy" month looool ALSO wheres my 5 minstory?! and it's not 3:07 ?
deletedalmost 14 years
↑↓→↑←↔ impressed yet?
deletedalmost 14 years
What would possess KHNM to play so many ranked games?
both guesses were wrong.
i hate you now.