

Silly random - or + karma's. Got something to say, whether good or bad, then say it.

over 13 years
Lol, I definitely did not cheat. Nor do I ever.
over 13 years
-K for cheating
over 13 years
Interesting how you tell me to 'grow up' after you fly into a fury due to a miscalculated risk causing us to lose one game when we should have done a hypocop anyways. You're funny. Arrogant, too. This conversation solves nothing, though; don't you have a games to play and mistakes to rage at? Run along now.
over 13 years
I deleted your comments simply because you were rude. The table is recorded there in recent games for all to see. I would prove you wrong; but I owe nothing to you, and rising to you would only further your goals for a reaction out of me. If you truly want to see how I play, look at some of the other tables as well. Big risk means either big wins or big losses.
over 13 years
Of course. My logic was flawed. I took a risky play. Everybody makes mistakes. And I love how you seem to base your entire opinion of my play skill along the lines of one game. I'd ask you to please mature a bit before you start spouting insults at people you've barely met.
over 13 years
I already explained my logic and reasoning. I took a risky play, I'll admit it. However understand this; it's only a game, and only one heart at that. Stop getting your panties in a twist.